
Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

author:Xiao Wang's armed camp

On October 15, 1970, Sadat became Egypt's new president with 90.04% approval. In the face of the second president of the Republic of Egypt, the people are eager to hope that the new president will be able to turn the tide and restructure Egypt, which has a withered economy, many factions in the country, and the people are full of grievances. Sadat did indeed bring a better Egypt to the people, implementing a free and open economic model for The Inner Sadat, abandoning his hostile relations with Israel and taking back the Sinai Peninsula through peaceful negotiations, in addition to supporting the Muslim Brotherhood that was suppressed during nasser's time to balance the powerful Sabri clique, and in May 1971 arrested Ali, who posed a major threat to his regime. Sabri further consolidated the political stability of Egypt.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Sadat, who was selected as Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 1977

Under Sadat's drastic operation, Egypt seems to be developing along the path of a country with an economic rise and a stable regime, but behind the seemingly calm waves, a large number of forces and contradictions are constantly breeding, and instability factors are also coming. The first is Sadat's open economic model, and the consequence of the replacement of state-owned enterprises by private enterprises is that polarization continues to increase, and those who have money are richer, while those who do not have money can only hover between unemployment and working outside the home. This conflict erupted on January 18, 1977, when the Egyptian government announced an increase in the prices of about 25 necessities, a decision that immediately drew a large number of protests, and then the protests gradually developed in an uncontrollable direction, and finally Sadat had to postpone the strategy of raising the prices of necessities.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Protest clashes erupted in Cairo, Egypt

More than 160 Egyptians died in just two days of protest clashes, and most of the population is increasingly distrustful of Sadat because their lives are not getting better, and only a few people are getting richer. Sadat, however, was unaware of this change and continued to ignore the basic demands of ordinary people for life. In 1978, Egyptian courts announced that those who participated in the January 18, 1977 protests, regardless of whether the court found them guilty, would be imprisoned, and those who were at large would be labeled "unforgivable." In addition, Sadat also pursued a tough iron fist and arbitrarily arrested opponents who disagreed with his own political views to maintain the country's temporary stability. The price, however, is to further fuel popular anger and discontent.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Sadat, who has peace talks with the United States and Israel

In addition, after the defeat in the Fourth Middle East War, Sadat began to break away from the embrace of the Soviet Union and embrace the United States. In 1977, Sadat was invited to speak at the Knesset, and then in 1978 he held peace talks with Israeli Prime Minister Beckyn and US President Carter at Camp David, recognized israel's existence, and ended the war that began in 1948 with peace negotiations. Sadat is well placed to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in terms of promoting peace. Sitting at the same negotiating table as the Jews, Sadat is undoubtedly a traitor to the entire Arab state and a traitor to extremist groups in Egypt.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Sadat visiting Israel

Speaking of extremist organizations in Egypt, it is necessary to advance the Muslim Brotherhood, what Sadat did not expect was that this organization that he had vigorously supported would take the opportunity to split into a large number of Islamic extremists, including jihadist organizations and Islamic Liberation Organizations, but as Sadat changed his attitude toward Israel, these extremist organizations also began to openly oppose Sadat, and even eliminated the "traitor" by assassination. In order to achieve the purpose of assassination, these extremist groups have unusually begun to infiltrate the Egyptian military and police, and generally speaking, the personnel of these departments are very demanding, so many terrorists will not take this approach. But once terrorists are involved, the impact will be disastrous.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Sadat in military uniform

On October 6, 1981, in the Giza Plateau outside Cairo, Egyptian President Sadat was participating in the military parade marking the 8th anniversary of the victory in the Fourth Middle East War, and in preparation for the parade, Sadat also specially put on the exquisite military uniform specially customized from Britain a few days ago, and on his left chest were rows of dazzling medals. Interestingly, however, a few days before the parade, in the streets of Cairo, people were talking about the rumors of Sadat's assassination, but Sadat, who considered himself an Egyptian hero, disagreed, saying to his subordinates in private: "I will be assassinated, but the murderer decided that it will not be Egyptian." For this reason, he rejected the security department's offer to wear body armor, because he felt that the fat appearance after wearing the body armor would affect his image.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

Sadat wore body armor when he went out in Israel, but sadat refused to wear body armor during the military parade because he was confident that the Egyptians would not assassinate him

On the eve of the parade, a man named Khalid. Lieutenant Islambud received an order to lead a squad of 6 field guns through the review platform at the upcoming military parade, but this Lieutenant Khalid was a pawn infiltrated into the Egyptian army by the extremist organization, and Khalid then contacted 3 other Egyptian soldiers who were also extremists, including a man named Hussein. Abbas. Muhammad's sharpshooter. They plan to assassinate President Sadat at a military parade on Nov. 6. Khalid then transferred the three men into the field artillery squad under his command in the name of "ensuring the safety of the president", and on the day of the parade they would be armed with assault rifles and grenades around their waists, but in the eyes of outsiders, the three soldiers were no different from the Egyptian soldiers who participated in the parade, the difference was that their rifles were full of bullets, and the grenades around their waists were not ornaments.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

▲ Three extremists shooting wildly at the stands

At 11:25 a.m. on November 6, the parade officially began, and the truck with field guns under the command of Lieutenant Khalid was slowly driving towards the center of the parade platform, and standing in that position was paying homage to Egyptian President Sadat. After reaching the closest position to Sadat, Khalid pointed his pistol at the driver to tell him to stop, and the stunned driver immediately kicked the brakes. People watching the parade thought the truck had broken down and the truck that had restarted would leave after a while. However, just when everyone's eyes were drawn to the fighter planes flying in the sky, Hussein, who won the title of troop sharpshooter for seven consecutive years. Abbas. Mohammed stood on the roof of the car and began to shoot at Sadat, and then Khalid led two accomplices to the parade platform, firing wildly with their assault rifles and throwing grenades, so close that Sadat could not dodge at such a close distance, and finally collapsed in a pool of blood.

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

▲ It was a chaotic situation at that time

Everyone present began frantically searching for cover, and the media recorded the crazy scene with a camera, and although the Egyptian authorities ordered them to hand over the film afterwards, the video of the scene was disseminated. The assassination alone resulted in the deaths of eight officials, including Sadat, and the injury of another 28 others. One killer was killed by security forces 30 seconds after the assassination and three others were brought into custody. The three were subsequently sentenced to execution, the other two conspirators identified were sentenced to hanging, and a large number of participants were sentenced to prison terms. Khalid, the main conductor of the assassination, said in an interview with the media afterwards: "It was my fault to kill an unbeliever, but I am proud of it."

Death of Egyptian President Sadat: When participating in the military parade, he was swept to death by "soldiers on parade"

▲ The parade platform after the attack

Afterwards, a large number of Western leaders attended Sadat's funeral, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia and other countries also sent representatives to attend the funeral, as for all Arab countries, only one representative was sent to attend his funeral. Such a defender of peace died at the hands of his compatriots, and Sadat's death shocked the world at that time, and some Western scholars believed that with the prosperity of Egypt's capitalist economy, Egypt's extremist organizations would eventually die out. However, the truth hit them in the face, and through the assassination of Sadat, extremist groups began to believe that they had the ability to change history in unequal confrontations, which undoubtedly exacerbated the already rampant terror.

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