
One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

author:American Theater Line

These two days were madly amway by friends a niche domestic network drama -

"Detective Jane Doesn't Know"

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

The reason why it is said to be niche is because it is basically not seen on the Internet, purely relying on passers-by tap water promotion.

The cast list is almost all newcomers, or platform self-made dramas, and even hot searches have not been on.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

However, even so, its Douban score is 8.1 points, which is definitely a high score in domestic network dramas.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Because of this, I opened this drama with the mentality of trying it out, and as a result, I couldn't stop chasing it at all!

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

It is said that eight years ago, there was strife and turmoil in the rivers and lakes.

A murderous demon named Wang Hua turned out to be fierce and did all kinds of bad things.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

All the masters gathered and planned to join forces to execute Wang Hua in the Shenji Valley.

In that battle, countless casualties were inflicted, and the blood flowed like a river, and the lord of the Divine Machine Valley, Jane, died in battle, and his only son, Jane, was also seriously injured and lost all his memories, but the body painted by the Demon Head King disappeared out of thin air.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive
One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Rumors in the jianghu said that Wang Hua died with Jian Wanhuan, but some people suspected that Wang Hua was not dead at all.

In order to seek the truth of his father's death, Jane, who has no martial arts, has no choice but to practice exploration for eight years and step into the jianghu with a body of detective skills.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

In the battle of shenji valley that year, only four people survived.

They are Li Erye of Hanyue Mountain Villa, Yanzhou Hundred Grass Folding Hero, Changle Gambling House's skillful Tang, and Boss Wang of Liaodong Dart Bureau.

Jane did not know how to visit one by one, in an effort to learn more about the truth of that year.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

The first thing he visited was Second Master Li of the Cold Moon Mountain Villa, who although he saved his life in the Battle of shenji Valley, was blind in both eyes and left permanently disabled.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

He decided to choose an heir for the Hanyue Mountain Villa through a contest, and as soon as the news was released, the major masters in the rivers and lakes came to visit him.

Some people covet the fame and power of Hanyue Mountain Villa, some people want to retire here, and some people come to avoid disasters...

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive
One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

People are pregnant with ghosts and have different thoughts.

Jane didn't know that as a "conscientious" detective, there must be murders everywhere he went!

Sure enough, the next day a master named Ajay died in the ancestral hall.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Ajie is strong in martial arts, famous in the rivers and lakes, and ordinary people can't get close at all, but he was not only stabbed in the front, but the corpse knelt in front of the statue of Li Chi, the lord of the great village.

What is even more strange is that the ancestral hall is bloody and written with four big words "Closed Door Impermanence".

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

For a time, everyone was panicked, this "impermanence of the door" was rumored to be an evil ghost who had been wronged to death, and once the person targeted by him closed the door, he would undoubtedly die.

Is it really a wrongful death?

Jane did not believe it, he guessed that this matter must be man-made, and the reason why Ajay could be stabbed head-on must be defenseless, most likely an acquaintance.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Ajie's chest was a knife wound, the knife technique was very similar to the Li's knife method of Hanyue Mountain Villa, and he wrote a "corpse" word with blood in the corner of the table in his room, according to the strokes, he wanted to write "corpse", "exhibition", "min" and "chi".

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

That is to say, at this moment, the body snatchers, Zhan Seventeen, Zhang Yuanmin, and Li Erye and Hua Yuan, who knew Li's sword technique, were basically suspicious.

However, before Jane knows the truth, murders occur one after another.

Hua Yuan died in the ancestral hall, also stabbed in the chest, kneeling in front of the statue of Li Chi.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

The exorcist escaped overnight and died in the woods.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Unbeknownst to Jane, Hua Yuan's death was very strange.

The servants of the manor first found that his body was in the back mountain, but after leading the people to rush there, the body was inexplicably transferred to the ancestral hall.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

However, there is a single wooden bridge on the road that the murderer must pass through, and only one person can pass through it at a time, let alone bring a corpse, even if you bring some heavy objects.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

So how were the bodies transferred?

Not only that, Hua Yuan's coat was already wet with sweat when it was found, but the skin did not have any water stains, very dry, which was obviously unreasonable!

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

And the truth that can explain all these strange phenomena is that the corpse of Hua Yuan that the servant first saw was actually the murderer himself!

He first disguised himself as Hua Yuan, deliberately exposed the reserve to the servants, and after the servants ran away in a panic, he quickly rushed back to the villa with light efforts, laid out the body and then returned to the room to make an alibi.

The wet clothes on Hua Yuan's body were also the sweat left by the murderer after running back and forth.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

As for who the real culprit is? Why kill people one after another and make them all kneel in front of the statue of Li Chi? The answers to these questions I will not spoil, compared to the truth, in fact, more eye-catching is the process of solving the case.

To tell the truth, the case solving process in "Detective Jane Doesn't Know" is really worth watching in recent years, it can't be said that it is particularly professional, but at least it does not treat the audience as a fool, the ins and outs of the whole case are explained clearly, and the motive for committing the crime is completely understandable.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Of course, as a martial arts drama, it also really makes people feel a strong "jianghu atmosphere", whether it is the fight drama in the play, or the deceitfulness and brotherhood of the jianghu people, it is very interesting.

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Not only that, in addition to Jane in the play, other characters are also very distinctive,

Zhao I, who is a tiger and a calf protector, started out as a brainless and reckless husband, and later found out that he was still a "wife protection demon";

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Zhan Seventeen, who is cold and beautiful and strong in martial arts, is trained to be a cold-blooded killer, but he yearns for the life of an ordinary woman, and is moved after seeing Jane without knowing it;

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

In addition, there is the bright moon of the outer softness and inner rigidity, the divine doctor little demon girl Gong Que, and the thousand-faced person Ye Xiaoxiao, who does not have his own personality but will be attracted to the heroic personality and inherit the personality...

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

Each character has a memory point, and the appearance is also high, enjoy picking!

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

In fact, the whole drama can be summed up as nothing more than the story of Jane not knowing the detective, worshiping the handle, and falling in love, but what is rare is that it does not delay, does not deliberately stir up love, makes friends and makes friends without selling corruption, and the detective case is also the details of the eight corrections and the truth.

It may be that I have not seen such a simple, restrained, and purely plot-oriented drama for a long time, so I feel that it is particularly rare when I see this drama.

In general, "Detective Jane Doesn't Know" can be regarded as the gospel of ancient dragon fans, the best recent martial arts drama, and friends who have not yet watched it should quickly catch up with it

One episode into the pit, this original martial arts drama, is also too addictive

It's a good habit to like it!