
Henan pear tree main pest control history

author:Blue willow

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Li Shibing

Pear is an important fruit tree species in China, and the pear industry plays an important role in rural revitalization, poverty alleviation, increasing farmers' income, and improving people's better lives. In recent years, the varieties and quality of pears have become increasingly high-quality, but there are still many pests and diseases in the pear industry in cultivation management. According to the survey, there are more than 300 kinds of diseases and insect pests of pear trees, including more than 100 kinds of diseases, more than 30 kinds of physiological diseases, and more than 100 kinds of insect pests. The frequent occurrence of pear diseases and insect pests has led to problems such as yield reduction, poor quality, and poor economic returns, which restrict the sustainable development of the pear industry. It is important to do a good job in the prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests, and improve the safety and quality of pear fruits. The control calendar is mainly aimed at the middle and late maturing varieties of pears, in order to provide a technical reference for growers.

1 Dormancy period (late November to February)

1.1 Prevention and control objects

It mainly eliminates the source of overwintering diseases and insects and reduces the base number of diseases and insects. The pests in the branches and bark cracks are pear small heartworm, pear diptera, pear yellow aphid, pear wood lice, lice, etc.; in the soil, there are pear small heartworms, pear bifurcated aphids, pear wood lice, insects, etc.; in the soil, there are pear small heartworms, pear elephant beetles, pear fruit bees, golden turtle shells, pear net bugs; in the deciduous leaves, there are pear reticules, pear pedicles, aphids, etc.; on the branches overwinters there are pear pedicles, pear stem bees, leaf cicadas, etc.

1.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) Clean up the stumps, diseased fruits, dead branches and weeds of diseases and insects on the trees and the ground and bring them out of the orchard to be burned and buried in a concentrated manner (Figure 1).

(2) Before mid-January, collect corrugated paper that was tied to pear trees in the previous year and burn them outside the garden.

(3) Scrape the coarse bark, warped bark, rot disease and wheel streak disease spots, scratch clean and coat the white to protect the tree body, sterilization and insecticide.

(4) Plough the soil and destroy the wintering sites of diseases and pests.

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Figure 1 Clearing the garden in winter

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Fig. 2 Pear budding stage

2 Before and after the bud (March)

2.1 Prevention and control objects

Continue to control overwintering pests and rot diseases in the soil, and kill the overwintering adults of black star disease bacteria and pear lice in the diseased buds.

2.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) In early March, the orchard is irrigated in spring to increase the water content of the bark, and in early to mid-March, it continues to scrape and cure the disease spots of the branches.

(2) After scraping, spray 3 to 5 baumedo stone sulfur compound once, pear lice or pear large heartworm serious orchards, can add 5% acetamidine 10 ~ 15 mg / kg.

(3) In mid-to-late March (Figure 2), root digging examination was carried out to find diseased trees and treat them in time.

3 Flowering period (late March to early April)

3.1 Targets of prevention and control

Diseases: pear black star disease, rust, black spot disease, rot disease, brown spot disease, anthrax; insect pests: pear small heartworm, pear lice, second class leafhopper, Kang's white aphid, pear yellow mealybug, etc.

3.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) Pear garden with pear lice and pear black star disease, both leaf mites, aphids, pear small heartworms, Kang's mealybugs and rotwhitis, rust and other diseases and insect pests, can use pear garden disease and pest control technology, combined with physical and biological control measures. At the end of March, when the pear blossoms bloom, the agent is 5 Pomeru stone sulfur binders.

(2) For pear orchards with prominent diseases and insect pests, spray 40% fluosilazole before flowering to control black star disease; after flowering in mid-April, use 70% Daisen Lian plus 1.8% avermectin or 22% spirophyllophyllate suspension agent 80 mg/kg to control pear aphids, pear pyllids, pear gall mosquitoes, nigrass and so on.

(3) During the full flowering period (Figure 3), hang the yellow board, stick and kill the pear stem bees and pear psyllids; artificially capture the apple turtle, etc.; hang the pear small heartworm sex core, trap the pear small heartworm and monitor its occurrence dynamics; pear garden artificial grass (ryegrass, clover, etc.) or natural grass, cut the grass once a month, and put the cut grass in the tree tray.

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Fig. 3 Pear flowering period Fig. 3 Pear flowering period

4 Peanut season (late April to early May)

4.1 Targets of prevention and control

Insect pests: pear wood lice, pear small heartworm, pear gall mosquito, Kang's mealybug, pear stem bee, leaf mite, aphid, etc.; diseases: black star disease, rotunda disease, etc.

4.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) From late April to early May, 90% of the pear blossoms fell off (Figure 4), the recommended agent was 1.8% avermectin emulsion 6 to 12 mg/kg, 5% acetamidine emulsion, 20% thiamethoxamine suspension 80 to 100 mg/kg, 240 g/l insect mite nitrile suspension agent 120 to 160 mg / kg, 22% spirospirant thiacidine suspension agent 48 to 80 mg / kg, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder, 50% carbendazi wettable powder, 70% methyl thiol hydranthinergic powder, 10% methyl ether methylcyclazole water dispersion granules, 80% daisen manganese zinc wettable powder, etc.

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Fig. 4 Pear flowering period

5 In front of the infant's mantle bag (late May to early June)

5.1 Targets of prevention and control

Diseases include black star disease, rot disease, anthrax, rust, etc.; insect pests: pear lice, Kang's mealy beetle, pear small heartworm, pear dipterosite, leaf mite and so on.

5.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) Before bagging the young fruits (Figure 5), the pear trees enter the flourishing stage at this stage, a variety of diseases and insect pests enter the peak of harm, the control of diseases and insect pests is still used chemical methods, and the agents used are basically the same as the young fruit stage. Pay attention to the mixed administration and rotation of insecticides and fungicides to prevent the resistance of pathogenic pests and insects. Recommended agents are insecticides: 240 g/L insect mite nitrile suspension 120 to 160 mg/kg, 22% spirulina thiamethoxine suspension 48 to 80 mg/kg. Fungicides: 75% benzo-dicyanide water dispersible granules 50 to 75 mg/kg, 70% daisen lian hydration dispersion granules 1 000~1 400 mg/kg, 12% benzo-fluoramide suspension 50~100 mg/kg, etc.

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Fig. 5 Before bagging young fruits

6 Fruit ripening period (July-September)

6.1 Targets of prevention and control

The diseases are black star disease, black spot disease, rotith disease, anthrax, etc.; insect pests include yellow mealybug, pear wood lice, leaf mites, pear tsubaki elephants, and pear small heartworms. Among them, pear small heartworms, pear tsubaki elephants, and black star disease occur in large numbers and seriously harm the fruit. At this stage, the above-mentioned agents are still used for prevention and treatment.

6.2 Prevention and control measures

(1) In late July, the pears have entered the ripening period, and the high temperature, high humidity and rainy period are favorable opportunities for the epidemic of pests and diseases, and the prevention and control should be strengthened. In late July and mid-to-late August, it is the laying of eggs of pear large heartworms, small pear heartworms, and field observation in the peak of the hatching larvae, generally administered 2 to 4 times, and pay attention to rotation of medication (Figure 6).

(2) Recommended agents: insecticides: 24% spironium ester suspension agent 300 ~ 350 mg / kg, 22% spirulina • thiacloprid suspension agent 48 ~ 80 mg / kg, 70% acetamidine water dispersible granules 420 ~ 500 mg / kg, 5% methyl vitamin salt water dispersible granules 150 ~ 200 mg / kg. Biocides: 430 g/L pentrazole 300 to 360 mg/kg, 10% dipheniconazole water dispersible granules 300 to 360 mg/kg, 75% benzo•dicyanide water dispersible granules 50 to 75 mg/kg, 40% fluosilazole emulsion 120 to 180 mg/kg.

7 After harvest (late September to November)

7.1 Prevention and control objects

The diseases include anthrax, rot disease, black star disease, etc.; insect pests include mesenchymals, pear lice, heartworms and so on.

7.2 Prevention and control measures

It is mainly based on Qingyuan (Figure 7). After the rainy season, the trunks are bundled with corrugated paper to provide a place for pest eggs to overwinter, which can be destroyed intensively after years. In early to mid-October, spray a single biocide such as 50% carbendazim powder 1 250 mg/kg or 50% g gram 2 000 mg/kg and insecticides such as 240 g/L acetamine suspension 120 to 160 mg/kg, 22% spirochetia and thiacloprid suspension 48 to 80 mg/kg, 5% acetamidine emulsion 10 to 12 mg/kg, etc.

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Fig. 6 Fruit ripening

Henan pear tree main pest control history

Figure 7 Clearing the garden after pear harvestIng figure 7 Clearing the garden after pear harvesting

Pear saplings early crisp red pear saplings red beer pear fruit saplings south and north planting garden potted ground planting fruit seedlings ¥4.5 purchase