
On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

author:Foodie Xiaohong

Enshi Prefecture is located in the southwest of Hubei Province, is the only ethnic minority autonomous prefecture in Hubei, of which there are as many as 29 ethnic minorities, including Tujia, Miao, Dong, Han, Hui, Mongolian and so on. The forest coverage rate of Enshi Prefecture is close to 70%, which is known as "West Forest Sea", and the selenium deposits in the territory rank first in the world, and is known as the "World Selenium Capital". Here beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, rich products, every year tens of thousands of tourists come to Enshi leisure tourism, of course, for every travel enthusiast, come to Enshi Prefecture in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, that is indispensable is to taste the hidden food in Enshi.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

As we all know, Enshi Prefecture is located in the mountains, between Chongqing and Wuhan, and at the same time close to Guizhou Province, in terms of diet, it is also compatible with local cuisines, but also loses its own characteristics, coupled with ethnic minority characteristics and unique natural environment, forming a unique food culture in Enshi. Today, we will bring you the 5 most popular foods in Enshi Prefecture, each of which is an important part of here, and holds the nostalgia of countless Enshi people.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

As we all know, Enshi Prefecture is dominated by the Tujia and Miao ethnic groups, and in terms of food culture, the Tujia ethnic characteristics are quite strong, with many Tujia cuisines, and Tujia bacon is one of the best. In Enshi Prefecture, every household in the Tujia family will kill pigs during the New Year, and the Tujia family who can't eat the meat will make it into bacon for preservation.

Of course, Enshi's Tujia bacon is often called "Enshi bacon", and the smoked meat is placed in a ventilated place, and can even be stored for three or four years without deterioration. Its prepared bacon color is brown, the taste is aromatic, when eaten, it can be sliced and then fried with other ingredients, and can also be used for stews, the cooked Tujia bacon is delicious, fragrant, let people have an appetite, and it is also the main dish on the table of the Tujia family to entertain guests. There are many delicacies made with Tujia bacon, including: roasted bacon with squeezed pepper, sugar meat, millet steamed meat, etc., all of which are very good gourmet dishes.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

There is such a delicacy in Enshi that is a perfect match for the Tujia bacon we mentioned above, which is the special snack of the Enshi region. Squeezed pepper has a variety of names such as quail pepper, quail pepper, golden pepper, sour noodles, noodles, noodle fruits, quiche peppers, etc., it is made of fresh red pepper sauce and corn flour (bud noodles) as the main raw materials, its general practice is: the bright red pepper is processed and cleaned and then chopped and added salt to stir evenly, then add the bud noodles to stir evenly, put it into the jar, covered with vegetable leaves prepared in advance and poured into the basin to make, which is spicy and delicious, mellow and delicious, very rice, Especially when stir-fried with Tujia bacon, it is really amazing.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

Enshi bean skin is a kind of local traditional snacks in Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province, it is made of potatoes, corn, rice and other raw materials, may be many small partners who see here wonder, is not called bean skin? Don't use beans to make? Yes, this delicacy is indeed called bean skin in Enshi, but it has nothing to do with beans. Enshi's bean skin has a milky white color and a faint fragrance that can be eaten not only when cooked but also fried. Because of its resemblance to noodles, it is also jokingly called the "instant noodles" of the Enshi Tujia people by many people.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

Hezha is a very characteristic food of the folk in The Enshi region of Hubei Province, and the Tujia people are accustomed to calling it "lazy tofu". This slag is made of soybeans, first soaked in water, then ground into a pulp into a pot and boiled, add vegetable leaves and boil again. Tujia Hezhuo color is milky white, is one of the Tujia family's must-fry every New Year's pot, in Enshi a kind of proverb "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year", which shows its status in the minds of the locals.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

In addition to the above cuisine, there is also such a delicacy in Enshi Prefecture called "Kang potato", potatoes can be said to be the most common vegetables and ingredients in our daily lives, and there are many ways to eat them, what frying, frying, cooking, frying, boiling can be, but have you ever heard of "Kang" potatoes? "Kang" is the dialect of parts of Hubei Province, and Kang potato is a special cuisine of Enshi, of course, in Enshi People are still accustomed to calling potatoes potatoes, so they are also called Kang potatoes. Its production method is also a cooking method especially between frying, the potatoes are cooked with cumin, peppers and other condiments, delicious and delicious, fragrant but not greasy, very delicious, let people taste endlessly.

On the tip of the tongue of Hubei, this is the authentic Enshi delicious specialty food Enshi Tujia bacon spicy and delicious squeezed Guangjiao Tujia "instant noodles" Enshi bean skin "pepper as salt, slag for the New Year" of the slag fragrant but not greasy Kang potatoes

The above is today Xiaohong for everyone to bring Enshi Prefecture 5 major food famous food, of course, Enshi Prefecture food famous food far more than these, there are: Enshi oil fragrant, Cypress Yang dried tofu, Tujia oil tea soup, Enshi sauce fragrant cake, community rice, etc. too much, because of the length of the reason Xiaohong here is not introduced one by one, if you know what kind of food in Enshi welcome to add the following message, I am your food editor "Foodie Xiaohong", we will see you in the next issue.