
Zibo Good Family Style | Ma Yu: The Light in Life

"There is a Jiao Yulu in China, and his hometown is Boshan... My home is in Jiao Yulu's hometown, The source town of Boshan District, where the green mountains are surrounded and the people's customs are simple, and I am deeply inspired and shaded by the "Jiao Yulu Spirit". My grandfather, my father and I, ordinary and ordinary, three generations, three occupations, three kinds of life, consistent is to practice the "diligence as the foundation, good at the soul; keep sincerity, righteousness" family style and family training, which has also become the most tacit adherence to the principle of our three generations of work and life, it is like a beam of light in life, lighting up hope in the dark predicament, tempering character in the ordinary and prosperous, and pointing the way in blindness.

"I'd rather tear down the house in the factory and add tiles than bring a penny to the house"

In my memory, Grandpa's appearance is vague, because he died of illness before I can remember. When I was a child, my friends and I ran from side to side, and the old people in the alley always asked "Who are your grandchildren", and when they talked about grandpa's name, they always sighed and said, "Your grandpa is a good man, but it is a pity that he left too early." As he grew older, the image of his grandfather gradually became clearer in the narratives of his grandmother, parents and villagers. Grandpa was one of the few intellectuals in the village, and in the 1960s and 1970s, he worked as a teacher in the village, and most of the post-60s generations in the three neighboring villages were his students. At that time, the living conditions were not good, the pancake rolls were pickles were good meals, and sometimes Grandpa "ate" ten small meals, and later Grandma learned that Grandpa often subsidized his own meals to students who did not have enough to eat. In the 1980s, the village collective economy arose, and my grandfather served as the director of the village ceramic factory and porcelain plate factory under the recommendation of the villagers. The villagers said that he was an honest and frank "old scalper", diligent and earnest, and willing to work hard and complain. With technicians to study ceramic ingredients, a drill into the workshop is a few days and nights, until you see the product out of the kiln; at that time the information blockage freight is not developed, in order to open the sales channel to lead the villagers to get rich, Grandpa took the product to the south and north, the wind and rain. Grandma said that he was stubborn and stubborn "a tendon", the factory turnover is not good, the salary is also pasted in, the family of four small children, never stained the "factory director" light, people come back from business trips to bring some thoughts to the children, Grandpa's bag is only loaded with work, what he often says is that it is better to remove bricks and tiles in the factory than to bring a cent to the home. For more than ten years, the factory has become famous, the benefits are getting better and better, grandpa is also sick, many people have advised him to train his son to take over, he resolutely disagrees, "The factory is not my family's, it must be returned to the collective." ”

"Work with conscience, earn money from conscience, and live steadily"

To his father's generation, when he was young, his family was poor, he lost the college entrance examination, he was in debt to treat his grandfather,and he was unemployed at home when he reached middle age, his life experience seemed so unsuccessful, but he never got discouraged, never compromised, and treated all kinds of setbacks and tribulations, and he "repaid it with songs." In order to better raise me and my sister and let us receive a better education, he and his mother sold early in the village, although the income was not much, but fortunately, there was money to be paid every day, and the family's expenses could be guaranteed. In addition to being tired, the most painful thing is to get up early day after day, every day at 3 or 4 a.m., others are still asleep, parents get up and rush to the store to start a busy day, summer also have to hold a large oven, winter also have to wash in the ice ballast, a dry is 11 years. My father often said that only by doing conscientious work and earning conscience money can one live steadily. Catering is a conscience industry, and making money cannot be blind to conscience. Even if the profits are meager, they still insist on using good raw materials to reassure the villagers. Father often said that when people encounter difficulties, they should always be kind. When he met the scavengers and the widows and old people in the village, he always invited them to come in, and tried his best to take care of a bowl of hot soup and a mouthful of hot rice.

"When I grow up, I'll be you"

When I was a child, I often felt that my father was too honest and wooden, not the material for business, and the payment and return were not proportional. Nowadays, I have gone through different life stages of study, job search, employment, marriage, and having children, and I have a deeper understanding of the family style and family training of "diligence as the foundation, good work as the soul; keeping sincerity and righteousness", and have a renewed understanding of my grandfather and father, and I have also consciously become a practitioner and transmitter of the family style and family training. In my work, I am a member of the propaganda, ideological and cultural front, cherishing my post, working diligently, strengthening my original intention, and sincerely dedicating myself; in life, I want to do a good job in the role of daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, and mother, love my family, be kind to people, fulfill my promises, and be honest and sincere. In the inheritance of family style and family training, I also practice by example and use practical action education to guide and influence my children.

Following the light in life, the heart is oriented, relaxed and calm;

Follow the light in life, step firmly, bravely moving forward;

Following the light in life, the warmth is as good as ever, and the sunshine is always accompanied...

(Ma Yu: Deputy Chief of the Theoretical Education Section of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee)

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