
Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)


Everyone knows that there are eight major cuisines in China that are more famous (Lu Su Chuan Guangdong Zhejiang Hui Xiang Min), there is no Henan cuisine alone, it is conceivable, how does Henan cuisine taste?? However, the book does not describe it in this way, and the book says that Henan cuisine has four distinct seasons, fresh and light fragrance, moderate quality and taste, and elegant color. That is, not sweet, not salty, not sour, not spicy. It was "just right"!!

Henan's snacks have a long history, absorbing many local characteristics, and eventually forming their own unique style. The biggest feature is to emphasize the delicious taste, deep taste, fragrant aftertaste, and also emphasize the tonic function.

Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)

Open the small cage to fill the soup bun

What are the special snacks in Henan:

Central China is the Central Plains, half of the eight ancient capitals!

Food culture for 5,000 years, special snacks can not be finished!

The provincial capital Zhengzhou has braised noodles, and Xiao Ji Heji is the first choice!

Fenjing Kaifeng small dumplings, the oldest is the river leak!

Luoyang is famous for its water mat, and Yan cuisine originates from Wu Zetian!

Anyang san smoked for a hundred years, Daokou roast chicken in Huaxian!

Yellow River carp to Xinxiang, red stewed lamb can drive away the cold!

Puyang Muslim shop beef, Zhang's bad fish praise!

Jiaozuo persimmon cake is more nutritious, And Wuzhi oil tea is more than a thousand years!

Hebi tofu tofu skin, tangled duck eggs are not ordinary!

Shangqiu Jiazhai dried tofu, Jingjia twist flower is ancestral!

Xuchang roast chicken ball soup, ginger root slices crisp and sweet!

Zhoukou idle paste spicy soup, Shangshui Guqiang hand rolling noodles!

Deng Cheng Pig Trotter Banquet Premier! Try dog meat in folk!

Nanyang pot helmet and bean juice, go to the Tang River to eat tong eggs!

Xinyang Huangchuan has tribute noodles, Gushi tea is crisp and sweet!

Jiyuan fried bun lamb soup, Wang Wu Tu Bun passed down from generation to generation!

Beiwudu town peppery soup, the origin of Luohe has been a hundred years!

Sanmenxia, Pingdingshan, and Tianzhong Zhumadian!

Lingbao Tongchuan big knife noodles, fat oil roast cake hungry immortals!

Lu Shan Shui seat eight bowls eight, and HaoXian hafnium hapnium noodles!

Runan's spiced kohlrabi, Qishan five-spiced pine blossom egg!

The above introduction is forty whole, and there are too many to say!

Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)

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Henan braised noodles

Memories of "Braised Noodles"

Heji braised noodles is a traditional snack with meat, vegetarian, soup, vegetables and rice, and is famous for its delicious taste and affordability. In May 1994, it won the title of "National Halal Brand-name Flavor Food", and in December 1997, it won the title of "Chinese Famous Snack".

Heji lamb braised noodles, choose the best fresh lamb, after repeated soaking, get off the pot, skim the blood foam, put in the whole ingredient, the meat is boiled. Another refined flour is used, mixed with an appropriate amount of salt and alkali and made into soft noodles, and repeatedly kneaded to make it strong. Below, put the original broth in the pot, pull the noodles into thin strips, put the lamb on top, and serve with broccoli, fungus and gouache. When served, small plates such as coriander, chili oil, sugar and garlic are brought out, and their taste is fresher, becoming a well-known delicacy in Zhengzhou, and outsiders often come to taste it. Under the influence of Heji braised noodles, state-owned, collective and individual restaurants operating lamb braised noodles are numerous, all over the city's Huajie Cold Lane, and people call Zhengzhou "Braised Noodle City".

Grilled chicken

Daokou roast chicken is made by the "Yixing Zhang" roast chicken shop in Daokou Town, Huaxian County, Henan Province, and is a famous specialty of the province. Founded in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty (1616), it has a history of more than three hundred years, began to make illegal, the business is not prosperous, and then from the imperial kitchen of the Qing Palace to obtain the secret recipe for making roast chicken, the chicken made is really fragrant. The craftsmanship of Daokou roast chicken has been passed down through the generations to form its own unique style. In 1981, it was rated as a national famous and excellent product by the Ministry of Commerce.

Do not turn the soup

Luoyang does not turn soup, has a history of more than 120 years. The founder, Liu Zhensheng, has been passed down for three generations, named Liu Hulan, who is more than 70 years old. Ingredients include mung bean flour, pepper, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, fungus, vermicelli, kelp, shrimp skin, seaweed, leek, brocade, salt. It is characterized by a pure taste, a sour and spicy mouth, and an oily but not greasy.

Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)

Burnt donkey meat

Pulp noodles

Pulp noodles, both economical and delicious, are a kind of flavor snack that Henan people generally like to eat. It is to put soy milk at the appropriate temperature, fermentation to become sour, and then put into the pot to heat to about 80 degrees, the liquid level has a mushroom-like pulp foam. At this time, add a little sesame oil, stir repeatedly, wait to boil, and bring the noodles down, preferably miscellaneous noodles. Mix the batter to make it a paste. Then, add the salt, green onion, green beans, celery, leeks, and chili peppers. Luoyang pulp noodles, simple to make, low cost, delicious taste, easy to digest, is a local famous food with strong local characteristics.

Yan family mutton soup

Yanjia mutton soup has been passed down for four generations and has a history of 1500 years. The second generation of Yan Shunsheng, the mutton soup has been innovated, so that the seasoning configuration is appropriate, the soup taste is more delicious, since then, Yan family mutton soup is famous in the urban and rural areas of western Henan. The characteristics of Yanjia mutton soup are: fresh mutton, meat on the same day, and slaughter of sheep on the same day; the spices are complete and large. Pepper instead of chili pepper, salty and palatable, the soup is delicious.

Zhang Ji roast chicken

Yushuyuan Zhang Ji roast chicken, for Luoyang to run roast chicken rising star. Founder Zhang Xinzhong, and his son Zhang Tielin inherited his father's ambition in 1962 to run roast chicken. Zhang Ji roast chicken is now Luoyang famous brand roast chicken. The main ingredients are cloves, fennel, cumin, grass fruit, quince, cold ginger, ginseng, hanging skin, nutmeg, tangerine peel, sand kernel, peppercorn, and grass nutmeg. Its characteristics are: rotten, tender, fragrant. Not fishy, not hard, not greasy, a shake, the flesh will fall off, away from the bone abnormality.

Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)


Zhangjia wontons

Zhangjia wontons, also known as "horseshoe street wontons". The founder is Zhang Su, who has a history of 150 years. In 1920, Zhang Kun, the second generation of Zhangjia wontons, innovated and improved the ingredients and varieties, using white-noodle chicken, chicken blood, thin egg cakes, shrimp, vermicelli, squeezed vegetables, etc. as the main ingredients; and large oil, pepper, soy sauce, chicken soup, pork soup, aged vinegar, etc. as auxiliary materials, with leeks and green onions in winter, and tender leeks and toon in spring. Therefore, The Zhangjia wonton has the characteristics of fine production, delicious taste, delicious fragrance, and complete sour and spicy.

Shang Ji beef soup

Shang Ji beef soup has two kinds of sweet and salty, which is characterized by: fresh meat soup, cooking soup accessories, fried peppers and garlic, soaked together mashed, the taste is particularly fresh. Luoyang people love to eat beef steamed buns in the morning. Take the steamed bun to soak, or buy the soup back to the bubble, there are many people who eat beef steamed buns, today, no matter the morning, middle and evening, there are beef steamed buns.

Pankin and roast chicken

Pan Jin and roast chicken have long been famous in Luoyang. Founder Pan Gensheng, in 1941 his son Pan Jinhe began to operate, with its unique flavor, flexible operation, so the business is prosperous, well-known near and far. Today, Pan Jin and Roast Chicken are run by the son of Jin He. Ingredients include cloves, grass fruits, cardamom, big back, small back, pepper and so on. Pan Jin and roast chicken are finely made, the taste is pure, the skin color is yellow and red. The flesh is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and it is full of aftertaste after eating.

Henan specialty snacks just right (photo) (1)

Peppery soup

Peppery soup is a unique snack in Henan, which has a history of 100 years. Exquisite cooking, delicious taste, economical, convenient for the masses, famous in urban and rural areas. It started in the Old Town and is now all over the streets. The main ingredients are fine flour noodles, vermicelli, and fatty pork. Ingredients include peanut kernels, taro, yam, golden needles, fungus, green onions, garlic flakes, gluten bubbles.

Anyang flat powder dish

Anyang, known as Zhangde Province in ancient times. Walking all over the north and south of the sea, there is a land of flat flour vegetables, only Zhangde Province.

Pork bone soup, the main ingredient is wide vermicelli, pig blood. Delicious and intense

Xin'an hot dumplings

Xin'an hot dumplings, which have a history of more than 70 years, are famous on the Qianli Longhai Line. Xin'an hot noodle dumplings, with refined white powder as the skin, pork front and rear buttocks as the main filling, with an appropriate amount of green onion, leeks, cabbage hearts, ginger, accompanied by sugar, cooking wine, small grinding oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, etc. Blanch the noodles, roll out into a thin crust, wrap them into a crescent-shaped dumpling, basket and steam for 10 minutes. Its characteristics are that the skin is as thin as paper, the color is like jade, the five flavors are complete, and the fresh fragrance is not greasy.