
The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald de Padio, French name gérard depardieu, is a former French national treasure actor. Born in 1948 in central France. He has made more than 100 films and won the title of Film Emperor in many film festivals. He is the most influential French film star of our time. He has now acquired Russian citizenship.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald de Paddio has starred in many well-known French films, such as "The Last Metro", "Big Nose Love", "Love mountain town", "Desire Paris", "Brothers and Sisters", "Count of Monte Cristo" and so on. He is known worldwide for starring in "Big Nose Love".

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald de Padillo is arguably one of the most powerful male film stars in France today. Whether it is a historical drama or a comedy he plays, he can attract audiences from all walks of life to clap his hands and applaud him.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

In 1996, Gerald Depardieu was finally awarded the Order of the Order of The Knighthood, the highest honor in France, awarded by the French government as a fruitful showbiz superstar.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu has grown to prominence on the stage of life in his career as an actor. His every move is a topic of discussion. Many people are curious about his past, but Depardieu never talks about his past casually.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu was a boxer before the film. Interestingly, during a boxing match, his once ordinary Gaulish nose was deformed by a punch from the opponent, and his nose has since become one of his most striking features.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald de Padio as an emperor superstar in the French film industry, his appearance is very accidental. It is because of the introduction of his film friends that he has embarked on the road of acting.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerard dePardieu interestingly played the 17th-century chef Vatel in the opening film of the 53rd Cannes Film Festival, "Desire paris", and it is said that the most prestigious chef committed suicide because Louis XIV was coming to dinner and the fish for cooking was late.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Since the beginning of the new century, Gerald Depardieu has successively starred in various genres such as "Please Shut Up", "36 General Bureau", "Rose Life", "Lover Slave", "Rodin's Lover" and so on. He also has his own directing work.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald dePardieu was the first French film actor in the 1980s and 1990s, appearing in more than 150 films to date. These include the famous "Love Mountain City" and "Big Nose Love Saint", which won him an Oscar nomination.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu's outstanding performance in classic business cards such as "The Last Subway" and "Brothers and Sisters" has left a deep impression on countless fans. He has grown up in his career as an actor and is dazzling on the stage of life.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu was so popular because of his 1990 film "Big Nose Love" that he is 75 years old, has made more than 100 films, and is known as the "most prolific movie star in Europe".

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

One of the symbols of French cinema, the "big nose lover" Gerald de Padio announced that he was about to die when his career was very good. He said himself: 170 films, there is nothing to prove. Thus the rapids retreat, the scenery is unlimited.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu won the 42nd Venice Film Festival Volpi Cup Best Actor, the 43rd Cannes Film Festival Main Competition Unit Best Actor, the 63rd Academy Awards Best Actor (nominated), the 54th Venice Film Festival Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement, the 41st French César Film Awards Best Actor (Nominated) and so on.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

Gerald Depardieu is such a national treasure film emperor, although his appearance is low to negative, but his acting skills, explosiveness and his speculation on the role are unique.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

As a world-famous French movie star, the name of Gerald dePardieu is no stranger to the vast number of Chinese film fans. His outstanding performances in classic business cards such as "The Last Subway" and "Difficult Brothers" have left a deep impression on countless fans.

The world's famous film stars atlas series - the representative of French cinema: Gerard de Padillo

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