
Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

author:The most memorable is Chaozhou

Author: Yang Maolin Synthesis

Yang Lianggong is a well-known figure in Taiwan's educational and political circles, but few people in his hometown know what he does. In the process of searching for and sorting out the information on the renewal of the family tree, the author found a statement on the continuation of the family tree of the Yang clan in the 36th year of the Republic of China, and Yang Lianggong was the initiator and leader of the continuation of the family tree. As a result, a feeling of admiration and reverence was generated, and he began to collect information about Yang Lianggong's life and deeds, and now the relevant information he learned is recorded as follows:

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

Yang Lianggong (1895-1992), name Baoming, character Lianggong. He was born in Zhaogao Town, Chao County, Anhui Province, in a family of scholars. His father, Yang Jiugao (Zi Heling), was a Xiucai in the late Qing Dynasty, who served as the director of the Chao County Persuasion Institute in the early years of the Republic of China, and his grandfather Yang Guanglu was a Qing Dynasty zhizhi doctor with five pin titles. Yang Lianggong was enlightened at the age of 6 at the age of 6. In 1906, after 4 years of studying in Yangzheng Primary School, Yang Lianggong went to the county seat to participate in the junior high school graduation examination, entered the county first higher primary school, and two years later was admitted to the Provincial No. 2 Middle School in Hefei with excellent results. After graduating from high school in 1915, in order to realize his grandfather's last wish and ambition to "enter the Beijing Normal University", he went north to apply for peking university, and two years later, he was admitted to the Department of Chinese Literature of Peking University.

When the May Fourth Movement broke out in 1919, Yang Lianggong was a participant and witness to the movement. Yang Lianggong's cousin Cai Xiaozhou (the founder of the Anhui Socialist Youth League, who was then serving in the General Affairs Office of Peking University) said: "This trend has a bearing on the future of the country and the morale of the people' hearts, and it must not be recorded. During the summer vacation, Yang Lianggong and Cai Xiaozhou agreed on an outline, divided labor and cooperated, collecting information on the one hand and compiling it on the other. After two months of hard work, the first draft was completed and published in September under the title "May Fourth". This is the earliest book to record the May Fourth Movement, which has valuable historical value and is cherished by historians on both sides of the strait.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

After graduating from Peking University in 1920, Yang Lianggong was recruited to work as a Chinese language teacher at the Tianjin Women's Normal School for several months. In November of that year, he was invited by Zhang Jixu, the new director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Education, to serve as the principal of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School in anqing, the provincial capital. At that time, Yang Lianggong was only 25 years old, and he very much hoped to go abroad for further study, and he thought that serving in the provincial first middle school might be a way to achieve his purpose of studying abroad, so he decided to "return to the province to serve". After he took over as president, he hired a group of young people who had just graduated from Peking University, Jinling University and other institutions of higher learning to teach, and greatly rectified the school, which made the school quite improving. Later, under the sponsorship of Zhang Jixu, director of the Department of Education, the provincial government decided to send Yang Lianggong to the United States for further study at public expense.

In June 1922, Yang Lianggong arrived in the United States, first studying English at the University of California Summer School and taking psychology, and then entering the Stanford University School of Education, majoring in educational administration. In June 1924, Yang received his master's degree from Stanford University, and then transferred to Columbia University and New York University to study pedagogy and philosophy. At the end of 1927, he completed his studies and obtained a doctorate in philosophy, and his nearly six-year study abroad career in the United States ended successfully.

After Returning to China, Yang Lianggong first served as a professor and director of liberal arts at the Fifth Sun Yat-sen University in Kaifeng, Henan, and half a year later, at the invitation of Hu Shi, the new president of Wusong China Public School, he was appointed vice president of the university and a professor at National Jinan University. After one year in china, he was invited by Wang Xinggong, the new president of Anhui University, to serve as the dean and secretary general of the school of liberal arts, and temporarily acted as the director of Anhui University.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

In June 1930, Yang Lianggong was appointed president of Anhui University at the age of 35. In May 1931, Yang Lianggong went to Shanghai for an incident, when Anhui University caused a wave of expulsion of students, and he decided to resign after hearing about it, temporarily ending his two-year teaching life in his hometown. In July, Yang Lianggong, together with Chen Heqin and others, initiated the organization of the China Education Society in Shanghai with the purpose of "researching and improving education". In August, he went north to Beiping to become a professor of education at his alma mater, Peking University, and a professor at Beijing Normal University.

In February 1933, The President of the Control Yuan, Yu Youren, asked Lin Sen, chairman of the Nationalist Government, to appoint Yang Lianggong as a member of the Supervision Commission. In March, Yang Lianggong resigned as a professor at Peking University and took the oath of office as a supervisor in Nanjing, thus entering the political arena. From 1933 to 1937, he served as a member of the Supervision Commission; from 1938 to 1948, he successively served as the Anhui-Gansu Supervision Envoy, the Fujian-Zhejiang Supervision Envoy, and the Fujian-Taiwan Supervision Envoy. During his ten years as a supervisor, Yang Lianggong obeyed the law, handled cases rigorously, and examined many cases, including the famous "228 Incident" investigation in Taiwan.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

During his tenure as a member of the Supervision Commission and the Supervision Envoy, Yang Lianggong did not forget education; he once gave lectures at the Nanchang Summer Seminar, and successively served as a supervisor of the second national higher examination, the general examination in Zhejiang and Hubei, the first higher examination after the restoration of Taiwan, and also served as a member of the preparatory committees of National Chung Cheng University and National Anhui University. In June 1948, Yang Lianggong stepped down from his post as inspector of Fujian and Taiwan and returned to his hometown to serve as the president of National Anhui University. Under the complicated political situation at that time, Yang Lianggong still did his best to fulfill the duties of president, and went to Nanjing to hire professors for the National AnnUnciation University and strengthen the teaching staff.

In May 1949, Yang Lianggong went to Taiwan. After arriving in Taiwan, Yang Lianggong successively participated in many political affairs, from serving as secretary general of the "Control Yuan" to president of the "Examination Yuan" to senior political officials, and became one of the seven political dignitaries who witnessed Chiang Kai-shek's advance will.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

In August 1954, Yang Lianggong resigned from the post of secretary general of the "Control Yuan" and became a member of the examination committee of the "Examination Yuan", and later concurrently served as the chairman of the Position Classification Planning Committee of the "Examination Yuan". In 1956, the "Examination Yuan" announced the implementation measures for job classification, which was well received by all parties, so Yang Lianggong concurrently served as a member of the Kuomintang Party Affairs Position Planning Committee the following year.

In 1958, he went to France as a representative of Taiwan to attend the 10th General Conference of UNESCO, where he made a wonderful speech. In January 1968, Yang Lianggong was appointed vice president of the "Examination Institute"; in October 1973, he was appointed as the president of the "Examination Institute". On March 29, 1975, Chiang Kai-shek made a will, and Yang Lianggong became one of the seven dignitaries present (the other 6 were Song Meiling, Yan Jiagan, Chiang Ching-kuo, Ni Wenya, Tian Jiongjin, and Yu Junxian). In September 1978, Yang Lianggong stepped down from his post at the end of his term of office, and Chiang Ching-kuo hired him as a senior official.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

Since yang Lianggong served in the "Examination Institute", he has had plenty of time, paid more attention to academic research, and written a lot of works, such as "History of Western Education", "Pedagogical Research", "The Evolution and Exchange of Chinese and Western Educational Thought", "The Development of Pre-Qin Culture", "Chinese Family System and Confucian Ethical Thought", "The Four Treatises on Confucius Studies", and many reminiscence articles. At the same time, he also teaches at National Taiwan Normal University and National Chengchi University, and serves as the chairman of the private Soochow University and the chairman of the Zhongshan Academic and Cultural Foundation, so there are many peach and plum. According to the recollections of his students, although Yang Lianggong was in a high position, he still maintained the true character of a reader and had no official habits; he also always read and wrote articles, and often found friends and students to eat in small restaurants and talk about academic issues. In particular, after serving in the "Examination Institute", he had plenty of time and attached great importance to academic research, and a large number of works on pedagogy and philosophy came out. At the same time, he also teaches at Taiwan Normal University and The National Political University, which can be described as peach and plum all over the world.

Chaohu Characters: Educator Yang Lianggong Notes

In his later years, Mr. Yang Lianggong cherished nostalgia and longed for cross-strait reunification. He edited the journal "Anhui Sound" of taiwan's Anhui Hometown Association and participated in the alumni association activities in Taiwan to express his homesickness and schoolsickness. In 1989, he participated in the peace signature campaign initiated by Mr. Chen Lifu, the elder of the Kuomintang Party.

On January 8, 1992, Yang Lianggong died of heart failure in Taipei at the age of 97.

The most memorable is Chaozhou