
Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

author:Rural Jade Sister said entertainment

In today's entertainment industry, whether it is Zhou Xingchi or Jackie Chan, they are all very high, and they can be said to be super first-line stars.

And we all know that Stephen Chow is a photo comedy film, and Jackie Chan prefers action martial arts movies. But there is such a woman who connects these two, she is the famous actress Yuan Qiu.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

Maybe when it comes to Yuan Qiu, maybe everyone is more unfamiliar and doesn't know who this person is. But when it comes to "charter wife", it is estimated that everyone knows it.

Kung Fu Charterer

In Stephen Chow's movie "Kung Fu", Yuan Qiu plays the charter wife: full of curly hair, smoking cigarettes, domineering revealed, wearing silk pajamas, the lion roars, making people lose their souls.

Although Yuan Qiu played a side actor in this film, she won the Best Female Vice Actor Award at the 24th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards and the Best Female Vice Actor at the 28th Hundred Flowers Awards for Mass Film with this film.

When filming this drama, Yuan Qiu had been out of the film for 18 years, and later Zhou Xingchi's "Caolu Sangu" came to the door to invite Yuan Qiu, and only agreed to star in this film.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

So let's walk into her day and find out why she was able to let Zhou Xingchi "Caolu Sangu" ask her to take a photo!

The early life of Yuan Qiu

Yuan Qiu (real name Zhang Zhuannan), born in Hong Kong in 1950, is a female artist of Hong Kong martial arts films in China. Yuan Qiu has loved to laugh since he was a child, calling himself a "mixed-race child", his father is a Shandong native, his mother is a Cantonese, in fact, it is what we now call "mixed province child".

Her original name was Zhang Zhuannan, because there were too many daughters in the family, her parents hoped to have a son, so they gave her such a name. Yuan Qiu was born in a family of Peking Opera, and studied Peking Opera under the influence of his father since childhood, laying the foundation for learning martial arts.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

However, the hardships of the road to learning martial arts must not need to be said more, "the flesh and bones of the relatives can not be bothered", they were sent by their father to a good friend Yu Zhanyuan, and together they can also reduce the burden on the family.

Yuan Qiu's father only needs to give Yu Zhan 3 yuan a month, which is a month's breakfast fee for Yuan Qiu, and other accommodation expenses and food expenses are borne by the school.

Here, she stayed for ten years. During this period, because he felt that the martial arts training was too bitter and wanted to abandon, he sneaked home, was found by his father and sent back, and suffered the punishment of the master Thirty Vines, and his thighs were bruised for a week and did not get better.

It is also this inhuman tempering that has allowed her to achieve a body of skill and steely perseverance.

Yuan Qiu's acting experience

In 1972, Lin Xiu, a stage name, signed a contract with Dadi Pictures and starred in the action movies directed by Zhu Mu, "Standing Up to the Sky" and "Female Policewoman".

In 1974, the 007 series of movies "Iron King Kong vs. Golden Gunner" had just arrived in Hong Kong to cast, and Yuan Qiu was lucky enough to be selected to become the founding ancestor of China's state girls.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

Although there are not many scenes in the play, the embodiment of Yuan Qiu is very eye-catching.

After entering the industry in the autumn, start with a stand-in. She was bold and willing to work hard, and after jumping from several floors, the martial arts instructor asked her how she was, and she replied without the slightest hesitation: "It's okay." "Then go to the side and rub the wound yourself."

This dedication has won recognition and acclaim in the industry. When she was young, Yuan Qiu was beautiful and thin, and the popular actresses at that time all looked for her as a martial artist. For example, Ling Bo, Qin Ping, Li Jing, Jin Fei, etc. have all looked for Yuan Qiu as a martial substitute.

However, if you want to change careers to become a serious artist, it is not so simple.

"At that time, there was no need for an actress who could really play, and some directors liked the role of a village girl I played, saying that maybe there was a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan. But I thought at the time, I do a stand-in for 150 a day, and sometimes I do two groups. Acting is so tired, it is better to be a stand-in. Yuan Qiu said so.

However, years later, the disciples who insisted on being artists began to become popular. "Big Nose has filmed many costume films, and it is only when "Drunken Fist" is popular, and people are red to talk about opportunities!" The "big nose" in Yuan Qiu's mouth is Jackie Chan, and she will not change her mouth to "Jackie Chan Big Brother", because "Big Nose" is her master and disciple.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

Yuan Qiu: One of the members of the "Seven Little Blessings" Is One of the famous members of the "Seven Little Blessings", and the disciples include Hong Jinbao, Jackie Chan, Yuan Biao, Yuan Hua and so on.

As a master sister, Yuan Qiu has great prestige among the brothers. Once, when playing against Hong Jinbao, because the other party did not remember the lines, he blindly made up a sentence and was scolded by Yuan Qiu.

"The Seven Little Blessings are never more than seven, and there are even more than 100 division brothers in their heyday. At that time, Yuan Qiu did not want to be ordered by the master to play the 'Seven Little Blessings', and because there was no remuneration, he had to work hard to practice. ”

When Yuan Qiu first entered the industry, she was in the middle of the kung fu film, thinking that heroes were useful, who knew that the circle favored sons over women, and it was her turn to play the role of some village girls.

24 years old, Yuan Qiu gritted his teeth, married people do not do it, who knows, next, the teachers and disciples are one by one red.

If you wait a few more years, at least you can be like her sister Wen Xue'er, and get the title of a martial arts actress. After that, people like Yang Panpan and Hui Yinghong also survived.

Yuan Qiu either ran too fast or too slowly

Who would have thought that 20 years later, relying on Zhou Xingchi's "Kung Fu" without a script, became a hit. Zhou Xingchi "Caolu Sangu" about to invite Yuan Qiu

That day, Yuan Qiu had accompanied his sister Yuan Ju to participate in the audition, while he sat in the back, frowning, and reading the newspaper with Erlang's legs crossed. Who knew that it was so unintentional to plant willows and willows, and this look touched Zhou Xingchi.

Invited out of the mountain by Zhou Xingchisan, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan can't afford to provoke, why is the chartered mother Yuanqiu so crazy?

Zhou Xingchi asked her what was the most powerful, and she replied directly: "I cook the most powerful rice." Zhou Xingchi asked her to play a few tricks, and as soon as she lifted her leg, she was a pillar of power. After the game, she hurriedly said: "Nothing else, I will go first, don't delay me playing mahjong!" “

In Zhou Xingchi's mind, this is the charter wife herself, and then Zhou Xingchi invited her out of the mountain, but she herself was very resistant, and after so many years, she was afraid of smashing Zhou Xingchi's signboard, and she was also very afraid of being condemned by the audience.

But after Zhou Xingchi made several visits to the door to make an appointment, Yuan Qiu finally agreed, but she put forward a condition: "You must not scold me, if you scold me, I don't know if I will get nervous and do anything." ”

Sure enough, during the photo shoot, although she kept polishing, Xingye did not scold her a word. Who knows, in the end, she became the "first heroine", which overshadowed Huang Shengyi and also achieved this classic film.

Subsequently, Yuan Qiu also received a lot of film and television works due to popularity, but Yuan Qiu, who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, still chose to retire again in 2015 and returned to the simplest days.

Yuan Qiu still does not have too strong a sense of enterprise, otherwise, there will be more classic works. Strong as a lion on the outside, but docile as water in the heart, what do you want to say to this charter wife?

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