
Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

author:A little calligraphy and painting
Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

The young woman wears a flower on her head, which must give people a very good impression. But if a man wears a flower on his head, he will definitely be laughed out of his teeth!

But turning over the ancient paintings, you may be surprised, there was a custom of male hairpin flowers in the Tang Dynasty! In the Song Dynasty, men's hairpin flowers became more and more common, and even became a popular fashion!

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Song Su Hanchen's "Cargo Lang Tu" part

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Song Su Hanchen's "Cargo Lang Tu" Part of the National Palace Collection in Taipei

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Song Li Tang 'Spring Society Drunken Return Map》 Part Of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

In this painting, an old man who has drunk alcohol, wearing flowers on his hat, is leisurely returning home.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Song Li Tang's "Spring Society Drunken Return Map" part

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

《Four-phase hairpin flower diagram》

There is also a famous painting, "Four Phases of Hairpin Flower Diagram", which is very interesting and depicts the story of four men wearing flowers.

This story is recorded in Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talk and Supplementary Pen Talk", and the painting is also based on the story. In the fifth year of the Northern Song Dynasty, Han Qi served as the Taishou of Yangzhou, and one day the peony in the garden behind the official office was a branch of four forks, and each fork opened a flower, and the petals were red up and down, and a circle of golden buds surrounded in the middle, so it was called gold wrapped around the waist, also known as the golden belt.

At that time, Wang Jue and Wang Anshi, who were also serving at the Dali Temple, happened to be in Yangzhou, and Han Qi invited them to watch it together. Because the flowers bloomed four times, Han Qi invited the envoys of the Prefecture Qian prefecture to come, but he happened to be unwell, so he temporarily invited Chen Shengzhi, who was passing through Yangzhou and also serving at the Dali Temple, to participate.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

While drinking and admiring the flowers, Han Qi cut these four flowers and inserted one on each person's head. Unexpectedly, in the following thirty years, the four people who participated in the flower viewing this time actually became the prime minister one after another, which was in response to the auspiciousness of the "Four Flowers of Rui". Since then, peony medicine has been known as "Hua Rui", which means that if you are lucky enough to meet the "Golden Belt" and wear it, you will be lucky and prosperous.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Speaking of these Song Dynasty men's habit of wearing flowers, it has nothing to do with whether they are temperamental or not, nor is it related to whether they are born rich or poor, but a common social trend at that time. According to the "Song Shi Youfu Zhi", at that time, the hairpin flower was already a court ceremony. The Southern Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli once wrote in a poem "Deoksugung Celebrating Birthday Slogan":

Spring color why karma drum urge, monarch yuan day to lead the spring return.

Peony peony medicine roses, all opened to the hat of a thousand officials.

This is not only a description of the joyful scene of the fifteenth festival of the first month in the palace, but also the grand scene of flowers on everyone's head at that time. In the distance, a piece of purple and red, dark incense floating.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Su Shi, a northern Song Dynasty literary scholar, served as a general judge in Hangzhou. During the peony season, I went to Kichijoji Temple to admire the flowers and gave a poem:

People are not ashamed of their old hairpin flowers, and flowers should be ashamed of the old man's head.

Drunken passers-by should laugh, and the ten-mile bead curtain is half hooked.

"People are not ashamed of their old hairpin flowers, and flowers should be ashamed of the old man's head." It seems that Su Xueshi also loves to make a fuss about it.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Ouyang Xiu also wrote a poem on the flower- "Huan Xi Sha Di Swimmers Painting Boats One by One"

, similar to Su Shi's:

The people on the embankment painted the boats one by one, and photographed the spring water of the embankment.

The green poplar building goes out on the swing.

The white-haired Dai Huajun Smiled, and the Six-Fold Urging Clap was frequent.

Where life is like before.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

In addition to being loved by people of all classes on weekdays, the Song Dynasty men's hairpin flower was elevated to one of the major features of the "state banquet" - that is, the fixed etiquette of the court banquet.

The "Song Shi Lizhi" says that in all large-scale national celebrations and banquets, there will be a festive figure of hairpin flowers. These feasts include the Spring and Autumn Feast, the Feast of the Holy Festival, the Feast of Smelling The Joy, the Tin Feast, the Qu Feast, and the Drinking Feast.

During the Song Zhenzong period, every year in the late spring, the emperor would feast on hundreds of officials, and when the wine was hot, the inner court attendants held gold plates in their hands and entered the famous flowers. Generally speaking, there are more than 100 plates of peonies, of which the most expensive Chiba peony is only more than 10. The courtiers first put flowers on Emperor Zhenzong, then on the princes and prime ministers, and they all wore thousand-leaf peony flowers. The rest of the courtiers, do it themselves, put on ordinary peonies. Once, Zhenzong suddenly turned his head to look at Hanlin Scholar Chao Yi and the others, and said loudly to the inner minister, "Wear flowers for the Bachelor." As a result, Chao Yuan, Qian Weiyan, Kou Zhun and other Hanlin scholars enjoyed the honor, and each wore a thousand-leaf peony flower, and the onlookers were all envious.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Qing Su Liupeng "Hairpin Flower Diagram"

This painting is said to depict the scene of Song Zhenzong admiring flowers to his courtiers.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Part of Qing Su Liupeng's "Hairpin Flower Diagram"

When it came to Emperor Huizong of Song, he really promoted the "man's hairpin flower" to the extreme. Every time he returns from a trip, he is full of delicate feelings of "wrapping a small hat, a hairpin flower, riding a horse". To those courtiers and guards who accompanied the driver, Emperor Huizong of Song also gave flowers to wear.

At the same time, Emperor Huizong not only advocated wearing flowers, but also formulated rules. For example, he explicitly decreed that only those who have palace flowers and brocade can freely enter and leave Ouchi. Therefore, a small hairpin flower is not only a "pass" within the palace ban, but even a symbol of the identity and hierarchy of the upper class.

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

《Hairpin Flower Diagram》

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

Ming Chen Hongshou's "Yang Shen Hairpin Flower Diagram" Part of the Forbidden City collection in Beijing

Why did men in the Song Dynasty like to wear flowers so much?

The good man of Liangshan in "Water Margin" is simply a "blossom of flowers" - Yang Xiong "loves to arrange hibiscus flowers on the sideburns"; Ruan Xiaowu "wears a torn turban obliquely, and a pomegranate flower is inserted on the sideburns"; and the executioner Cai Qing was born to love a flower, so people simply called him "a flower"...