
When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

author:Medical Repair Network

Girls during dysmenorrhea often find that their bodies have changed differently than usual, and most women tend to worry about their physiology and physical condition at this time, for example, some women have symptoms of nausea and vomiting during dysmenorrhea.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

Nausea and wanting to vomit is a reaction to dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea refers to a situation in which spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and general malaise are severely affected in daily life before and after menstruation or during menstruation. There are two types: primary and secondary.

After detailed gynecological clinical examination, no obvious abnormalities in the pelvic organs were found, called primary dysmenorrhea, also known as functional dysmenorrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhea refers to patients with obvious lesions in the reproductive organs, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, tumors, etc.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

Studies have proved that when the endometrial synthesis of prostaglandins increases, it can also cause dysmenorrhea, but if dysmenorrhea is not cured for a long time, it will lead to the occurrence of many diseases.

1. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease: pain and infertility in the lower abdomen are the main symptoms of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, and the acute onset of pelvic congestion or menstrual-induced inflammation during menstruation can cause abdominal pain to intensify. Patients often have a history of infertility and acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic examination of the uterus is mostly posterior, poor mobility, or even completely fixed.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

2. Adenomyosis: a benign lesion caused by the invasion of the uterine lining into the muscle layer of the uterus, and dysmenorrhea is one of the typical symptoms of the disease. There may also be increased menstrual periods or prolonged periods. Gynecological examination of the uterus is uniformly enlarged, spherical, and has a hard texture, about the size of a 2-month pregnancy, and may have mild tenderness.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

3. Endometriosis: Endometriosis is the culprit causing secondary dysmenorrhea. Predominantly presents with progressive dysmenorrhea. The pain is mostly in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral area and can spread to the vagina, perineum, anus, or thighs.

It usually begins 1 to 2 days before menstruation, and the first day of menstruation is the most intense, and lasts until the postmenstrual period gradually subsides, so the pain often lasts longer for a long time.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

Therefore, if there is a more serious case of dysmenorrhea in daily life, it is recommended that you go for a test. In particular, it is necessary to go to the gynecological examination regularly.

1. Avoid menstrual sex life: during menstruation, the endometrium is peeled off, and there are fresh wounds in the uterine cavity. Once sexual activity occurs, bacteria will be brought in, and lead to inflammation of the reproductive organs, increased menstrual blood volume or prolonged menstruation, and aggravated dysmenorrhea.

2. Avoid emotional agitation: Although many women will be very irritable and irritable before menstruation or during menstruation. However, in order to avoid delayed menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and other situations, it is recommended that everyone keep a happy mood during menstruation, prevent mood swings, and do not get excited in case of trouble.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

3. Avoid overwork: Overwork during menstruation can easily lead to prolonged menstruation or menorrhagia, but if women are overly comfortable during menstruation, it is easy to cause discomfort such as dysmenorrhea due to stagnation of qi and blood. Therefore, during the menstrual period, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of work and rest time, so as to achieve the combination of work and leisure.

4, to avoid cold: in order not to appear dysmenorrhea or the phenomenon of aggravation of dysmenorrhea, during menstruation, pay attention to keep warm, avoid cold, do not use cool water to bathe, wash feet, do not rain, wade or sit in wetlands.

5, avoid overeating, eat irritating food: if you eat too much spicy yang-aiding food during menstruation, it is easy to lead to premenstrual periods, menorrhagia, etc., if you eat too much cold and cold food, it is easy to cause dysmenorrhea.

When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?

Although dysmenorrhea is a clinical manifestation of menstrual irregularities, it is also a condition that many girls encounter. Therefore, there is no need for everyone to worry too much about the occurrence of this phenomenon, maintaining a peaceful attitude while doing a good job of their own care, will make the dysmenorrhea alleviate.


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Fu Wangjing,Gan Changping. Primary dysmenorrhea and its treatment. Modern Preventive Medicine,2006,33(9):1560-1561

Ma Baozhang. Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine[m]. Shanghai Science and Technology Press,2006,8.

Editors and reviewers:

Gong Ping, Deputy Chief Physician

Beijing Shijitan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University


When girls come to menstruation, what is the problem of nausea and vomiting? Listen to what the experts say, so, what is the case with painful menstruation and nausea and want to vomit? Common dysmenorrhea complications are as follows: So, how to relieve dysmenorrhea in daily life?