
Chinese medicinal clam leaf potato clam leaf potato


Chinese medicinal clam leaf potato clam leaf potato

Pinyin há yè shǔ

Don't list the Savior, three hundred sticks

Source medicinal material base source: it is the rhizome of the potato family plant Kudzu.

Latin botanical mineral name: dioscotea chingii prain et burkill

Harvesting and storage: autumn and winter digging, removal of soil, washing, slicing, sun-dried or fresh use.

The original form of the mountain kudzu potato is wrapped around the grassy vine. The rhizome is transverse, stout, cylindrical, irregularly branched, and brownish-black on the surface. The stem is left-handed, smooth and glabrous. Single-leaf alternate; petioles are shorter than leaf leaves; the leaves at the base of the stem are usually ovate heart-shaped, above the middle of the long triangular heart, the apex is tapering or caudal, full margin, sometimes margin microwave-shaped, smooth and glabrous on both sides. The flowers are unisexual, hermaphroditic. Male inflorescences are spike-like or aggregated, sometimes branched, solitary, rarely 2-3 born in the leaf axils; male flowers have short stems, 2-6 clusters, rarely solitary, sparsely arranged on the inflorescence axis, the flower clusters are separated by 3-10 mm; the flowers are pale yellow when fresh, about 2 mm long, the base is connected to the synthetic tube, the apex is 6 lobes, the lobes are ovoid, shorter than the duvet tube; the stamens are 6, born at the base of the duvet tube, the filaments are about 1.25 mm long and curved outwards; the female inflorescence is similar to the male inflorescence; the female flowers have 6 filament-like vestigial stamens. The capsules are triangular, each winged nearly half-moon shape, 1.5–2 cm long and l.0–1.5 cm wide; the seeds are flattened and round, usually 2 per chamber, growing in the middle of the central axis of each chamber, with thin-film wings around them when ripe. The flowering period is from April to July, and the fruit period is from August to October.

Habitat sub-ecological environment: it grows in the shade of hillside shrubland or rock crevices below 600 m above sea level.

Resource distribution: Distributed in Guangxi.

The chemical composition tuber contains diosgenin 0.24%.

Spicy sexual taste; slightly sweet; flat; toxic

Functional indications for detoxification and loosening of knots; swelling and pain relief. Main lymphadenitis; bruises, swelling and pain

Dosage for internal use: decoction, 9-15g. Topical use: appropriate amount, mashed.

Excerpt from "Chinese Materia Medica"

Chinese medicinal clam leaf potato clam leaf potato
Chinese medicinal clam leaf potato clam leaf potato