
Memories of the older generation - the legends and stories of cattle, as well as historical memories and unique cultures

author:Teach the master to watch anime

Ground yak cattle, Chinese medicine name, alias sand dragon, upside down dog, sleeping worm, sand valley cattle, sand cow, ant lion, golden sand cow, ground arch, sand cat. Spicy, salty, flat and toxic. It is a larvae of the yellow-footed antfly of the antfly family. The body of the insect is earthy yellow and dirty brown, mostly translucent shell, very few internal organs, and there are black-brown patterns on the body. Adults live in grass and fly more often at dusk, and the larvae live in dry sandy soil, camp funnel-like burrows, lurk at the bottom of the burrows, and wait for small insects to fall in, that is, prey. It is distributed in South China, Taiwan, Sichuan and other places. It has the effect of dripping, paramesis, soft and firm elimination, pulling out poison and removing rot. It is often used for sand shower, malaria, malaria mother, celiac block, fistula tuberculosis, and pubic gangrene for a long time.

Memories of the older generation - the legends and stories of cattle, as well as historical memories and unique cultures

Figure 1 Ground yak, Chinese medicine name, alias sand dragon, upside-down dog, sleeping worm, sand valley cow, sand cow, ant lion, golden sand cow, ground arch, sand cat. Spicy, salty, flat and toxic. It is a larvae of the yellow-footed antfly of the antfly family. It is distributed in South China, Taiwan, Sichuan and other places. It has the effect of dripping, paramesis, soft and firm elimination, pulling out poison and removing rot. It is often used for sand shower, malaria, malaria mother, celiac block, fistula tuberculosis, and pubic gangrene for a long time

First, the legend and story of the earth yak

Legend has it that there are stone skin and salt jar two brothers busy spending the Dragon Boat Festival, the traditional custom is to insert "mugwort" at the door of the house, mugwort is also a traditional Chinese medicine, eat when you are young, eat bad stomach, like what accumulation of food, skin itching can be drunk and washed with mugwort, some times really work, this is a small medicine handed down from generation to generation. There is also the Xionghuang wine of the Dragon Boat Festival, which also has a story.

Mainly the stone throwing skin to explain the salt jar to do things, first told him to cut mugwort, the result is half mugwort, half is water artemisia, so that the stone throwing skin has to cut it himself, confess the salt jar to run to the wine to come back to the wine to drink, the result of the salt jar came back early, sitting in the doorway bored, just saw the corner of the wall there is a "ground yak", this land yak you may have played when you were a child, grab the yak and slip "the ground yak, the ground yak quickly came out to drink wine, you take a sip, I take a bite, after drinking together to turn over the head. The salt jar thought about drinking while grabbing the ground and the cattle, unconsciously drunk himself, and when the stone threw back the skin, he found that the two pounds of wine had been drunk by the salt jar.

Second, the "earth yak" toy in the memory of the father's generation is now a precious medicinal material.

In the 30 years ago, in the countryside, especially after 60, 70, 80 have seen a particularly playful small animal, every household in the countryside is still an earthen house, bungalows are almost invisible, around the earthen house, there are always a lot of small mounds, especially under the eaves around the earthen house. When it is dry, there will be some small nests on the mound, and this "small nest" hides a small thing, and in the past, rural children liked to dig up these mounds, and then grab out the things inside and put them on the dirt as toys. We all call it the ground yak. If you are not familiar with the "ground yak", "sand cow", "golden sand cow", "ground sand po", "retrogressive worm" are also its nicknames.

In fact, this "monster" is the larvae of the ant lion, and the fossils of the anthurist family were first found in the bottom layer of the late Jurassic period, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are "living fossils".

In the last century, when science and technology were not developed, many rural children liked to tinker with this small animal, which naturally became a common memory of rural children. Catching this species, in fact, there is a trick, you need to read a "mantra", it is strange to say, many times after "chanting the mantra", the ant lion will come out. However, the "mantras" in different places are not the same, there are chants "pour, pour, pour", there are chants "cows push back", "ground yaks please come out for a glass of wine", "earth yaks come out, come out to drink wine", "purr", these are some of the more characteristic "mantras", in fact, there are many, many are children's improvisations. We were reading: "Cows are obedient, take you to the street, buy a steamed bun, make you feel crooked." Looking back now, it makes people laugh.

Ant lions, also known as sand monkeys, sand cattle, etc., belong to the order Pulmonaceae, the family Offinchaceae, and are called "antflies" after adults, with dark gray or dark brown bodies throughout, transparent wings and densely covered with reticulated wing veins. The adult ant lion is called "ant fly", the whole body is dark gray or dark brown, the wings are transparent and densely covered with reticulated wing veins, it looks a bit like a small dragonfly, which is particularly beautiful, but many rural children do not know that its larvae are originally ground yaks!

Memories of the older generation - the legends and stories of cattle, as well as historical memories and unique cultures

Figure 2 30 years ago, it was the "ground yak" toy in the memory of the fathers, and now it is a precious medicinal herb, the main value of the ground yak is medicinal, can be used for the treatment of such as high blood pressure, urinary stones, gallstones, osteomyelitis, vasculitis, otitis media and so on. Over the years, the value of this bug has become higher and higher

But now with the demolition of rural mud-walled houses, the number of such bugs is becoming smaller and smaller, and it is almost impossible to see. In most rural areas, the bugs have disappeared. Decades ago, this bug was not valuable, but in recent years, the value of this bug has become higher and higher.

The main value of the ground yak is medicinal, which can be used to treat such as hypertension, urinary stones, gallstones, osteomyelitis, vasculitis, otitis media and so on. In the folk, this bug is generally ground into powder to treat tinnitus or otitis media. At present, the number of this insect is very small, and it is almost impossible to cultivate artificially, so its value is also extremely high. According to the understanding, the price of ground yak cattle is calculated according to two calculations, one or two dry goods will sell at least 100 yuan, if calculated according to the pound, a pound is estimated to sell more than 1,000 yuan, which shows how high the value of this kind of thing is.

Third, the unique culture of Qianjiang - ground yak beef kimchi

According to the "National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine" record, the product tissue is delicate, crystal clear, crisp and delicious, unique flavor, nutrition is very rich, not only good food but also has high medicinal value, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded: ground yak bile diuretic, sedation, moisturizing the lungs and kidneys, nourishing yin and blood and other functions, similar to Cordyceps sinensis, often eaten has a health effect, after meals can help digestion, after drinking to eat but also to dissolve alcohol. It is a rare natural food for liver and gallbladder, spleen and kidney.

Ground yak is also a specialty of the Qianjiang Apeng River, and its appearance resembles a pagoda, so it is also called pagoda dish. It has a crisp entrance, is a favorite appetizer for everyone, and enjoys a high reputation in the Wuling Mountain area. And the price is also affordable, it is an instant food for all ages. Ground yak is not only good food, but also has a high medicinal value, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" record: ground yak bile diuretic, sedative, moisturizing lungs and kidneys, nourishing yin and blood and other functions, similar to Cordyceps sinensis, often eaten has a health effect, after meals can help digestion, after drinking can also be relieved of alcohol. It is a rare natural food for liver and gallbladder, spleen and kidney.

Memories of the older generation - the legends and stories of cattle, as well as historical memories and unique cultures

Figure 3 Its medicinal value is recorded in the "National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine" and other books, and the ground yak is still a specialty of the Qianjiang Apeng River, and its appearance resembles a pagoda, so it is also called pagoda dish. It has a crisp entrance and is a favorite appetizer for everyone

It is understood that the ground yak, also known as the grass stone silkworm. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", the plant is sweet and rich in sustenose, protein, carbohydrates, amino acids and so on. The meat is crisp and tender, fiber-free, crystal clear, and refined using traditional folk kimchi preparation methods combined with modern technology. Grass silkworms are sporadically planted throughout the country, but due to differences in natural conditions such as climate, soil, water source, etc., the quality is not as good as the grass silkworms of Qianjiang, and the color of the processed series of products is not as bright as the grass silkworms of Qianjiang, crystal clear, and the taste is not as crisp and tender as the grass silkworms of Qianjiang, and the scale of planting and processing is not large, no brand and industrial chain have been formed, and the market competitiveness is not strong. The Qianjiang River is the main production area of grass silkworms in the country, and the quality of grass silkworms is good.


(1) National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine;

(2) Compendium of Materia Medica;

(3) "Taipei People";

(4) "An Unorthodox Naturalist";

(5) "Black Iron Age";

(6) "The Great Change in the Mountains and Countryside";

(7) "The Years gone by";

(8) Chinese Clinical Chinese Medicine;

(9) "A Book to Master the Geography of China";

(10) "The Encyclopedia of Folklore Taboos That Must Be Known".

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