
REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

author:Zephyr anime

After finishing "Slam Dunk Master", Yuhiko Inoue has successively created works such as "Zero Second Shot" and "Noriker", but many fans are still thinking about the unfinished summer of Sakuragi Hanamichi.

In 2000, Yuhiko Inoue serialized a youth inspirational manga "REAL" (also translated as "Destiny Strong Hand") with the theme of inspirational people for the disabled and wheelchair basketball in Shueisha's youth manga magazine YOUNG JUMP.

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

Although this manga is not an orthodox sequel to Slam Dunk Master, it contains many Easter eggs about Slam Dunk Master, and it is a subtle introduction to the subsequent development of Sakuragi Hanamichi.

Therefore, it is not impossible to think of it as a hidden sequel to "Slam Dunk Master". Let's take a look at the Easter eggs in "REAL" about "Slam Dunk Master".

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Son of Coach Ansi? Or grandchildren? </h1>

"REAL" has a character named Yoshiaki Ansai, the son of a former Japanese national, who plays for Tokyo Lightnings, where he plays as a point guard. Good at offense and projection, and also very fast. He can instantly see through the physical characteristics of his opponent during the game and is a very good player.

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

It's hard not to associate his last name and identity with Coach Ansai in Slam Dunk Master. In addition, from Coach Ansai's performance when teaching Sakuragi's mid-range shots, as well as his improvisational tactics on the field, it can be seen that Coach Ansai's position as a defender when he was young is likely to be a defender, and he also has unparalleled insight.

Isn't it normal for a son to inherit his father's talents? Therefore, although the relationship between Ansai Yoshiaki and Coach Ansai is never pointed out in "REAL", readers will associate with this place. However, from the perspective of age, Anxi Yoshiaki feels a little smaller, is it difficult to be the grandson of Coach Anxi?

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > Xiangyang's Nagano Man become a wheelchair basketball player? </h1>

REAL portrays a player named Mitsuru Nagano, who is one of the japanese team candidates for wheelchair basketball. In fact, the name is a mistranslation that appears during the Sinicization, and in Yuhiko Inoue's manuscript, his name is "Nagano Man".

However, both Nagano Andi and Nagano Are pronounced as "ながのみつる", which is exactly the same as the pronunciation of the name of Xiangyang's striker Nagano Man in "Slam Dunk Master", and the appearance of the two also has similarities, so the setting is not known to be a coincidence, or Inoue Yuhiko deliberately did it.

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > reporters to pick the slacker</h1>

In "Slam Dunk Master", Aida Yanichi's sister Yayoi Aida has a small follower Nakamura, although he is a small person, but his funny personality still attracts the attention of many readers, and the photo after Shonbei defeated the Mountain King is his handwriting.

He also appeared in REAL and moved from Basketball Weekly to a magazine focused on disability sports. Is that little follower of the year going to take the lead now?

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="31" > Sakuragi Hanamichi become a basketball star? </h1>

Many friends are most concerned about the development of Sakuragi Hanamichi, in fact, in "REAL", there is also a deeply hidden profile description of it. When the protagonist goes to the bookstore to buy a magazine, he sees an advertisement for the Tokyo Lightnings team rookie recruitment, and the advertising slogan is "You will become the flower path of tomorrow!" ”

Hanamichi... From this name you still can't think of the red-haired boy who used to be? And his ability to become a business card on the rookie recruitment advertisement fully shows that he has cashed in his talent and bravely moved forward on the road of basketball.

In addition, it can be seen from this advertisement that Sakuragi Hanamichi used or still plays for tokyo lightnings. If this is the case, it is also a very exciting thing to think that this most proud disciple of Coach Ansi can work with the outstanding descendants of Coach Ansi.

REAL: "Slam Dunk Master" hidden sequel, someone to become famous, someone to become the son of wheelchair basketball player Coach Ansai? Or grandchildren? Xiangyang's Nagano Man became a wheelchair basketball player? Reporter small follower singled out the beam Sakuragi Hanamichi to become a basketball star?

"REAL" can make people have so many connections, and everyone loves "Slam Dunk Master". But while this comic gives us some information about those who care and miss it, it's impossible to focus on it.

This is a story about wheelchair basketball players, perseverance, hard work, and rebirth in pain, these are its themes, and it is also the concept that Inoue has always wanted to convey. If you are interested, you can look for it, and you will definitely have a different feeling from "Slam Dunk Master".

This article was first published by "Zephyr Anime" and may not be reproduced without consent