
The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

author:The world of popular science

Speaking of the golden cicada this insect, it is estimated that the vast majority of rural people will swallow saliva, although this small thing is not large, but the taste is indeed very delicious, so it is also called "Tang monk meat", now is the season of the golden cicada listing, may be many friends are enjoying this kind of mouth blessing.

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

Golden cicada is also called grasshopper, commonly known as zhi, ma chi, black old wow, larval stage also has many names, such as climbing fork, climbing, climbing monkey, cicada monkey, knowing monkey, knotted monkey, beef cattle, knotted turtle, fairy or cicada turtle, etc., different places have different names, what does your hometown call it?

Although everyone is familiar with cicadas, but its understanding is usually limited to some of its living habits, such as larvae living underground, eating the root sap of trees, crawling out of the ground to suck sap when they grow up, cicadas will molt, and their cries are very loud. In biology, the cicada is a representative species of the cicada family, for the homoptera of the family Mid-sized to large insects, body length of 2 to 5 cm, usually two pairs of membrane wings, compound eye protrusion, 3 single eyes, the largest cicada body length of 4 to 5 cm, cicada is the loudest insect, but only male cicadas will chirp.

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

There are actually many species of cicada insects, about 2,000 species in the world, distributed in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions, usually inhabiting deserts, grasslands and forests, our common cicadas, also known as triflora cicadas, belong to the genus of moth cicadas, in addition to the cockroach (commonly known as hairy cicadas), there are two species, only distributed in southern Australia. There are also periodic cicadas, the most famous of which are the 17-year-old cicada and the 13-year-old cicada in North America, which appear in large numbers in a certain area at a certain time, which is very spectacular. But no matter which kind of cicada, its lifestyle is basically larval in the underground, growing into an adult worm after drilling out of the ground to live in the tree, after mating and laying eggs and then dying.

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

But even in China, the types of cicadas and some habits are not exactly the same, for example, in some areas of Xinjiang, the way cicadas are unearthed and our common way is very different, our common cicadas are at dusk or at night from the ground to climb out, looking for trees to climb after the molt becomes known, but the cicadas in Shawan and other places in Xinjiang are in the hottest time at noon from the ground to find plants to climb up, at this time the cicadas are tender yellow, they take advantage of the strong sunlight at noon to dry themselves into black, wings dry after they can spread their wings and fly away, This cicada does not have the habit of molting on the ground, because they have faded the skin in the basement,

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

Then climb out of the ground, dry the wings can fly, this way reduces the time of molting on the ground, and its molting time is the most vulnerable time, so the cicadas in the eastern region of China chose to molt at night to prevent being discovered by natural enemies, while the cicadas in Xinjiang chose to molt underground, dry their bodies and wings after coming out, and they can fly, which is indeed time-saving.

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?

In terms of the living habits of cicadas, they are a pest because they are not good for the growth of plants, but for humans, cicadas are a delicacy, and people who do not like to eat insects usually have difficulty resisting the temptation of delicious cicadas. In addition, the shell under the cicada can also be used as a medicinal material, with the effect of dissipating wind and heat removal, pharynx, diaphragm, antispasmodic, etc., can treat wind fever cold, sore throat, red swelling pain, tetanus, children's wind and night crying, etc., in addition to vitiligo has a certain curative effect.

The golden cicada is also called Tang monk meat, who loves to eat, why do you call it in your hometown? Do you know all about it?