
Agricultural enterprises in Jinpo Village in the northern boundary distributed more than 1,400 Garbo fruit seedlings free of charge to help rural revitalization

author:Two or three miles of information Maoming
Agricultural enterprises in Jinpo Village in the northern boundary distributed more than 1,400 Garbo fruit seedlings free of charge to help rural revitalization
Agricultural enterprises in Jinpo Village in the northern boundary distributed more than 1,400 Garbo fruit seedlings free of charge to help rural revitalization

Tourists flock to pick and taste the gerberries. Photo by Wang Xia, all-media reporter of Maoming Daily

Maoming Network News "Today received a free Garbo fruit seedling, we are all very happy. I heard that the benefits of planting these seedlings are very good, so I will quickly plant them when I go back. Recently, the villagers of Jinpo Village, Beijie Town, Xinyi City, received a special spring planting gift - Huaguan Family Farm distributed more than 1,400 high-quality Garbo fruit seedlings to them free of charge.

"It is to expand the planting area, help the local implementation of the provincial 'one village, one product, one town, one industry' project, and help rural revitalization." Chen Nanbo, head of Huaguan Family Farm, said that the garbo fruit seedlings given to the villagers for free this time are mainly two varieties of sabah and four seasons of garbo fruit, and the market price ranges from 30 to 90 yuan per seedling. The free seedling donation is to further improve the planting enthusiasm of the villagers, expand the scale of planting, and mobilize the villagers to participate in the development of the characteristic agricultural industry through the "one village, one product" project.

At huaguan family farm, the reporter saw that the villagers were selecting and carrying green fruit seedlings. "I heard that these garbo fruit have more functions, the health effect is better, and the planting efficiency is high, which can increase income, so everyone wants it." The villagers who received the fruit seedlings said happily.

Chen Nanbo also told reporters that since the beginning of 2015, he introduced nearly 2,000 Garbo saplings back to his hometown to plant and insisted on using a green and environmentally friendly ecological planting model. Today, the area of jiabao fruit planted has reached more than 100 mu, which has become the "one village, one product, one town and one industry" project in Guangdong Province in 2020. "Our orchard has been planted with organic fertilizer from now on, using solar insecticidal lamps, insect traps, and insect traps to catch insects, which is very environmentally friendly." Chen Nanbo also said that under the careful cultivation of local Garbo fruit trees, they have fully adapted to the local soil climate, and the annual output has increased by a certain extent.

According to reports, garbo fruit is native to Brazil, also known as tree grapes. Now Garbo fruit has become a "net red fruit", favored by more and more citizens. Garbo fruit has strong resistance to disease and insect pests, easy planting and management, and produces many fruits a year, and the yield of more productive trees can reach 200 catties per season. The economic benefits of Jiabao fruit are relatively good, and now the market price is sold for about 100 yuan a catty, and it can also be rough processed or deep processed, and the economic value is very high.

"Growing garbo fruit can increase the income of villagers and is an important project for our rural revitalization." Liu Yong, secretary of the village branch of Jinpo Village, told reporters that as an emerging characteristic agricultural industry, the local government will give certain help and support in terms of policies and funds, and at the same time, as an important project of "one village and one product" in the village, it will help rural revitalization.

At present, garbo fruit has entered the peak sales season, and even attracted many tourists from all over the world to come to pick and taste. The reporter saw that in Huaguan Family Farm, there are not only local tourists, but also tourists from Zhanjiang, Guangxi and other places, who have brought their families and friends together, and from time to time praise the delicious taste of Jiabao fruit. Many tourists operating micro-business also came to the scene to taste, and said that they would increase the promotion of Xinyi Jiabao Fruit.

It is reported that the ripening season of garbo fruit is from February to April, and it is currently the season of harvest of fruits. Chen Nanbo told reporters that the output of his Jiabao Orchard this year is about 30,000 to 40,000 kilograms, and the current price per kilogram ranges from 80-170 yuan, mainly sold to Sichuan, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Hunan and all parts of the province. "In the next step, we will continue to expand the planting area, drive the masses to plant together, and develop and expand the industry for the benefit of the people." He said.

Wang Xia, an all-media reporter of Maoming Daily

Edit: Guan Du Hua

Preliminary: Xu Tai

Final Judge: Yang Yongxin

Source: Maoming Network

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