
Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

author:Lord Shibu
Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:
Now the fruit is more and more expensive, with the continuous growth of the variety of fruits, our choice is also more and more, and with the rapid development of e-commerce, the collection of fruits around the world, it can be said that "only can not think of eating, there is no fruit that can not be bought", for most young people, as long as the conditions allow, the price is right, can buy the desired fruit.

However, physical stores, e-commerce is good, for the price of durian, always prohibitive, want to eat but also have to consider it before starting, like the golden pillow durian, especially Malaysia's Musang King is really expensive, but the taste also makes people "always worry about".

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Why durian is so expensive, the following with the small editor, let's understand the durian tree.

Durian is known as the "king of fruits", some people say that there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is to love to eat durian, one is not to love to eat durian, do not love to eat to avoid fear, love to eat will be addicted.

The smell of durian is endlessly evocative and addictive, but the smell of durian makes people retreat and avoid it, it is like a thorn on the body, making it impossible to bite, and approaching it requires a good challenge spirit.

The unique taste of durian can always scare away many people, but it still has a bad "fan", especially its taste like ice cream, very delicate and soft, enough sweetness, with the more you eat the more fragrant the taste, enough to make people eat more and more addictive, eat durian to eat to the point of support.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Some friends will think that eating durian will cause bad breath, and the fruit of durian will never be placed in front of two small couples. "In fact, durian does not stink, but the fragrance is too strong", in memory, this is a friend who loves durian, while eating durian with endless memories, while saying to other people who can't stand the 'smell' of durian.

The reason why the smell of durian is prohibitive, in fact, for durian, its taste is enough to reach the level of "releasing itself", just like its sharp shell and strong taste, it is very willful, like a few meters to smell its fragrance, do not like the square circle to smell its smell, can be called "biological and chemical weapons".

Originally, the smell of durian is not broken, is the durian itself contains sulfur compounds, which is also the main source of durian odor, the taste of sulfide is close to the smell of rotten onions, stinky tofu, sulfur, durian and sublimate this smell to the height of "not seeking the most beautiful, but seeking the most smelly", I really don't know whether to be moved by the spirit of durian, or should be praised for the courage of people who eat durian.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

I have to say that although durian smells bad, but its nutritional value is very high, durian pulp contains many trace elements, not only delicious, but also nourish the skin, and its shell and core also have a certain medicinal effect.

According to researchers, when the durian is ripe, this strong smell is important to promote the spread of seeds, its strong smell can attract elephants and orangutans and other scaly animals, durian flesh is eaten by animals, the dropped cores fall to the ground and take root, and grow into a towering tree after a few years.

In the face of durian, this "tempting" fruit, I don't know how many friends, pinching their noses, while rejecting its smell, but also tasting its delicious, entangled and addictive, and how to avoid its taste, I am afraid this is a difficult problem for eternity.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

The nutritional composition of durian

Durian belongs to the tropical evergreen tree, the height of the tree is generally about 18 meters, durian tree has extremely harsh conditions for the surrounding environment, the temperature and humidity of the region is not up to standard, durian is difficult to seed, therefore, its origin in Malaysia, planting areas are distributed in Southeast Asian countries, in our country of Guangdong and Hainan Province and other parts of the planted.

The common durian color is brown, its hard and prickly skin can not wrap its smell, and the pale yellow flesh, soft and sweet taste, have repeatedly highlighted its maverick, huge fruit, occupies an absolute position on the fruit stall, let people see it at a glance, but for its refusal to be thousands of miles away from the smell, but always full of entanglement.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Among them, Thailand is the country with the largest production of durian, if you like durian friends, a trip to Thailand, you will definitely experience the satisfaction of durian to eat, durian can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Thailand, cheap to surprise the price, is the characteristics of Thailand.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

A ripe durian weighs about 5 pounds, and such a weight is grown on the tree, it is difficult to imagine what kind of tree can withstand such a huge "fruit"?

This may be one of the reasons why the durian tree is so tall.

Durian fruit is large and fruity, the fruit is hard, densely packed with triangular spines, which has layers of false seed skins to the flesh, and after breaking it open, you can see the attractive pale yellow flesh, sticky and juicy durian, and a fruit with unique economic value.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

First, the growth of durian trees

"Durian fruit on the durian tree, you and I under the durian tree." The meaning of this sentence is that because the various characteristics of the durian tree make the durian fruit not so easy to grow, then you and I under the durian tree can only silently wait for the fruit of the noble durian tree! Enough to explain one of the reasons why durian is so expensive, that is, the long maturity cycle of durian trees.

Durian tree is different from other fruit trees, its planting density is not high, because the durian tree is particularly large, a tree needs to cover an area of about twenty square meters, an acre of land can plant about 666 trees, in fact, it is not so, durian tree planting density is not high.

A durian tree, pleasing to all, its dense branches, bustling with small fruits, looking around, there are at least four or five hundred durian fruits on a tree.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Planting durian requires enough patience, a durian tree from seedling to growth takes about 3-5 years, some even 6-8 years to bear fruit, and the larger the durian fruit, it means that the longer the durian tree hangs fruit, and some durian trees take about 18 years to hang fruit.

For such a long time, even if a durian tree is full of four or five hundred durian fruits, the growers need to wait for a long time to be able to wait for the moment of the harvest, and it is not durian that is expensive, it is the waiting time.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Second, the difficulty of picking

Naturally ripe durian, after ripening will naturally fall from the tree, in order to ensure the storage and integrity of durian, fruit farmers can only climb to the canopy of more than ten meters high with their bare hands in advance, and use scissors to cut off the ripe durian, this picking process is extremely dangerous.

The ripening period of durian fruit is almost the same, hundreds of durian fruits on a tree, often concentrated in a period of time ripening, and durian once ripened the peel will quickly crack, a few days will fall from the tree more than ten meters high, leaving the time for fruit growers to pick durian fruit is not long.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Third, the psychology of consumers

There are only a few countries in the world that can produce durian, with the thousands of miles of transportation delivery, some market factors, making durian very expensive, just like the taste of durian, stimulating the consumer psychology of buyers.

Often the more expensive the price, the more attractive it is to buy and taste the uniqueness of durian, durian has become a status symbol, many people do not really like to eat durian, but it seems very embarrassing not to eat.

In fact, ordinary durian is not expensive, because the production of durian in our country is not high, completely dependent on imports, such as Thailand's golden pillow a pound is about 30 yuan, and Malaysia's Musang King is really expensive, 150 yuan / kg, but the taste is really good, and in the northern region of our country, the price of a pound of durian, even higher than the price of a pound of ribs.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

Durian naturally ripe and ripening taste is different, how to choose?

The difference between durian natural ripening and ripening is very large, when selecting, one is to look at the color, the mature color will show a golden yellow, and the ripe durian will have a faint green.

Or is it from the smell that the naturally cooked durian odor emits a unique fresh and elegant smell, while the naturally cooked durian will have a fruit ripening agent smell.

Durian is naturally cooked and ripe, from the taste can also be distinguished, naturally cooked durian eats like ice cream, sweet taste authentic, and ripe durian, eat the taste is completely different, there is a bitter feeling.

Durian, which can be called "biological and chemical weapons", has four or five hundred durians on a tree, why is it still so expensive, the growth habit of durian and why durian is so expensive in the mature season, in fact, there are the following reasons:

In short, although durian is good, but the sugar content is also very high, it is not recommended that friends with high blood sugar eat more.

(Image from the Internet, infringing deletion)