
The sudden fainting of a high school student is the scourge of "hysteria"...

author:Qilu one point

With the increase of people's current life pressure, the incidence of mental illness is gradually increasing, hysteria is one of them. So, what kind of disease is hysteria?

15-year-old Toto is about to enter high school, usually likes to dance, has won many awards in school competitions, and is also a well-known local "dance forest master". Later, a key high school admitted her and sent her to represent the school in the municipal dance competition. However, Duoduo did not make it to the final due to poor performance, and she passed out in the lounge just after the game.

"I didn't expect that the child would have difficulty breathing after waking up, his voice was very weak, he couldn't walk on two legs, and there was no problem in the general hospital." Duoduo's mother, Ms. Huang, said.

Yang Yang, deputy chief physician and medical doctor of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Center, introduced, "Hysteria, also known as 'chameleon', its clinical manifestations are complex and changeable, including sudden ignorance, confusion, and heavy cases similar to delirium; hallucinations, delusional syndrome; excitement, boasting, exaggeration and other manic manifestations; depression and anxiety, and even suicide and self-injurious behavior; and can also be accompanied by physical discomfort, such as temporary blindness, deafness, aphasia, etc." ”

All kinds of unpleasant moods, anger, grievance, panic, shame, embarrassment, sadness and other mental trauma are often the causes of the disease, especially mental tension and fear. Moreover, people with large emotional fluctuations, emotional matters, exaggerated expressions, childish dramatization of speech and behavior, and poor emotional control are more likely to produce hysteria after psychological conflicts or acceptance of hints after being frustrated. If they themselves have the personality characteristics of easy to accept suggestiveness, such people experience strong mental stimulation, such as the death of relatives, marriage breakdown and other major life events, after self-suggestion, environment or verbal hints of others, often incarnate as the soul of the deceased, speak in the identity and tone of the deceased, and the content of the speech is related to the patient's inner experience at that time.

Regarding the treatment of hysteria, Yang Yang said that it is divided into psychological treatment and drug treatment. Psychotherapy is to listen to and empathize with the patient, and to support the patient's various expressions: through symptoms, non-verbal, writing and oral speech, etc., to establish a good and trusting therapeutic relationship, so that the patient can vent the various emotions triggered by psychological events. Through the love and attention to the patient's life, the patient's love and concern for his own life are stimulated, and his desire to take the initiative to seek treatment is stimulated.

The significance of this lies in the fact that after the patient has established a good therapeutic alliance, he or she is explained to him the relationship between the disease and symptoms and his past untreated psychological trauma, psychological conflicts, and personality factors.

Pharmacotherapy is based on the patient's symptoms and combined with medication. If the patient has symptoms of anxiety and depression, it can be combined with anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs, and if the patient is accompanied by insomnia symptoms, it can be treated with sedative sleep aids.

Yang Yang introduced, "The best way to deal with it is to take him to a professional mental health institution for treatment in a timely manner. "Because hysteria is highly psychologically suggestive, when a patient has an attack, the family should not meet the patient's request indefinitely, otherwise the patient will have repeated seizures because of this suggestibility."

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The sudden fainting of a high school student is the scourge of "hysteria"...