
Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning

author:Henan Education News Agency

In the hot summer, teachers and students sweat like rain in the classroom. On June 15, when the mayor of Songji Town, Xiping County, Nie Xinwang, saw this scene when he went to Songji Primary School to teach students a political science class, and he both sighed and blamed himself, and he couldn't imagine that there was not even a fan in the classroom when the weather was so hot.

Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning

Mayor Nie Zhen inquired in detail about the basic situation and practical difficulties of the school, and immediately decided to help the school solve the practical difficulties, and then contacted the caring entrepreneur, Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company. After Manager Song learned about the situation of the school, he happily agreed to donate 30 fans to the school.

On June 16, Manager Song Guojun came to the school with 30 fans and hired professional installers to install them.

Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning
Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning

From the discovery of the problem to the solution of the problem, in just two days there was a satisfactory result, everyone not only praised the efficiency of the Songji Town Government, the people, and the responsibility, but also the enthusiastic public welfare, donated funds for education, and praised the manager of Song Guojun who sent a wisp of breeze to teachers and students in the hot summer.

Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning
Breeze send cool love unlimited! Song Guojun, general manager of Xiping Hongtai Petroleum Company, donated funds to Songji Primary School to have a high style of learning

At the donation ceremony, Yang Yonggang, secretary of the songji town party committee, Nie Xinwang, mayor of the town government, Liu Xianglian, secretary of the party branch of Songji village, Chen Junli, a cadre stationed in the village, and Zhang Guangkui, principal of Songji Primary School, unanimously expressed their heartfelt thanks to the manager of Song Guojun for their generous donation. (Campus reporter: Ma Kai)

Editor-in-Chief: Fu Jianwei Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Du Zhonghai Zheng Wei Editor: Ding Yanli, Qi Ji, Wang Pei Editor: Tian Hexia "Henan Science and Technology News Innovation Edition" is open to the province's education system to collect manuscripts. Hotline: 13700879992 Email: [email protected]