
Wen Jing Yu Zi Dan Wen Jing Yu Zi Dan


Prescription: Ginseng 60 g Cinnamon 30 g Schizandra 30 g Silk Seeds 90 g Bai Shu 150 g Huang Qi 240 g Angelica 90 g Yuanzhi 60 g Fried Jujube Kernels 90 g Dogwood 90 g Deer Antler Velvet 1 Pair Cistanche 90 g Broken Paper 90 g Poria 60 g Bai Zi Ren 30 g Sand Kernels 15 g 30 g Meat and Fruits 30 g

Preparation method: the medicine is studied as the end, and the honey is the pill.

Indications for function: Wenjing Yuzi. Cure male impotence, cold infertility.

Dosage: 30 grams daily with wine. Take one ingredient, fine become warm.

Excerpt from The Dialectical Records, Vol. X

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