
The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast


The rise of the Internet has given ordinary people a voice, however, some people ignore morality and discipline, wantonly spread rumors or shake the rhythm on the Internet, and some people choose to distort history, smear and insult heroes in order to package their so-called "profound thinking" and "maverick" images. However, the Internet is not a place outside the law, these people must pay the price for their ignorance, and recently, a woman who posted insults to the martyr Dong Cunrui on Weibo was punished by law.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

According to Xinhua News Agency, on October 12, the Dongcheng District Court in Beijing rendered a judgment on a woman's case of publicly infringing on the honor and honor of heroic martyrs, sentenced defendant Xu mou to seven months in prison in accordance with the law, and required her to publicly apologize in major media within ten days of the judgment taking effect to eliminate the bad influence.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

It is understood that defendant Xu once worked for a well-known fashion magazine and later became a beauty blogger. In March, she vented her anger on her personal Weibo account, calling netizens an "Internet mob" and insulting the martyr Dong Cunrui with inappropriate remarks. After this microblog was issued, it was immediately criticized by netizens and called on the relevant departments to severely punish it. However, Xu Mou did not think so, and did not have the slightest intention of repenting of his mistakes. The next day, Xu mou released a second Weibo, threatening that he had done nothing wrong, resolutely would not apologize, and arrogantly in the post Aite Beijing police and People's Daily official blog, provoking netizens to say that they could report her at will, anyway, she has been real-name authentication, it is very easy to confirm her identity.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

These two posts have been viewed more than 90,000 times, triggering public anger and causing a very bad social impact. In the end, Xu Mou begged for a hammer, and the police in Beijing's Dongcheng District quickly launched an investigation into it and quickly arrested Xu Mou, at which time Xu Mou also lost his arrogance on the Internet, confessing to his insult to Dong Cunrui's martyrdom and venting his personal emotions. Now, Xu has ushered in the severe punishment of the law, and she has voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment for the court's judgment.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

Heroic martyrs can not be blasphemed, the law can not be trampled, this verdict made netizens clap their hands and applaud. Some netizens said that the story of Dong Cunrui sacrificing himself to blow up the bunker is a famous article in the textbook, and everyone knows that Xu's behavior is not just ignorance, but contempt for legal justice, provoking national feelings, and trampling on national dignity. Indeed, without these heroes and martyrs, how can we live the peaceful life we have today, and we should severely punish such arrogant and despicable people, so that those who are quick to talk on the Internet and do not know the height of the sky know that they should be in awe of the law.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

The verdict in this case also reminds people of the recent insults to the "Ice Sculpture Company" network big v "Luo Mouping". After the movie "Chosin Lake" was broadcast against the background of the Battle of Chosin Lake in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, "Luo Mouping" reprinted and published content insulting to the martyrs of the Volunteer Army, which was angrily resisted by netizens, and "Luo Mouping" was also criminally detained, and he would be greeted by severe punishment by law. Since the implementation of the "Heroic Martyrs Protection Law", many clowns who insulted and slandered heroic martyrs have been punished, and only by defending the glory of heroic martyrs with the sword of law can we better safeguard the cultural atmosphere and social atmosphere of the public respecting heroic martyrs.

The woman posted insults to the heroic, arrogant and arrogant, not admitting mistakes, the court judgment was released, netizens clapped their hands and said fast

(Encircling and annihilating a certain position of our army on Chosin Lake of the US army)

A nation with hope cannot do without heroes, and a country with a future cannot do without pioneers. It was the martyrs who threw their heads and spilled their blood in exchange for today's peace, it was the ancestors who cut through thorns and thorns in exchange for the strength of today's motherland, and when we enjoyed a happy life, how could we forget the historical path, and how could we tolerate some people insulting and slandering heroes and martyrs.

(Editor: tsn)