
Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

author:Yu Ji perspective

Emperor Mingguangzong Zhu Changluo was a bitter emperor, his road to the throne was arduous and difficult, he reigned for 29 days, the shortest reigning emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, about his reign, except for a few decrees, there are almost no other remarkable deeds.

His body is labeled with three major labels: "Dispute over the Origin of the Country", "Case of Attack", and "Case of Red Pill", but in fact, the reason why these facts have been repeatedly mentioned is more often the Apocalypse and Chongzhen Dynasties, which are used as tools for party struggle. For this January heavenly son, tearing off the cloak of history and returning to the character itself, he should actually be counted as a poor child who grew up in the environment of his father's abuse, and his life of sorrow, joy and disgrace can be found in his childhood.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Zhu Changluo was the eldest son of the Wanli Emperor, his mother was a maid in the palace of Empress Li, one day, the 17-year-old Wanli went to his mother to ask for peace, met the palace lady Wang, and suddenly the sperm worms on the brain, after a period of wind and snow, the next year, the Wang clan gave birth to the emperor's eldest son Zhu Changluo.

Although Wanli did not like the Wang clan born in the palace, he was still very happy about the birth of this eldest son. The day after Zhu Changluo was born, Wanli issued a reward to the hundred officials as a sign of celebration.

When the prince was born, the happy events were rewarded, and the palace was lacking, so he took 200,000 taels of silver from Taicang and 100,000 taels of silver from Guanglu Temple. - "Notes on the Living of Wanli"

At the time of the full moon, I personally care about the small things that my child shaves her hair:

The Crown Prince will be Miyue, and the Ceremonial Department will have a hair cut instrument to smell. - Records of the Myōshin Sect

Perhaps because Zhu Changluo was Wanli's only son at this time, even though Princess Wang Gongfei was no longer welcomed, Wanli still loved his only son, but all this changed with the birth of another son.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

On the fifth day of the first month of the fourteenth year of the Wanli Calendar, Princess Zheng Guifei gave birth to the third son of the Emperor Zhu Changxun (the second son of the Emperor died early), and Zhu Changluo's life was like reaching a freezing point, when he was still just a 5-year-old child.

Zheng Guifei is Wanli's favorite concubine and also his soul mate, Zheng Guifei likes to read, and has the same hobbies and topics as Wanli. Wan Li was bent on making their son Zhu Changxun crown prince, but the pedantic ministers of the Ming Dynasty insisted that the crown prince must not be the eldest son of the emperor.

In this year, the first assistant of the cabinet, Shen Shixing, asked zhu Changluo, the eldest son of the emperor, to be crown prince, and the "dispute over the foundation of the country" of nearly thirty years officially began, which also became the beginning of Zhu Changluo's tragic life.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Due to The low status of Princess Wang Gongfei, Concubine Zheng often ridiculed her: taking advantage of Wan Li's youth to seduce him. The palace where Princess Wang Gong lived was the most partial of the concubines, and the people who served her were also old and incompetent, and often sent eunuchs to monitor their mother and son, although they were the eldest son and mother of the emperor, but the actual status was no different from entering the cold palace.

In August, Guangzong was born as the eldest son of the Emperor. Since Concubine Zheng Guifei gave birth to the third son of the Emperor, she was enfeoffed as an imperial concubine, while Consort Gong was not enfeoffed. In the twenty-ninth year, the eldest son of the emperor was appointed crown prince, but he was still not sealed as before. Thirty-four years later, Yuan Sunsheng, jiaci sheng insignia, began to enter the imperial concubine. Thirty-nine years of illness, Guangzong asked to go to the province, the palace door was still closed, and the key was entered. --History of the Ming Dynasty

From this record of the Ming Dynasty, it can also be seen that the status of Wang Gongfei was also born to the crown prince, Zheng Guifei was crowned an imperial concubine, but the Wang clan did not, until Zhu Changluo gave birth to the emperor's eldest grandson, and only entered the seal, and before Wang's death, when Zhu Changluo invited him to visit the palace, the palace door was still locked. From this, it can also be known that Wang Gongfei's cold palace life is actually a prisoner's life.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Zhu Changluo had been living with his mother until he was thirteen years old, and one day, Zheng Guifei complained that Zhu Changluo had lived with his mother for many years, and that after a long time, he was afraid that he would do something against human morality, and Wanli listened to Zheng Guifei's words and separated the two of them, and when Zhu Changluo was made crown prince at the age of 19, he and his mother were not allowed to see each other.

Timid and afraid of things, only promises

Zheng Guifei often abused Zhu Changluo's mother and son, so that Zheng Guifei left a shadow in Zhu Changluo's psychology. When Wang Gongfei was sick and dying, Zhu Changluo went to visit him, at this time Wang Gongfei was already dying, her life was like gossamer, facing her mother who was about to leave, Zhu Changluo had a thousand words to say, but Wang Gongfei stopped Zhu Changluo from speaking: There are people in the Zheng family here. Zhu Changluo did not open his mouth, quietly tearfully watching his mother swallow her last breath.

When Wanli was critically ill, it was said that the emperor was critically ill, and as a prince, he had to accompany the emperor, one showed filial piety, and the other was to listen to the emperor's last teachings, and Zhu Changluo did not receive Wanli's will to summon him to the palace, so he lingered outside the palace, that is, he did not dare to go in, and later under the persuasion of Yang Lian, he dared to go in.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Before Wanli's death, he had left a will to promote Concubine Zheng Guifei to empress and bury herself after her death in the future, but after Zhu Changluo ascended the throne, the ministers adopted a policy of delay in this matter and did not act according to the will. Of course, Zheng Guifei had treated Zhu Changluo's mother and son in this way before, and such treatment was also reasonable.

But when Zhu Changluo knew that he could not do it, he actually took the initiative to raise this matter:

Formerly because the mother emperor's noble concubine Zheng Jinfeng was crowned empress, she obeyed the last words of the emperor's examination, and it was the heart of filial piety, how did the ministry resist the violation? Write a fast tool instrument to do, be careful not to repeat the reading disturbance. - Records of the MingGuang Sect

For his birth mother Wang Shi, he only gave the title of a noble concubine, and Zheng Guifei, who had been persecuting him, still had to be titled, of course, this matter was not resolved after Zhu Changluo's death. However, judging from zhu Changluo's memories of this matter before his death, his psychology is Wanli or there is a very deep shadow, he has not received systematic education, and childhood has left a psychological shadow, so his subconscious still has unprincipled compromise substances, he is afraid that he will not be able to confess to Wanli after he dies, so he raised this matter before he died.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Many people felt that Concubine Zheng Guifei was really vicious and treated Wang Gongfei's mother and son in this way. But we must look at this matter rationally, who caused Wang Gongfei's situation? Without the cancer of Wanli, would Princess Wang Gongfei have such a tragic situation?

Wanli loved Zheng Guifei, so he wanted to make Zheng Guifei's son Zhu Changxun the crown prince, and Zhu Changxun was more like Wanli in personality, and his father often liked his own son. However, the ministers of the Ming Dynasty did not know each other, and the dispute over the foundation of the country was proof of this. The idea of establishing a long and established concubine was deeply rooted, but if the eldest son of the emperor was an idiot, he could not be made a prince, and Wanli began his path of "abolishing his son".

According to the tradition of the Ming Dynasty, the prince had to go out of the cabinet to study before the age of 10, but Zhu Changluo's road to reading was more tortuous than that of children in remote mountain villages, and he needed to help the poor at designated points.

When Zhu Changluo was 5 years old, the first assistant minister Shen Shixing asked the emperor's eldest son to go out of the cabinet to study, and Wanli refused on the grounds that the child's age was too young, and then repeatedly delayed on the grounds that Zhu Changluo was weak.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

Until the twenty-third year of the Wanli Calendar, Zhu Changluo was 13 years old and had not yet been enlightened, and at this age, even the children of ordinary people's families had also entered the classroom. After repeated requests from the ministers, the Wanli Emperor agreed to let him go out of the cabinet to study, but in the twenty-seventh year of the Wanli Calendar, he suddenly ordered Zhu Changluo to drop out of school.

The eldest son of the Emperor was ordered to speak temporarily, and the reading began on the second day of the first month of July. - Records of the Myōshin Sect

After that, Zhu Changluo's path of reading began to be intermittent, until Zhu Changluo ascended the throne, he did not even finish reading the Four Books and Five Classics, like such a 38-year-old, educated level is only equivalent to the level of high school students, but he has to control the world, unless he is Zhu Yuanzhang's rebirth, born with talent, otherwise talk about the ability to govern.

In addition to not letting Zhu Changluo go to school and planning to depose him from the perspective of education, Wanli also materially abused him. As for how Zhu Changluo's life was treated, it is difficult to find information that can be cited in the "History of Ming", but it can verify his quality of life from other details.

The famous "attack case" of the Ming Dynasty happened to Zhu Changluo, and a rural villager could actually take a wooden stick to break into Zhu Changluo's palace to carry out assassination, not to mention the forbidden land of the palace, that is, the ordinary yamen also had to be equipped with several security guards.

On the other hand, the life of Zhu Changxun, the King of Fu, was much better, he spent nearly 200,000 taels of silver at the time of his big wedding, and only 70,000 taels of the Wanli wedding, from the above, it is not difficult to find that Zhu Changluo should be the most miserable of all the princes.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

What a person lacks the most when he is a child, and when he grows up, he often loves something more and more, so Zhu Changluo, after becoming emperor, loves money very much. After he ascended the throne, some officials asked Zhu Changluo to take out "gold and silver" from Neiku and distribute it to the soldiers at the border pass, but Zhu Changluo flatly refused:

Gold and silver two, the original system, into the interior to prepare for ceremonies and other items to reward Dai grain for use, Zhou Chaorui invited the reputation of the vain, should have been asked, Gu demoted to a higher level to transfer to the appointment. - Records of the MingGuang Sect

From this record, it can be seen that Zhu Changluo not only refused to give the silver of the inner treasury to the border guards, but also demoted the officials who played the song to the outside. In fact, from his childhood experience, this behavior is very understandable, but as a king, this attitude of not being responsible for the country is difficult to excuse.

After Zhu Changluo ascended the throne, Zheng Guifei really couldn't see him as emperor, so the more bad things were to him, the more he gave him something, Zhu Changluo lacked knowledge on the one hand, and on the other hand, he lacked his mother's teaching, if someone induced him again, then he was likely to take a crooked road and could not become a virtuous prince. Zheng Guifei directly gave him 8 beautiful women, which was in Zhu Changluo's arms, he received them all according to the order, these 8 beautiful women are simply a deadly poison.

And ascended to the pole, the noble concubine entered the beautiful female attendant emperor. Ten days later, the emperor fell ill. --- The Book of Sins

Zhu Changluo was not in good health, plus one night even the imperial number of women, this body is definitely not good, must rely on the help of the divine medicine, but all the divine medicines are at the cost of overdraft of the body, Zhu Changluo was already unwell before he ascended the throne, coupled with the death of Wanli, great sorrow and great joy, Zhu Changluo's body is even more unbearable.

Zhu Changluo only did a month of Tianzi and died, the opponent is too strong, can be the emperor can also earn a night of surprise, gave birth to the birth of Princess Gongfei of Zhu Changluo, let their mother and son suffer inhuman treatment, resulting in weak character when the youth was abandoned in school, only neglected to study shallow and lack of materials, after growing up greedy for money and good things for many years of mental depression, excessive release after ascending the throne, abuse of drugs and death Summary

At this time, Cui Wensheng gave him a big catharsis medicine to vent the fire, and from the performance point of view, it was in line with the principle of yin and yang adjustment, but ignored the basic fact that Zhu Changluo's body was weak.

Zheng Guifei and Zhu Changluo are both tragic figures, and they are all victims of feudal etiquette. Zheng Guifei was supposed to have a good love affair with Wanli, but the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty believed that since Wang Gongfei had given birth to the emperor's eldest son, wanli must love Wang Gongfei, which was a ritual, but wanli, who was rebellious by nature, would not listen to these boring advices.

Wan Li did not allow Zhu Changluo to read and read, and insisted on not making him a prince, which was also a resistance to the etiquette, but unfortunately he alone could not resist the ideas of tens of thousands of people.

Zhu Changluo has lived all his life in the confrontation of this kind of etiquette, he is the contradiction point of confrontation, so he is also suppressed, living for decades, all day long respect small and cautious, afraid of making a little mistake to provoke Wanli to abolish him, so that after decades of promise, the string in his head has already collapsed straight.

A person's mental health is more important than physical health, Zhu Changluo has been a cowering prince for decades, and his education is not high, and handling political affairs often makes him exhausted, so even if there is no red pill case, with Zhu Changluo's physical condition, it is only a matter of time before he dies.

Reference: Records of the Mingguang Sect

The Book of Sin

Records of the Myōshin Sect


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