
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

author:Yimeng Red Education

The 2021 Maoming New Municipal Management Cadre Training Course was successfully held in Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center from October 16 to 21.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

During the study period, he carried out special teachings "The Value and Practical Significance of the Yimeng Spirit of the Times", interview teaching "Transmission of the Yimeng Spirit from Generation to Generation", and the Red Song Party Class "Forever Singing", and went to the Yimeng Red Sister-in-Law Memorial Hall, the Yimeng Red Finance Memorial Hall, the Zhujialin National Pastoral Complex, the Daqingshan Breakthrough Memorial Hall, the Menglianggu Battle Memorial Hall, the Headquarters of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the former site of the Shandong Provincial Government, the Yimeng Revolution Memorial Hall, the New Fourth Army Headquarters Memorial Hall for on-site teaching, and presented flower baskets to the revolutionary ancestors in the Daqingshan Martyrs' Cemetery. Remember the martyrs and relive the oath of joining the party.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

Special topic teaching

The epochal value and practical significance of the Yimeng spirit

Chai Oulin, former vice president of the Party School of the Linyi Municipal CPC Committee and distinguished professor of the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center, gave a lecture on the special theoretical course "The Epochal Value and Practical Significance of the Yimeng Spirit", and Professor Chai vividly interpreted the emergence and development, connotation and essence, characteristics and positioning of the Yimeng Spirit, and the development and inheritance of the Yimeng Spirit under the new situation.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

On-site teaching

Whether in the Red Sister-in-law Memorial Hall or the Menglianggu Battle Memorial Hall, everyone can find the footprints of revolutionary pioneers and feel the revolutionary spirit of "loving the party and the army, forging ahead in a pioneering spirit, arduous pioneering, and selfless dedication". The wheels rolled in front of the busy, sending sons and sending langs to the battlefield, Yimeng Hong's sister-in-law sewed military uniforms, made military food, raised revolutionary descendants, and the selfless love of milk to save the wounded composed a moving song of water and milk. The ordinary and ordinary people of Yimeng dedicate themselves to the ideal with the belief of loyalty to the party and light up the dawn of victory with their lives.

Yimeng Hongyi Memorial Hall

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

Menglianggu Battle Memorial Hall

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

Subsequently, everyone went to the headquarters of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, the former site of the Shandong Provincial Government, the Memorial Hall of the Yimeng Revolution, and the Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the New Fourth Army. They said that in order to be a qualified communist party member, we must not forget our original intention, keep our mission firmly in mind, never forget history, forge ahead, strengthen our ideals and convictions, and strengthen the cultivation of party spirit.

Red Finance Memorial

Finance is the bloodline of the modern economy and an important core competitiveness of the country. At the Yimeng Red Finance Memorial Hall, everyone deeply understood that from the period of the Great Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation to the founding of New China, red finance played an irreplaceable and important role in the great struggle of the Chinese revolution led by the Communist Party of China. The creation of the Yimeng base area and the birth of the Beihai Bank in Yinan County have withstood the test of the revolutionary war, provided timely and indispensable financial support and services for the all-round War of Resistance, created one miracle after another in the annals of history, and written a glorious chapter of red finance.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

The mirror is therefore illuminated, and the ancient things are known to the present. Today, when we study and review history, we must enhance our courage and strength to move forward, never forget our original intention, and continue to move forward.

Interview teaching

The spirit of Yimeng is passed down from generation to generation

With the inheritance and promotion of the Yimeng spirit as the main line, the interview teaching of "Yimeng Spirit from Generation to Generation" invited Zheng Guohua, an expert in party history, the relatives of martyr Xing Baozhen of "Yimeng Liu Hulan," and the relatives of martyr Xu Xiangnan, a pioneer of the Yimeng revolution, to conduct teaching interviews and tell the revolutionary deeds of Yimeng's heroic models who can sing and cry. Through the interview and teaching, everyone can more deeply understand the essence and era value of the Yimeng spirit in the collision of history and reality.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center


At the closing ceremony, the leaders of the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center and the Party School of the Maoming Municipal Party Committee jointly issued certificates of completion to the trainees of the training class.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

Zhao Guoxian, a second-level researcher at the Party School of the Maoming Municipal CPC Committee, made a concluding speech, in which Zhao Guoxian said: The purpose of carrying forward the Yimeng-Mongolian spirit and inheriting the red gene as the mission in carrying forward the Yimeng-Mongolian spirit is to personally feel the revolutionary feelings of the party and the people in the old revolutionary areas of "blending water and milk, and sharing life and death with the common ground." In the future, in their work, I hope that everyone will take this training as a new starting point and a new driving force, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, uphold the truth, adhere to ideals, practice the original intention, undertake the mission, and not be afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle Be loyal to the party, live up to the people, better temper yourself in your respective posts, and be an excellent cadre.

In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center
In 2021, the training course for new municipal management cadres in Maoming City was successfully held in the Yimeng Cadre Education and Training Center

Through this party history study, education, training, and training, everyone was deeply touched ideologically and gained a deeper understanding of the substantive connotation of the Yimeng-Mongolian spirit. They expressed the need to inherit and carry forward the Yimeng spirit, inherit the red gene, strengthen ideals and convictions, and strengthen the cultivation of party spirit. Unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.