
The 62-year-old man was sentenced to ten months in prison for stealing bicycles: the stolen bicycles were worth tens of thousands of yuan

author:The Paper

The Paper's senior reporter Li Jing correspondent Yu Ruyu

The 62-year-old man was sentenced to ten months in prison for stealing bicycles: the stolen bicycles were worth tens of thousands of yuan

Criminal suspect Cheng Mou identified the bicycle involved in the case The Qingpu District Procuratorate provided a picture

"I wouldn't have stolen it if I knew it was so expensive." The 62-year-old defendant, Cheng Mou, stole a folding bicycle because of his greed and cheapness.

On September 24, a surging reporter learned from the Shanghai Qingpu District Procuratorate that Cheng was sentenced to 10 months in prison and fined 3,000 yuan on September 17 after the court initiated a public prosecution for theft.

Cheng said that after he retired, he maintained water and grass in a country park in Qingpu District, and managed ten people under his hands, with a monthly salary of 4500 yuan, plus pensions and subsidies, and the living conditions were not bad.

On the afternoon of July 11, Cheng Mou, who was working in the park, found that a bicycle parked on the grass on the side of the road was not locked, so he had a bad idea, folded the bicycle up and put it on his battery car, and drove it all the way home.

The 62-year-old man was sentenced to ten months in prison for stealing bicycles: the stolen bicycles were worth tens of thousands of yuan

The stolen bicycle is a British-made "small cloth" brand bicycle, the original purchase price was more than 14,000 yuan, and the value after discounting reached more than 11,000 yuan.

The car was temporarily parked on the side of the road while a tourist was attending an event in the park. After he found that the bicycle was missing, he immediately called the police, and the police arrested Cheng according to the surveillance video. After identification, the stolen bicycle is a British -- "small cloth" brand bicycle, the original purchase price was more than 14,000 yuan, and the value after discounting reached more than 11,000 yuan.

"I'm not short of money, I don't plan to sell cars to make money. I thought, if someone came to pick up the car, I would have to give it back to them. If I don't come and get it, I'll leave the car at home and ride it myself. Cheng said after arriving at the case. In any case, Cheng has broken the law and suffered a big loss by being greedy and cheap.

The procurator pointed out that the defendant Cheng X, for the purpose of illegal possession, secretly stole public or private property, the amount of which was relatively large, and his conduct had violated the provisions of article 264 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and he should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of theft.

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Hao

Proofreader: Liu Wei