
Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

In nature, there are still hierarchies.

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

2. There is an emperor who has 12 sons, but none of them are his own flesh and blood.

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

3. In order to solve the problem of trolls, League of Legends also set up a "player behavior group"

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

4. Thais hold a "Rocket Festival" every year

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

5. Potatoes in France called "Satan's Apple"

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

6. In the past, shrimp were the food of prisoners and poor people, and they also had a nickname called "sea cockroaches"

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

7. His name is Bill Bailey and he's better than Michael. Jackson was also an early tap dancer.

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

8. The theme song of "SpongeBob SquarePants" is one of the most commonly used marches of the Russian army.

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

9. The Emperor is auspicious! The Empress dowager is auspicious!

Cold Knowledge Forty-fourth Wave

10. The United States is also known as the "land of tornadoes", and they have an average of 5 tornadoes of different intensity every day.