
Festive gifts to send health, a variety of picky eyes? These are actually not so "complementary"

author:Bright Net

In the past, when every family was reunited during the New Year, it was indispensable to visit relatives and friends, and this year, considering the needs of epidemic prevention and control, many friends chose to celebrate the New Year on the spot, although they could not accompany their parents, but they would also consider sending New Year gifts and talking about their hearts.

With the continuous improvement of everyone's health awareness, they often choose nutritional products, health care products, etc., after all, the popular advertising slogan "this year's festival does not receive gifts, and only receives brain platinum" is still lingering in the ears.

It is said that gifts are given to health, but there are many types of health care products and nutritional varieties on the market, how much is the nutritional value? Listen to the dietitian's one-by-one reviews!


Suitable for:

It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, women in pregnancy, lactation, menopause, and people who cannot meet the daily dietary calcium requirements or affect calcium absorption and utilization due to diseases and medications.

Dietitian Reviews:

Adequate calcium intake is beneficial for slowing bone loss, improving bone mineralization, and maintaining bone health. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults and 1000 mg per day for people aged 50 years and older is 1000 mg per day for the 2016 edition of the recommended dietary minerals for Chinese residents. Nutritional surveys show that The daily dietary intake of Chinese residents is about 400 mg of elemental calcium, so it is still necessary to supplement elemental calcium of about 500-600 mg/day. In daily life, it is recommended to eat milk, eggs, soybean products, fish and shrimp, green vegetables and other "natural calcium supplements".

Each type of calcium has its own meaning, and it has its corresponding suitable population: most people can choose calcium carbonate; the elderly and people with indigestion, chronic gastritis, gastric acid deficiency can choose organic calcium (calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, calcium acetate, etc.); kidney stone patients can choose organic calcium (especially calcium citrate); diabetics should pay attention to avoid buying calcium gluconate.

vitamin d

Suitable for both men and women, young and old, especially for children, the elderly, pregnant women and people who lack sunshine with vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D (vitd) as a calcium-regulating hormone can inhibit the rise of parathyroid hormone, increase bone mineralization to prevent bone loss, enhance muscle strength, improve balance, and prevent the occurrence of falls in the elderly. Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D may reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread at all ages because vitamin D is difficult to obtain from the daily diet. Although sun exposure can promote the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, it is often difficult to guarantee sufficient time for sun exposure.

It is appropriate for adults to eat 400 iu (10 μg) of vitamin D per day, as long as it does not exceed 2000 iu (50 μg) per day. Elderly people aged 65 years and older often have vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sunshine and intake and absorption disorders, and can eat 600 iu (15 μg) per day.


Suitable for people whose dietary intake cannot meet the nutritional needs of the body, as well as unreasonable dietary patterns and insufficient intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

As a substance necessary for the maintenance of the body's life activity process, vitamins play an important role in the process of human substance and energy metabolism. For people whose dietary intake cannot meet their nutritional needs, vitamin tablets can be used as a good dietary supplement to ensure nutrition.

Protein powder, nutrition powder, whole nutrition products, etc

Whole nutrition powder is suitable for the elderly who have bad teeth, do not eat much, have problems such as wasting, loss of appetite, indigestion, and lack of muscle mass; protein powder is suitable for people who are still in the postoperative recovery period, have hypoproteinemia, insufficient dietary protein intake, and fitness people who need muscle gain.

If you want to visit the elderly with the above problems, it is recommended to buy some full nutrition formula foods for special medical purposes as a nutritional supplement in addition to the daily diet. It is best to be able to make a targeted choice on the advice of a clinician or dietitian.

Whey protein powder may be considered for elderly people who are vegetarian, who have anorexia nervosa, who have functional dyspepsia, who have malabsorption of the small intestine, or who have undergone major surgical procedures, radiation oncology, and chemotherapy and who have experienced heavy protein depletion in their bodies. Supplementing 20-30g per day can play a role in preventing senile debilitating syndrome, delaying muscle decline, and helping postoperative recovery. When shopping, pay attention to the ingredient list, whey protein will be better absorbed than soy protein.

fish oil

Suitable for people with insufficient fish intake and is generally recommended to supplement with food.

Everyone generally chooses fish oil for the purpose of preventing heart disease and fighting inflammation.

In fact, eating enough fish can also meet the body's needs for Ω-3 fatty acids. If you can't guarantee to eat 280-525g of fish per week, consider supplementing with an appropriate amount of fish oil. When supplementing, pay attention to the dosage, generally not more than 2 grams a day.

These "good products" are actually not so "supplementary"

Bird's nest, sea cucumber

Bird's nest, sea cucumber and other products, when ordinary food to eat is not impossible, but do not be deceived by some "anti-cancer, anti-cancer, enhance immunity" and other gimmicks.

Although the protein content of sea cucumber is high, the quality is not high, and the absorption rate is not high. Although bird's nest has 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates, about 10% water and minerals, bird's nest actually has only 1 kind of essential amino acids (lysine), 3 kinds of conditionally essential amino acids, and our human body needs 8 kinds of essential amino acids and 13 kinds of conditionally essential amino acids. Therefore, eating sea cucumber is not as good as eating eggs, and eating bird's nest is not as good as eating white fungus.


The health benefits of the average person's consumption of Cordyceps sinensis lack high-quality evidence.

The State Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to remind the market that Cordyceps sinensis contains more arsenic, many raw materials and products exceed the limit of arsenic in health foods, and long-term consumption may accumulate in the body and have a risk of poisoning.

Even if you want to buy, you must go through formal channels, at least there must be an invoice, in case of a problem can be held responsible.


Health care products and nutritional products are only special types of food, not panacea, nor can they replace drugs to play a role in disease treatment. At the same time, before purchasing health care products, we must remember to confirm whether it is a product of a regular enterprise, whether there is a blue hat logo of health care products, and what health care functions are approved.

Health lies in every little thing in life, to achieve a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restrictions, psychological balance, in order to consolidate the cornerstone of health.

Nutritional supplements and supplements are recommended to be consumed under the guidance of a dietitian or clinician, after all, there are differences between individuals. Some minerals and vitamins have the highest tolerable intake, not the more the better.

Comprehensive content: Hangzhou Wuyunshan Hospital, Healthy Hangzhou, Healthy Zhejiang

Source: Zhejiang Online Health Network

Source: Zhejiang Online Health Network