
"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

author:Mirror Youth
"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

Author: Our special invited author lonely cold light

In "Fourteen Years of Chenghua", the sister-brother love story between Ming Xianzong Zhu Mishen and a woman 17 years older than him, Wan Guifei, makes people feel senseless, Zhu Jianshen and the great eunuch Wang Zhi have made a west factory for the first time, standing side by side with the east factory, and the court is made by them to be a miasma. However, if you see what happens below, you won't think that the emperor is really as faint as the history books.

"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

That night was dark, and a child cowered and hid in the arms of a young girl. His name was Zhu Mi-mao, and that year was three years of Jingtai. His uncle, Emperor Zhu Qiyu, who was sitting in the court, deposed him as crown prince and installed his own son, Zhu Jianji. In the days that followed, the child, Zhu Mi-mao, became dependent on the young girl. This young girl's surname is Wan, and she is a palace maid in the palace. The original prince is now in danger of his life at all times. And this also left a deep shadow on this child. In the years to come, this young girl became Zhu Mihao's reliance and pillar, and his father was now enjoying the "heavenly pleasure of the Emperor Taishang" in the Nangong.

Originally, they thought that their lives would be spent in such a plain way, but in the eighth year of Jingtai, his father Zhu Qizhen once again ascended the throne. Zhu Jiantao also became the crown prince again, and in order to bid farewell to the past, his father changed his name to Zhu Mishen. However, this prince was not liked by the emperor, and he was persuaded by his ministers to keep the position of prince. It was the bumpy experience of his youth that made Zhu Jianshen have a strong heart. In the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Qizhen died, and Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne to become a flower.

"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

Zhu Jianshen looked at the courtiers kneeling in the court, and before this joy had passed, he found that this emperor was not good. During the eight years of the Tianshun Dynasty, Zhu Qizhen left his son with a mess.

The first is the discord between the courtiers. Since Zhu Qizhen was the restored emperor, the entire Tianshun Dynasty was constantly attacking the ministers of the Jingtai Dynasty. As soon as Zhu Jianshen came up, he was ready to rehabilitate the unjust case of Yu Qian, the core of the Jingtai Dynasty. The "History of Ming" records: "At the beginning of Chenghua, the crown was forgiven, and the grievances were wronged, and the officials were restored to give sacrifices." The saying: When the country is in many difficulties, the security community is safe, but the monopoly of justice is jealous of the power and adultery. In the past emperor knew his wrongdoing, and the heart was really pitiful and loyal. ”

"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

This measure is quite important, and only after Yu Qian's rehabilitation can there be no public opinion scruples when appointing ministers. Eleven years later, he regained the status of Emperor Jingtai and was given the title of "Emperor Gongren Kangdingjing". Although the eleven-character nickname is shorter than that of other Ming emperors, this is a signal. Because without Yu Qian and Emperor Jingtai heroically resisting the Wallachians, there would have been no victory in the defense of Beijing, and the resentment of the ministers in the imperial court slowly dissipated.

In addition to the court, the place did not stop, first of all, the peasant uprising in the Liangguang and Jingxiang areas. At this time, the Rebellion of the Yao Tuguan in Liangguang had reached Hunan, and the Jingxiang displaced people also began to attack the important southern town of Xiangyang. In the face of this chaos, Zhu Jianshen launched Xiang Zhongqing to suppress the Jingxiang uprising, and although Xiang Zhong was still a feudal official before, he also worked with Ma Wensheng to quell the Guyuan banditry, but his reputation was not very big. Zhu Jianshen's move aroused the criticism of the courtiers, but it turned out that Zhu Jianshen did the right thing, and the Jingxiang displaced people were pacified in only one year.

For the rebellion in Liangguang, Zhu Jianshen directly "rebelled." Han Yong, who had previously been demoted to Zhejiang by him for the "Wang Lun case", was appointed to liangguang to quell the rebellion. Wang Lun's case was the first major case handled by Emperor Xianzong, and it was still the eighth year of Tianshun. The History of Ming records: "Emperor Xianzong hated it, so he counted Wang Lun's sins. The mastermind of this case is Wang Lun, Han Yong was only convicted for implication, and it turns out that Zhu Jianshen once again used the right person. The Battle of Broken Vine Gorge Han Yong became famous in one battle, quelled the liangguang rebellion, and the successive settlement of the jingxiang and liangguang problems allowed Zhu Jianshen to extend his hand to the northern border.

"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

The first solution was the relatively soft Jianzhou Jurchen, who had begun to unify the Jianzhou Jurchen ministries during the Xuande years. At this time, Ai Xinjue Luoshi was still very obedient to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming army sent troops to the north of the desert to assist.

But since Dong Shan succeeded to the throne, he has not been so obedient. The History of Ming records: "During the orthodox period, Jianzhou Wei commanded Dong Shan, inciting northern prisoners to enter Kou, killing and plundering endlessly. "It was only when I arrived at the Jingtai Dynasty that I stopped a little. But this kind of dissipation did not last long, and the Tianshun period was still the same. For the Jianzhou Department, the Ming Dynasty was actually very tolerant, and also expanded the Jianzhou Jurchen to Jianzhou Wei. Regarding the behavior of the Jianzhou Jurchens in repaying their grievances with virtue, Zhu Jianshen decided to use force to solve it.

In September 1467, Zhu Jianshen used Zhao Fu as the chief soldier, and Li Bing as the deputy commander to lead the 50,000 Ming army to send troops to Guanwai, a battle known as "Chenghua Ploughing Court". Listening to the name, you can know the result, the entire Jianzhou Jurchens were devastated, and more than seventeen hundred Jurchens were wiped out. Because the Jianzhou Jurchen had just rebelled before, the cost was small, and such a blow made the Jianzhou Jurchen completely stop.

After pacifying the northeastern border, Zhu Jianshen set his sights on the Hetao area to the north. As the saying goes, "the Yellow River is a hundred harms, only one set of rich", the Hetao area has been the focus of the War between the Central Plains Dynasty and the nomads since ancient times, and Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty once built Shuofang City here. In the Ming Dynasty, it was a buffer between the Ming and Tatars.

After the change of Tumu Fort, due to the sharp reduction in combat effectiveness of the three battalions of the Beijing Division, the Tatars seized the opportunity to seize the Hetao area. In the first year of Tianshun, the Bolai department began to lie in the Hetao area and did not go. Although Shi Heng led the Ming army to drive out the Tatars once, it was then occupied again, and throughout the Tianshun Dynasty, the hetao problem was not resolved.

"Fourteen Years of Chenghua" Ming Xianzong played a sister-brother love, but you don't know that he saved Daming

In the Chenghua Dynasty, Zhu Jianshen was ready to completely solve the hetao problem. In the fifth year of Chenghua, the Ming army began to fight the Tatars in the Hetao area. But the Tatars came and went like the wind and couldn't catch it, so they couldn't solve the loop problem. At this time, the Ming army was not strong in combat strength, and it also took a defensive position.

In the eighth year of Chenghua, Bai Gui suggested that he fight again. After some deliberation, the Ming army sent 80,000 troops to retake the Hetao area. Nine years after Chenghua, the fighter plane came. At this time, Mandulu and other troops led elites to the border of the Ming Dynasty to plunder, and the famous general Wang Yue took advantage of the weakness of the defense in the Hetao area to sneak into the military tent in Hetao. According to the record of this battle: "Three hundred and fifty were captured, and the camel horse equipment was not counted, and the house was burned and returned" When Manduru and other robbers returned, they found that their old nest had been destroyed, so they had to withdraw from hetao. After the battle for Hetao, due to the large army's permanent residence and a lot of money and food, the Ming army built a border wall in Hetao. The victory of this Hetao battle ushered in twenty years of peace for Daming. However, the border wall was only built on the south side of the Loop, leaving hidden dangers for the future.

The successive solutions of internal and external troubles caused Zhu Jianshen to turn his gaze back to the top of the court. The establishment of the West Factory, which is mostly criticized, has become a stain that Zhu Jianshen cannot wash away in his life. For the establishment of the West Factory, Zhu Jianshen's original intention was also divergent, and the efforts of the early Chenghua period were also dimmed because of Wan Guifei and Wang Zhi.

Looking at the Zhu Jianshen dynasty, the bad government during the Tianshun years was swept away. The combat effectiveness of the Ming army was restored to a certain extent by the joint efforts of the Jingtai and Chenghua dynasties. One or two can be seen in the destruction of the Jurchens and the recovery of the River Loop. In terms of civil rule, the rehabilitation of Emperor Jingtai showed Zhu Jianshen's mind. In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, it is even more so that the courtiers can twist into a rope. However, in the later period, Wang Zhi was favored, which made the country regress. Tang Xuanzong still had a "Tianbao crisis", let alone Zhu Jianshen?

References: History of the Ming Dynasty, Records of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty

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