
The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

After the NBA resumes, all players will kneel down on one knee and say "no" to violent law enforcement while playing the US national anthem. However, there is a player who is more special, and when the national anthem is played, he will stand there "standing out" until the end. At the same time, he does not wear jerseys with anti-racism slogans, as most players do. That player is Magic forward Jonathan Isaac.

The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

Image from social media

Against such a sensitive backdrop, plus so far the NBA is the only one who has not knelt down, even though Isaac has publicly explained the reason for what he has done, he is still drowned in criticism.

Earlier, Isaac said at a news conference that he believed that the lives of black people were indeed important, but not by wearing propaganda jerseys and kneeling, and that the best solution was to "believe in God and the gospel."

"Each of us has done things that shouldn't have been done and said things we shouldn't have said. We hate and loathe things that we shouldn't hate and loathe, and sometimes we judge others, such as who is more evil and whose evil is the most obvious. "Racism is not the only problem that plagues our society, the nation, and the world, but the best answer to overcome that is to believe in the gospel." ”

Isaac's explanation did not get much support, and what is worse is that according to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported on the 2nd, the 22-year-old striker was injured in the game with the Kings on Sunday (2nd) local time, and he could only leave the court with the help of a wheelchair due to unbearable pain. Sources say is likely that Isaac had torn the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee.

However, the injury did not win sympathy for him, but instead drew more scolding, with many critics claiming that his injury was "karma". Many radical American netizens can't help but start to criticize.

Some said such injuries were "ironic."

The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

Some netizens said, "I don't want to kneel, so 2020 will take away your knees." ”

The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

American television personality Chris Williams believes that "if everyone kneels to listen to the national anthem and you are the only one standing up, you are a clown." ”

However, some netizens said that if they are happy for Isaac's hurt feelings, it is a problem.

The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

Isaac's teammates are more concerned about his injury than the gossip on the Internet. Team striker Aaron Gordon said it was really hard to see his teammates fall to the ground in such pain, and they couldn't help but burst into tears.

It is worth noting that the Magic team issued a statement on the 1st, supporting the choice of their players to speak out for black people on the field, but did not mention anything about the Isaac incident.

The only player in the NBA who did not kneel while playing the national anthem was seriously injured and was sprayed "karma"

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