
New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

author:China Business Intelligence Network
New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Mosuo wave shovel, air drying to form a lute, so also called pipa meat. Pork belly is a meat food stored by the Mosuo people, usually when you want to eat it, you will cut a piece, if there are guests at home, you must also use pork fat to entertain guests. There are many ways to eat pork belly, which can be boiled, fried, and steamed. Pork belly looks fatty, but it is very refreshing to eat, mellow and delicious. In addition to daily consumption, pork belly is often used for sacrifices and also for banquets.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

In Mosuo, the wine is called "tonic day" or "An Er", the production method is to first mix and cook corn, barley, millet, etc., add the sake koji to ferment, put it into the bottle and cover it tightly, and heat it in the pot and cook it. When steaming, put a large bowl in the bottle, fill it up and pour it into the bottle or altar to cool it. When the wine is inlet, about 32-37 degrees, but the wine has a lot of staying power, try to be careful when drinking, do not covet the cup.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Crispy Rice Wine is a low-grade fine wine brewed by the traditional process of Mosuo, which is made by mixing and fermenting a variety of grains such as barley, barley, wheat, buckwheat, barley, corn, millet and so on. Crispa is a great welcome to the Mosuo family. Crispy Meloma wine is slightly orange in color, low in wine, mellow in taste, rich in amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates, known as "Mosuo beer". Drink crispy rice often, can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, enhance appetite.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Grilled dried fish is made by cutting open the fish or cutting a small bite in the abdomen, taking out the offal, sprinkling salt, peppercorns and five-spice powder, and slowly grilling it on a fire or an iron pot. When eaten, dried fish is grilled on a charcoal fire or fried in clear oil, the taste is crisp and delicious, it is a direct sacrifice to accompany the wine, and the milky white soup used to cook the soup is rich in flavor, excellent taste and nutrition. In the past, horse gangs who went out often brought a large amount of dried fish to exchange with foreign merchants in exchange for what they needed.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

After the Lugu Lake people stir-fry in an iron pot with indica rice, corn, oats, soybeans, rice, crisp and so on, they are mixed with maltose made of green pears, malt and corn chips, and then cut into pieces for feeding. Used to lower Surima, the flavor is unique.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

The Xiaoliangshan area is rich in bitter buckwheat, which is the king of five grains in the hearts of the Yi people, and bitter buckwheat is a local flavor food. There is always bitter buckwheat on the altar, in the house, in the wedding, and at the hospitality feast. The bitter buckwheat rice burned by the Yi people from the fire ash (the mother-in-law) will not deteriorate for ten days and a half months. When eating, eat with honey, bittersweet and refreshing, with endless aftertaste.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Pickled sour fish Mosuo language Niji, is the traditional cuisine of Ninglang Mosuo, Pumi people's hospitality. Locals use fresh split-bellied fish caught in Lugu Lake, put live fish into clay pots, put a layer of fish sprinkled with a layer of rice noodles, salt and other condiments, fill the altar, and put it in the shade for 10-15 days. Pickled sour fish can be eaten raw, fried or added with chili peppers to cook into a sour and spicy soup, the taste is tender and refreshing. When eating, first look at the color of garlic at the mouth of the altar, such as garlic black, indicating that it is inedible, and the newly opened pickled sour fish will generally be eaten by the cat before eating to argue whether it is poisonous. Split-bellied fish is a primitive subfamily fish that is now a national second-level protected aquatic animal.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

The meat is a unique flavor of the Xiaoliangshan Yi people, similar to Xinjiang's "hand grilled lamb", which is the highest etiquette for Yi people to treat guests, and is also an essential food for festivals and picnics. Made from fresh and fat pork, beef and mutton, the meat is eaten with pickled dried sauerkraut soup, and the meat is grasped in the hand and chewed while chewing, and it has become a very famous flavor dish in Xiaoliangshan. The meat depends on the size of the fresh meat, the large one is about half a pound per stone, and the small one is two or three times per stone. The meat is large, fresh and pure in taste. No seasoning is required to maintain the fresh flavor of fresh meat and rich in nutrients.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Pig blood intestine Mosuo language Habu, the production method is in the semi-cooked rice, with pig blood, leek root, green onion, ginger, garlic, salt, yellow fruit peel powder, spices, chen plate oil, filled into the pig intestine, rolled into a circle, and then put into the steamer steamed, cut into slices when eating, fried, as a side dish for wine or tea drinking, delicious taste.

New Year's Day holiday to Lugu Lake to explore the exquisite food of the Mosuo people Lugu Lake food inventory

Pickled pear is a unique kind of kimchi of the Mosuo people, the local rich variety of pears, people like to soak these suitable for soaking pear in the pottery altar, proportionally add salt, white wine, ginger, garlic, pepper and water, sealed for more than a month after eating, with sour, sweet, crisp and rich mellow flavor, unique, is a delicious food. If the steeping time is longer, the taste will be better.