
Kasuga Notes: Lunch on the grass

author:Oriental Conversations
Kasuga Notes: Lunch on the grass

Liang Dongfang

During the non-crown period, seeing that Europeans refuse to give up their living habits, they will still go out of their homes to the city square and sit on the grass in the park on the weekend, knowing that they are not willing to change the traditional way of life in this spring because of the plague - in the spring sunshine, sitting on the grass and enjoying. I can't help but sigh: although it is irrational and unscientific, but when there is no plague, I have sat on the ground in the spring sun a few times!

Spring is a time when you can sit outside and enjoy the overall atmosphere of the season. All you can see is the image of spring, and you can both look closely and enjoy the atmosphere of their joint composition only in general. Look closely, look closely at a flower, look closely at a willow, is the spring, spring, see the spring people can do, but basically are a walk through a sigh a photo format, really have time to sit down, and spring with not many people, and then hurried back to the city.

The city is a place where only buildings have no seasons, and returning to the city means leaving the seasons, ending the trip of walking in the youth and enjoying the spring once or twice a year. In order to make up for this deficiency, I deliberately ran out at noon and ran to the grass for a picnic.

The car was propped up on one side, sitting on the floor, holding the lunch box, bathed in the already slightly sunburned sun, in the sparse shadow of the leavesless trees, listening to the radio, slowly eating: no matter what kind of rice you bring, this will be the most delicious thing.

Kasuga Notes: Lunch on the grass

In such a situation, the less concerned about what is brought, the more one can't help but scrutinize each food and object: small yellow oranges, a jar of strawberry yogurt, a bag of dried and salted peanuts, burdock tea, and of course, the staple fried rice; in addition to the mobile phone notebook charging treasure, there is an old mobile phone with a headphone cable used as a radio, a locked transparent document bag containing "Selected Short Stories of Goethe" and a pencil that is crossed on the book... At this moment, everything will be used, nothing is omitted, each is their best companion, and they are the starting point for facing the noon of this spring.

Looking around, between the surrounding grass and woods, there was only a pair of young men and women who also rode their bicycles, and there were no other young people. The girl lay flat on the grass, the boy standing directly above her to look down at the picture; the girl ran lightly into the bushes, and the boy followed step by step with a long lens, one eye firmly fixed on the frame, and the other eye taking time to open and look at the road under his feet. The calves of the girl in the yellow skirt and white socks flashed swiftly and deftly behind the leafless bushes, and the boy's striped tracksuit looked like the markings of some kind of large animal on his broad shoulders... Their agile laughter, with its faint beeps, was roughly at a pitch.

In this environment, after sitting on the ground or simply lying down, the surrounding grass and shrubs and blue sky and the small yellow flowers that have just opened seem to belong to you. This is not the feeling that can be experienced by the spring of the spring that has passed by one; I think that those who can enjoy the flowers and enjoy the spring in the way of sitting on the ground in the spring meadow, whether they are eating together, playing, reading, napping, or "wasting" the time of life without doing anything, are such a wonderful taste.

Kasuga Notes: Lunch on the grass

The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, all that they feel greeted, are all new vitality. Take, for example, the bushes on the edge of the meadows— in our impression, the bushes have always been just a clump, and today when we sit on the ground by the bushes, even when we lie down, we find that even the same bush, because of the difference in orientation, force and other unspeakable conditions, is not completely consistent between one bush and another, and even between the branches in the same bush. It is difficult to describe it in a simple division of colors; green, pale white, gray, earth yellow, light red, each color is close to the real state, but each color is not enough to describe them completely objectively and accurately. They are a combination of all these colors, but not all such colors themselves. And on such a branch that can almost be said to be a variegated color, the human eye can intuitively realize that there is green sap flowing into all the branches day and night, so that each branch is gradually full, and gradually squeezing out the general color of winter death.

Such a complex color, if it is not a live sketch, according to people's imagination, it is impossible to make such a random and just right arrangement under any circumstances. Even a painter with technique must always worship nature in order to reach nature.

As I sat on the grass and lay on the grass, looking at the bushes, they were at a moment when such a green was gradually becoming dominant; this moment may be a few days, maybe a dozen days, but it is certain that it is not uniform; with the maximum temperature of today going straight to more than 20 degrees, if you gently grasp a branch with your hand, you must be able to feel the faint pulse of the slurry that is accelerating in it.

Kasuga Notes: Lunch on the grass

However, it can't be too rushed, and everything around it is still on the road in the spring. For example, the small yellow flowers on the grass in front of the bushes, although there is already a tendency to connect, but the specific look at each one is still small, weak and windy, so that people have to step carefully, even if they are covered with raincoats to lie down, they must avoid pressing them.

In fact man is now reluctant to go near the little yellow flowers, for the afternoon sun is shining there; he is still willing to stay in the shadows of the trees, in the shadows of the trunks of the branches—there are no leaves in the canopy, and there is no shade of the usual kind, only the shadows of the crisscrosses.

The shadows of the trees slanted widely over the grass, just enough to hide the place where the little yellow flowers bloomed; in other words, all the places obscured by the shadows of the trees, the little yellow flowers had not yet absorbed enough sunlight, and had not yet opened; the tree shadows moved slowly and firmly over the grass with time, always bypassing the pieces of blooming yellow. The black shadows and yellow flowers, together with the green shrubs and the blue sky on the shrubs, form a picture of clear colors.

This bright picture came into my lying eyes, embedded in my impression of spring at a rare angle. Stretching his back against the grass, he felt the undulations of the grass, breathing in the vigorous breath of the fresh grass on the grass that was not easy to smell when standing high, and it became the most natural thing to fall asleep.

This is almost the best way to integrate with spring, such as traveling and appreciating spring, which is often external to the behavior of spring.