
Do you deserve the affection of a Scorpio? Scorpio analysis

author:Liu Yanxi


Scorpio attaches great importance to everything they give, so Scorpio's dependence on feelings is completely unexpected. Feelings are Scorpio's fatal weakness, and Scorpio has never been the desperate sign in everyone's mouth.

Scorpio will not take the initiative to attack others, unless you really hurt his inner place, people with such abilities are often the people who make Scorpio pay the most attention to and care.


Scorpio is a very competitive constellation, extremely possessive, never drags mud and water in doing things, is good at cynicism, is prone to emotional irritability, loves to lose temper, and double standard. There is a typical Scorpion around people who love and hate, when his sincerity is only in exchange for your betrayal, he will be like a different person, turning his face and not recognizing people, will take revenge, will retaliate, will play with you and applause. Scorpio is polite and distant in front of people he doesn't know, and he will babble like a baby to people who care.

I stole the rose, and I killed the one who loved you

Do you deserve the affection of a Scorpio? Scorpio analysis

The poles are reversed

When you walk into the heart of Scorpio, he will be very loyal, reject all ambiguity for you, will draw a line with other people, will introduce you to family and friends, will let you integrate into his life, will remember what you love to eat or not, will silently do a lot of things, will be jealous because of a little thing, will be super clingy, when you are petite, it is also super cute, when you are close to you, your mouth is particularly sweet, and you will be soft.

How to catch a Scorpion?

Like Scorpio is really torturing yourself, generally speaking, there will be more emotional changes, you can't have too many requirements for him in life, he will feel that you are very annoying, but after Scorpio and you have been together for a while, when you feel that you are trustworthy, you will be very honest with you, the time may be very long, but if you want to get it immediately, then sorry, Scorpio is not suitable for you, even if he gets it, he will not treat you sincerely. Scorpio men are passive creatures, they will always have an unforgettable first love, at this time you can only poke and poke their own advantages, prove that they are not worse than their ex, Scorpio will not take the initiative to say that they love you, if you take the initiative to show love to him, he will not accept it when he does not see his heart. And when he is in love with you, he will not take the initiative to say that he loves you, only understated that he likes. If I like you, then congratulations, you have succeeded! If there is a favorite Scorpio, it is best to stand still and show the best side of himself without moving, and Scorpio will stir up the opposite sex that interests him.

Once you enter Scorpio's heart, you are his only one, so do you deserve Scorpio's affection?