
Long and small lumps of flesh around the eyes, these 3 tricks let you say goodbye to fat particles

author:Seek medical advice

If you look closely, you will find that many women who have given birth to children will have some small white pimples in the shape of sesame seeds on their faces, and they are difficult to remove, affecting their image, and bringing them great trouble, so is there any good way to eliminate these small pimples? Let's take a look.

A fat granule is a small white pimple that grows on the skin, about the size of a needle, looks like a small white sesame seed, generally beige granular, around the eyes, mostly on the forehead, knees. Regardless of size, growing something on the face always affects the beauty, especially for girls. So how do you get rid of annoying fat particles? Let's first understand what fat particles are.

Long and small lumps of flesh around the eyes, these 3 tricks let you say goodbye to fat particles

【Why do you grow fat particles】

Endocrine disorders

People who often stay up late or are under greater mental pressure for a long time are also prone to disorders due to the endocrine function of the body, resulting in excessive secretion of skin oil and leading to long fat particles.

Poor diet

A long-term greasy diet may also cause the body's oil production to become strong and lead to long fat particles. An overly greasy diet will be relatively reduced in carbohydrate intake, which will lead to the inability of the blood and lymphatic system to provide normal nutrition to the skin, abnormal metabolism, accumulation of oil, and difficult to excrete.

The skin is not cleaned thoroughly

The skin cleaning work is not complete, which can easily cause bacteria and dust to cover the skin and cause pores to become clogged, resulting in small particles of fat growing on the skin. Especially in the delicate areas of the skin around the face and eyes, it is easier to grow fat particles.

Improper use of skincare products

Improper use of skincare products can lead to the growth of fat particles. If you regularly use skin care products that are too greasy, it is easy to accumulate oil on the surface of the skin because the skin cannot fully absorb the skin care products, and in the long run, fat particles will grow.

Bad makeup habits

First, the frequent use of exfoliating products leads to thinner and thinner cuticles in the skin, and more and more wounds appear in the skin, which may form fat particles in the process of skin self-repair.

【Qiaozhi fat granules】

1. Massage cream

1. Wash your face clean with warm water and a gentle cleanser.

2. Apply a towel at 40 degrees to the face for 3 minutes, the pores of the skin have been opened.

3. In the place where there are fat particles, gently massage in a circular motion with massage cream.

4. Massage for about 3 minutes, see the whiteheads appear on the fat particles, and gently wipe off the massage cream with a high-quality cotton swab.

5. Put the sterilized acne needle on the prickly side and pick out the fat particles white head.

6. Then gently press the ringed side of the disinfected acne needle on the open fat particles, and the fat particles will come out.

2. Lemon slices

Cut the lemon into thin slices, remove 1-2 slices and soak them in a cup of freshly boiled water, drinking one cup every morning on an empty stomach.

Third, vitamin E

After washing your face every night, apply evenly with vitamin e oil to the area where there are fat particles. The method of applying veget is relatively safe, but it takes a long time and should be adhered to for a long time.

Think about the problems mentioned in the article at the beginning, may be due to these women's endocrine disorders caused by the skin problems introduced in the article are mostly caused by the bad habits of ordinary life, so the best way to eradicate skin problems is to develop good habits: work and rest on time, exercise more, keep the skin clean and dry!

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