
Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?

author:The majority of oral dentists Wang Wei

Many people think that everything will be fine after dental implants, and rarely consider the care of dental implants. In fact, even if the planting is successful, it does not mean that it can be scrupulous. If you want to ensure good long-term results after dental implant surgery, you must do these things:

First, the initial maintenance after implant surgery:

Generally, according to the doctor's guidance, medication includes antibiotics, painkillers, mouthwashes, etc.; brush your teeth 24 hours after surgery, and then brush your teeth with a soft and small brush head for 1-2 weeks.

Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?

Second, the use and maintenance of dental implants after returning to normal:

After the implant need to do a good job of daily cleaning work, it is recommended to use a soft bristle toothbrush as much as possible, using dental floss, interdental brush and other tools for cleaning, which has a low damage to dental implants.

Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?

3. Ask a professional dentist for maintenance.

After dental implant surgery, regular examinations are required, and a professional doctor should check the condition of the implant in the mouth, and if problems are found to be dealt with in time, it can make the implant tooth live longer.

Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?

1. Excellent function.

The function of implant teeth is more similar to that of our healthy teeth, whether it is appearance, chewing endurance, service life is to solve our natural teeth.

Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?

2. Do not harm other teeth.

At present, the common clinical method of tooth deficiency restoration, dental implants are not harmful to adjacent teeth, and do not need to grind out healthy teeth.

Dentures are so expensive to use! What are the benefits of choosing a dental implant without neglecting these care details?