
High-speed toll collectors have a pair of "yin and yang hands" for everyone

author:China Jiangsu Net
High-speed toll collectors have a pair of "yin and yang hands" for everyone

The working environment of the high-speed toll collector seems to be comfortable but it is actually hard.

The wind can't blow and the rain can't rain, there is air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, in addition to the need to sit for a long time, turn around, plus professional smile service, highway toll administrators do not seem to belong to everyone's impression of high temperature practitioners. Yesterday, the reporter went to the Xingdian toll station of the Nanjing Highway Administration Office in Jiangbei to see the real working status of the toll collectors and high-speed inspection team staff. If someone later says that they work as a high-speed toll collector, a good way to identify is to observe their hands, if the two hands appear obviously black and white, then most of them are not lying.

Xingdian Toll Station is one of the many toll stations along the Ninghe Expressway, because it is located at the junction of Jiangsu and Anhui, and the daily traffic flow is about 20,000. There are 16 crossings throughout the toll station. Although Jiangsu Expressway has implemented an unattended toll model on the main line road, there are still 12 intersections in the Xingdian toll station that are manually charged. At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was already dazzling, and a heat wave was set off on the highway with cars coming and going. Inside the toll booth, zhang Weili, the toll collector, is busy. A large truck slowly drove into the toll island, the toll collector Zhang Weili showed a trademark smile and said "hello" at the same time, and then extended his left hand to raise his hand to signal to stop, pick up the card, collect money, find change, hand over the ticket, and finally say "Thank you!" Good bye! "A set of actions down, usually in about 15 seconds.

Although there is air conditioning at the toll booth, the toll window is always open. With the arrival of various types of passing vehicles, a heat wave wrapped around the exhaust of the car came straight to the face. Zhang Weili told reporters that under normal working conditions, they work a shift for 12 hours, each class has to receive nearly a thousand vehicles on average, stretch out their arms two or three thousand times, and at the end of the day, the left arm is obviously one color number blacker than the right. Including themselves, almost every toll collector has a similar "yin and yang hand". "Because the vehicle entrance hand should be extended, when collecting money, it should be extended, and when looking for money, it should be extended out two or three thousand times a day, plus the ultraviolet rays outside are strong, and the two hands have different division of labor, one inside and one outside." In addition, the sun came after three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and the air conditioning did not have much effect. ”

If the highway toll collectors in the hot summer are more skin color changes, in the Xingdian toll station, in addition to more than 50 toll collectors, there are a number of inspectors providing services on the road every day, they have to face the poisonous sun and the high temperature reflected on the ground. At noon, a vehicle carrying live pigs stopped, and Lu Xiaojian, the head of the inspection team, brought other inspectors to check it. Although the time is not long, the scene has left a lot of fecal filth. When the car left, Lu Xiaojian quickly took out a broom to clean up with his colleagues, and then washed the road with a water pipe: It is too hot, the pig transport vehicle will put down the tarpaulin, and during the inspection process, the pigs in the carriage may urinate and. It is reported that the toll booth has to be too large a day to transport dozens of trucks transporting pigs, often causing urine and feces to accumulate in the toll lane. Therefore, it is necessary to insist on washing with water every day and keep the toll road clean and tidy.

Because it is a highway, even if the weather is hot, the inspector must put on a reflective vest and wear a hat on the outside of the uniform. "Don't look at the vest is very thin and has holes and breathability, but in order to meet the irradiation reflection and durability, the material used in the vest is not pure natural, plus the sun road baking, each time on the road for ten minutes, the clothes and hats are all wet, not to mention, even the vest is like a cotton jacket worn on the body." The reporter learned that often when a class comes down, the inspector's clothes are soaked several times, so almost everyone has to prepare several sets of clothes. Even so, because it is not possible to change clothes immediately as soon as they are wet, more often, sweat is dried by the temperature and the sun, so there will always be salt on the body.

In addition to inspecting passing vehicles, inspectors are also responsible for toll gate safety, facility maintenance, cleaning, and so on. The anti-collision cone bucket was crooked and had to be moved back to its original position; there was garbage in the lane that had to be disposed of as soon as possible; there were splashes on the guardrails, and the light grids and railings were covered with ash, which had to be wiped several times a day. Because of the high temperature, the bucket with coolness when carried out will not become warm water after a long time. "I usually drink one water bottle of water every day, and on a day like now, I have to drink three boiled water bottles, and I can't stand it without replenishing water in time." Lu Xiaojian told reporters that don't look at him and his colleagues drinking n more water every day, but almost no need to go to the toilet, because basically through sweat drainage.

Correspondent Sun Yifei

Nanjing Morning Post/Love Nanjing reporter Chen Yan photo report