
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?

author:Beijing looks for food, drink and fun

       The mystery of jadeite is here, even if the same stone, different parts of its crystal size and arrangement are not the same, just like we knead the dough, my place is more uniform, water and noodles blend together, the texture is uniform; However, in some places, due to the uneven force, it is related to the squeezing force affected by the jadeite metallogenic, and the randomness is also very large, and the magical natural force is called the magic of nature to create a variety of jadeite jade. Let's introduce you to what is ice jadeite gelatinization? Glass jadeite?

       Jadeite gelatin, Qi Ying is not every piece of jadeite can have characteristics, which is related to the growth process of jadeite force, its crystal particles will form different orders, some can make jadeite become rounded, some can make the crystals elongated into fibrous filaments, or different sizes of crystal particles fuse with each other, thereby forming different jadeite species of water, can be described as varied.

       Emerald gelling or gum texture, when we were young, we did a school organization of manual classes, there have been the use of plastic bottles of glue, jadeite gelatin is to give people the feeling of like the state of condensed glue, viscous, stagnant, uniform, add a little chaos, transparent and hazy blur, transparency is worse than full transparency. Refer to the picture under the feeling;

What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?

       Jadeite's rising or glowing light is that the jadeite particle crystals are arranged in an unusually neat and orderly manner, resulting in the neat refraction of light after entering, and never form a condensation of light in the arc or edge of the jadeite, thus presenting a bright and "rigid" strong light to people, we call it Ying.

What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?
What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?

       When the jadeite particles are small and the seeds are very old, such as the crystals are arranged in an orderly manner, then they will glow, and when the crystal particles are very small and the seeds are very old. However, the crystal arrangement is more disorderly, and the glue is started at this time.

       Jadeite gelatin, Qi Ying basically only appears on ice species, glass species jadeite, indicating that it is directly related to the thickness of jadeite grains. But not glass and ice jadeite will necessarily gel; Even if the glass jadeite, ice jadeite is still not able to glue up, where the glue, the jadeite are relatively rare phenomena, so there is no doubt that the price is definitely high.

The above content is researched and sorted out by the jewelry appraiser of I Love Jade Network.

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What is Ice Jadeite Gelling /Glass Jadeite Gelling?