
Pre-market strategy on November 8: the index repeatedly rubbed weak, hot spot shock higher, grasp the main line focus

author:Oriental Red Chen Chen

【Large Market】

1, the market index repeatedly rubbed the trend is weak, still has not fully seen the stable upward pattern appears, because the instability of the market, resulting in the overall development of the market is not sufficient, it is difficult to have enough confidence to carry out the upward trend market, which is the recent hot main line is clear in the case of still can not continue to improve, are suppressed. It's only a matter of time before this situation in the market is a matter of time, just be patient.

2, the U.S. stock market hit a record high, no matter what interest rate hikes are expected to shrink debt measures in the United States, U.S. stocks are constantly new highs, on the contrary, a share, more is helpless, where is the problem, observe the content and performance of these constituent stocks of the Shanghai 50 Index and the Shanghai And Shenzhen 300 Index, the biggest reason is the drag of financial stocks, think about the policy guidelines on the financial sector (including real estate) in recent years, it is not difficult to understand, the financial sector in recent years are strongly suppressed and suppressed direction, so the stock price continues to be weak, It also affects the trend of the broader market index. How to get rid of the serious impact of financial stocks in the market, it is difficult in the short term, it is difficult to expect new industry substitution and financial stock market value shrinkage in the long run to reduce the proportion of the impact index, this is a slow process, in this process the Chinese stock market has to accept this helplessness, which is actually also in debt repayment, just like the high valuation of previous years, these years have also been a lot, the valuation has decreased, because the performance has grown, the market has not increased so much, so the valuation has decreased in disguise. Sooner or later, this stage will pass, and once it passes, it is the sea of stars, insist on it.

In the face of the current market trend, strategically I still recommend seizing the golden track, the main line hot spots, core assets, and waiting for the fourth quarter performance wave.

【Main Line】

1, semiconductor technology: gradually strengthening, there is a small trend formed, deterministic recovery, the focus direction is the three generations of semiconductors, automotive electronics, VR, AR and other related consumer electronics and chips.

2, carbon neutral - new energy vehicle industry chain: battery materials, the upstream is weak, temporarily waiting. Now is moving to small and medium-sized travel, batteries, motors, electronic controls, automotive electronics, auto parts and other markets have begun to look for new energy vehicle segment industry opportunities, biased to the capital.

3, carbon neutral - new energy industry chain: not photovoltaic into the adjustment period, the United States may be on China's photovoltaic industry to curb, but also the 5g of the routine, the United States can not play China's play, this is a disturbance to the photovoltaic industry, short-term should be careful. Wind energy is the strongest, now wind energy is the mainstay, wind energy market is not finished, the fourth quarter rush to install, with large belt small policies are all positive driving factors.

4, carbon neutral - energy storage: now is basically independent stock development, has not yet formed a plate linkage, focusing on sodium-ion batteries.

5, carbon neutral - rare earth permanent magnet: rare earth permanent magnet and lithium, cobalt, the original are small metal industry, but also the cycle industry, but with the outbreak of new energy vehicles last year, these three varieties have been separated from the cycle stocks, become a growth industry, and the time will last a long time. In particular, the rare earth permanent magnet industry is not only a large number of new energy vehicles, but also wind energy, energy storage, energy saving and other areas of need, is our country to achieve carbon neutrality goals of the most important high-end materials, the future space is promising, the past week rare earth quotations continued to rise sharply, rare earth permanent magnets in the fourth quarter performance certainty to increase significantly, so the focus is on this sector.

6, meta-universe: the new wave of the Internet, the new wave of the technology industry, comprehensively drive the semiconductor, consumer electronics, 5G, blockchain, digital twin, virtual reality and other fields of great development, this is a new type of science and technology outbreak of a best carrier, this is like the development of aerospace technology, in fact, the exploration of high-end technologies in various fields, will eventually become a new technology for the public to benefit. The same metaverse is also such a carrier, which will drive technological breakthroughs in many industries, and the metacosm is not a game, it is a new wave. The current stage focuses on the direction of equipment, consumer electronics.

7, consumption: focus on food and beverage, liquor focus, drink things are always out of the big bull stocks, focus on core assets, well-known brands.

【Portfolio and Positions】

1. Machine tour band (main rising wave): 100% of the position. (Position +t mode) (100% of full position)

At present, institutional funds mainly do two aspects of the market, one is to do the recovery of core assets, and the other is the main line of hot spots in the small and medium-sized caps. The recovery of core assets is mainly liquor food and beverage, semiconductors, consumer electronics, wind energy, new energy vehicles in the middle and lower reaches, rare earth permanent magnets, etc., for this part we mainly adopt a low-absorption strategy at the bottom of the band, holding shares, long-term.

The other line is mainly to do the main line of hot spots of the small and medium-cap to make up, this part is mainly wind energy, automotive electronics, semiconductors, consumer electronics and other main rising wave breakthroughs, this is mainly to do high-entry breakthrough mode, short-term.

2. Floating capital board (jumping dragon gate): 100% position. (Full Position100%)

At present, the dominant market of floating capital is still relatively obvious, and the speculation of the concept of free money on the theme is still relatively positive, but it is only because it is affected by the market more, there is no basis for continuous outbreaks, but the market strength and enthusiasm are still very good, and the key direction is in the metacosm, automotive electronics, and wind energy.

Pre-market strategy on November 8: the index repeatedly rubbed weak, hot spot shock higher, grasp the main line focus