
Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

author:Dream back to the green circle
Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

Juvenile Romeushne

On September 23, 1938, Romi Schneider was born in Vienna, Austria, with the name Rosemary Magdelina Albach-Reti. After the outbreak of World War II, she moved to Germany with her parents, who were also film actresses, and spent her childhood in a small town near Berchtesgaden.

In 1943, her parents broke down, after which she lived with her mother, Magda Schneider, and changed her name to her.

In 1949, because Magda Schneider was too busy to take care of her, he sent her to a Catholic boarding school called "Goldenstein" near Salzburg, Austria. During the four years of school, my mother only visited Romei two or three times because she was making movies all year round, and my father did not even write a letter to Himmi.

In 1953, Romi Schneider entered the Art School in Cologne, Germany. In the same year, her mother Magda collaborated with producer Kurt ulrich on "White Lilacs Bloom Again" and was looking for a young actress to play Magda's daughter for the film, and Magda naturally recommended her daughter, and Romey Schneider has since entered the film and television industry. The 15-year-old Romei first dabbled on the screen and interpreted the role of "evchen forster" in the film. The plot of the film is not complicated, but Romei's appearance and performance make the audience remember her. In 1954, Romey was invited to work with his mother again, playing "Princess Victoria" in the romantic comedy "A Queen's Girlhood", and later co-starred with Lily Palmer in the comedy film "Fireworks", which was again well received by experts. In the same year, she was chosen by the director Ernst Malischka , " because of her appearance and temperament very similar to Princess Sissi in Austrian history " , and thus gained the role of "Sissi" " .

Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

Princess Sissi

She is well known to the audience for playing the innocent and pure, lively and kind "Sissi" in the film. In 1956, he collaborated again with Karl Hunts byburne to star in the second film in the series, Princess Sisi 2, which tells the story of Princess Elizabeth, the wife of Emperor Joseph I of Austria-Hungary, played by Romi, who gradually matured into the palace and began to participate in the government. In 1957, she completed the final film in the series, Princess Sissi 3. She also starred in the love film "Mompudi" directed by Kautna Helmut, and the feature film Robinson Can't Die.

Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

In 1958, Romey first co-starred with Carlos Thompson in the comedy film Half Gentle Woman directed by Roalfo Schiller. Later, he co-starred with Alain Delong in the love film "When the Flower Moon Breaks the Intestine", because the two do not understand the language, so in the process of shooting, even when the two embraced and kissed, they were always squatting at their feet to translate. Nevertheless, they continued the feelings in the play to the outside of the play. In 1959, he co-starred with Mosel Hans in the comedy film Pretty Liance. He then starred in the feature film Kaja directed by Robert Theodemek. In the same year, Romey gave up his career in Germany and moved to Paris, where Alain Deron was located, starting as a supporting role in the French film and television industry.

In 1960, when Romey Schneider first arrived in Paris, he starred in the crime thriller "The Dead In the Angry Sea" directed by René Clement, which was led by Alain Deron, and Romey only made a cameo appearance in a small 3-minute role. In 1962, he starred in the fantasy comedy film "Three Yan Frothy Spring" directed by Vittorio de Sica. He then co-starred with Anthony Perkins and Jeanne Morrow in the fantasy film The Trial directed by Orson Welles.

In 1963, Romey stepped into the United States and shot several Hollywood films at Columbia Pictures. First, she starred in the war film "The Victor" with Albert Finney, Peter Fonda and others; then she co-starred with John Houston and others in the feature film "Cardinal" directed by Otto Preminger, and won the 21st Golden Globe Awards - Best Actress nomination for her role as "Annmarie Hartman". In 1964, she co-starred with Jack Lemon in the David Swift comedy film Dream of the East Wall.

In 1965, Romey collaborated with Peter Otto and Peter Cyrus to shoot the comedy "Gentleman of The Merry" at United American Pictures. After that, she returned to the European film industry and continued to work with american film and television companies. In 1966, she returned to France to co-star with Michel Piccoli in the feature film The Thief. In the same year, he filmed the feature film "Summer Night 10:30" directed by Jules Dassin in the United States. In addition, she co-starred with Christopher Plummer in the action film Double Agent Network. In 1968, she made two film productions, the first being with Tom Contenell and Raynad Rousseter on the British comedy film Otret. He then returned to France to co-star with Alain Deron in the crime thriller The Swimming Pool, which reunited former couples on screen.

In the 1970s, Romey Schneider's acting skills were recognized by the international film and television community. In 1971, he co-starred with Michelle Picoli in the film noir "Max and the Gleaner" directed by Claude Sude. The film plays the girlfriend of a burglar gang leader, "Lily", who is used by a person claiming to be a banker to manipulate the burglar gang to rob the bank.

In 1972, she co-starred with Sammy Frey and Yves Montanter in the romantic comedy "Caesar and Rosalie" directed by Claude Sutai, in which she played the young woman "Rosalie" who was caught in a dilemma triangle in the face of the pursuit of two boyfriends. She then starred again with Alain Deron in the historical thriller The Devil's Temptation directed by Joseph Rossi, in which she played Trotsky's admirer, a young female secretary , "Geeta Sam El". She also starred in the biopic Ludwig.

In 1973, Romei co-starred with Jean-Louis Trentinion in pierre Grania-Defley's war film The Last Train, which tells the story of people fleeing by train after the German invasion of France during World War II. In the film, Romey plays "Anna Kepfer", a German-Jewish passenger who escapes on the train.

In 1975, he co-starred with Mitchell Robin in the love film Andrei Zulaski, "What Matters". In the same year, she co-starred with Philip Novartet in the war film The Old Gun, in which she played Philip's wife, Clara.

In 1976, she won the 1st César Award for Best Actress for her role in the love film "What Matters is Love". In the same year, he co-produced the feature film "A Woman by the Window" with Philippe Novarie in France, in which he played the role of "Margot".

In 1977, Romey returned to Germany and co-starred with Brad Dauriff in the feature film "With the Lady", which won the 27th German Film Award for Best Actress; in the same year, she was nominated for the 2nd César Awards - Best Actress for the feature film "A Woman by the Window".

In 1978, she won the 4th César Award for Best Actress for her role as the divorced lady "Mary" in the feature film "A Simple Story" directed by Claude Sutai; and the 23rd Italian David Awards - Special Award.

In 1979, she co-starred with Yves Montant in the feature film The Radiance of a Woman, in which she was nominated for Best Actress at the 5th César Awards for her role as "Lydia". In addition, she won the Best Actress Award at the Taomina Film Festival.

In 1980, Romey Schneider starred in the feature film The Banker, in which she played Emma, a banker whose family was poor and started by stock speculation. In the same year, he filmed the science fiction film "The Voyeur of Death" directed by Bertrand Tavernier.

In 1981, she was selected by a French audience for the best actress of the year for her role as "Emma" in "The Banker". Later, he collaborated with Italian director Dino Ricci and filmed the feature film The Phantom of Love.

In 1982, she co-starred with Michelle Piccoli in the feature film Carefree Passerby, in which she played the role of "Ella", the last film of her 29-year film career.

In 1983, Romey Schneider was nominated for the 8th César Award for Best Actress for "The Carefree Passerby", but by then Romey had died.

Princess Sisi's Princess Dream



Who is Romi Schneider? O Princess Sissi!

In 1959, the 24-year-old DeLonge and the 21-year-old Romei met in the French film "When the Flower Moon Breaks the Intestine", which was DeLonge's first starring work, and Romey had already become a well-known "Austrian princess" in Europe with the "Princess Sissi" trilogy.

Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

Romischneid and Alandron

The two seemed to fall in love with each other as they should be, and after getting engaged, Romei also moved to France, becoming the most eye-catching star couple in Europe for a while. However, in the eyes of the Germans at that time, this relationship was: "You a Gaulish rooster hooked up with our pure princess, and our princess even abandoned her family and abandoned her career to go to France to live with you?!" And presumably they expected that Delong's peach blossom-laden face was destined not to belong to Romei alone. But the one who loves each other can only see each other in his eyes, at least Romei can only see him. DeLonge's career in France is booming, and people love flowers and flowers; Romei, on the other hand, gradually plunged into a trough in her career. This European fairy tale has been performed for four years. In 1964, under great pressure from public opinion, the German princess and the French superstar announced the dissolution of the marriage contract. There are many rumors about the reasons for the two people's breakup, but it is nothing more than the loss of love to reality. In 1982, Romey died suddenly after a failed marriage and the loss of his son. Alandron was very sad, he helped to take care of the aftermath, and wrote a long eulogy, the last few words are: You sleep in peace, I am here to watch you. I learned a little Bit of German from you, and that is -- I love you, I love you, I love you.


Princess Sisi's Princess Dream

In 1966, Romy Schneider fell in love with the German actor and theater director Harry Meine, who was 14 years older than himself, and settled in Germany after marriage. He gave birth to a son, David Maine, in 1967. In 1969, Romein's "Swimming Pool" made a rapid progression. At this time, Meien's career deteriorated and he began to drink and take drugs. In 1975, Harry Mayne filed for a divorce from Rome and asked him to give him 1.4 million marks. Romey eventually traded half of his property for custody of his son. In April 1979, Harry Mayne hanged himself in his apartment in Hamburg.

In 1975, just the day after her divorce, Romei married her male secretary, Daniel Biasini, who was 11 years younger than her, and in 1977 gave birth to a daughter, Sarah Biasini. Soon after, Daniel Villasini abruptly left Rome and went to the United States with Himey's son, David Maine. Her second marriage also ended in divorce.

One night in May 1982, 43-year-old Romy Schneider left this world alone, too late to say goodbye to anyone. When she died, she had a half-written letter next to her, which is said to have been written to her beloved son David, who died unexpectedly a year earlier.