
Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

author:Henan Metropolis Channel
Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

This morning

Linzhou post-80s female police officer Ding Ling

It has been officially completed in Henan Provincial Cancer Hospital

Hematopoietic stem cell donation

This glorious moment

She has been waiting for 15 years

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Ding Ling, born in 1984, is a female bailiff in the Linzhou Court's Judicial Police Brigade. Not only is she beautiful in appearance, Ding Ling has always been enthusiastic about helping others, and often signs up for volunteer services in the unit.

Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

One day in 2006, Ding Ling saw people from the Red Cross promoting hematopoietic stem cell donation in Hongqiqu Square. Through their stories, Ding Ling learned that there were many blood disease patients who suffered from pain because they could not be matched successfully. With the desire to do her best to save the lives of others, she filled out a donation volunteer form on the spot, and collected blood samples to become a hematopoietic stem cell volunteer donor.

In August, Ding Ling received a call from the Red Cross saying she had successfully matched a blood patient and asking if she would be willing to donate. After 15 years of waiting, Ding Ling finally got an echo, Ding Ling agreed to come down, and adjusted her physical state according to the instructions of the staff.

Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

It was not until the donation date was determined that Ding Ling told her colleagues and family about the incident. Ding Ling's son in elementary school said: "We support you, and I am proud to have such a brave and kind mother as you!" ”

Ding Ling's good deeds have also won the respect of leading colleagues, Wang Jian, secretary of the party group and president of the Linzhou court, said: "Comrade Ding Ling went to Zheng to donate hematopoietic stem cells, which is the glory and pride of the Linzhou court, we must do our best to help her eliminate her worries, and call on all the cadres and policemen of the hospital to learn from Comrade Ding Ling and let the flame of love be passed on." ”

Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

This morning (November 2nd), Ding Ling, accompanied by her family, completed hematopoietic stem cell donation and became the 1,040th hematopoietic stem cell donor in Henan.

She said: "The probability of success in matching is one in ten thousand, or even more than one in 100,000, I hope that through my donation, I can drive more people to join the team of hematopoietic stem cell volunteers and continue the hope of life!" ”

Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

Netizen Comments:

It's really more beautiful

Ding Ling, you are so beautiful
Ding Ling, you are so beautiful

There is great love in the heart

Selfless dedication

Kudos to Ding Ling!

Reporter: Tao Ye

Please indicate the source of reprint: [Henan City Channel]

Editor: Liu Wanru Editor-in-Chief: Han Xiaodan Supervisor: Ma Xiaohong

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