
Such people are most likely to get colorectal cancer

author:Good Doctor Online

Studies have shown that obesity is closely related to a variety of diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc., and American scholars have confirmed through animal experiments that there is a close biological association between obesity and colorectal cancer.

The prevalence of this type of human bowel cancer has increased by more than 50% compared with normal people

Obese people

Studies have found that high-calorie diets block the expression of specific proteins in the intestine, resulting in inactivation of tumor suppression pathways, affecting the normal repair and renewal of intestinal mucosa, and this mechanism of action leads to dysfunction of intestinal epithelial cells and the formation of a microenvironment for tumor development.

Calories are a bridge between obesity and colorectal cancer, and this bridge connects and interacts with the two, which may be one of the origins of colorectal cancer in obese people. Statistics show that the prevalence of colorectal cancer in obese people has increased by more than 50% compared with normal people.

Such people are most likely to get colorectal cancer

Bucket waist is also associated with colorectal cancer?!

Obese friends may also tend to be entangled in the excess flesh of the abdomen and the waistline of the bucket, so is this also related to the onset of colorectal cancer?

The answer is yes, the accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen can cause a chronic inflammatory response in the body, and chronic inflammatory states can induce the occurrence and development of cancer. In fact, compared with other parts of the accumulation of fat such as subcutaneous fat, thigh muscle fat, etc., the accumulation of fat in the internal organs is more harmful, studies have shown that the fat tissue around the surface of the internal organs in addition to causing a large waist circumference, and the risk of colon cancer has a clear correlation, waist circumference of more than 99cm women and men with a waist circumference of more than 101cm compared with normal people, the risk of colorectal cancer increased by more than 2 times!

Eating like this for a long time is also very dangerous!

In addition, long-term eating of a large amount of high animal protein, high-fat diet will increase the secretion of bile acid in the intestine, the formation of irritation and damage to the intestinal mucosa, bile acid decomposition of fat will also form a large number of carcinogens, and saturated fatty acids are also one of the causes of cancer. Long-term intake of a large amount of fat will also reduce the motor function of the intestine, modern young white-collar workers often sit for a long time, which will affect the operation of food in the intestine, long-term so the intestine is not running smoothly, easy to constipation, the intestine produces and accumulates toxins are difficult to excrete, becoming a potential cause of cancer. This is not difficult to explain why the age of colorectal onset tends to be advanced, and obese patients are more likely to develop colorectal cancer.

Such people are most likely to get colorectal cancer

Dr. Tao Fu, Ph.D. in Oncology. Graduated from Peking University School of Medicine, he studied under Professor Ji Jiafu, Chairman of the World Gastric Cancer Association, Chairman of the Stomach Cancer Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, and famous oncologist.

Which questions can be asked to Dr. Fu Tao

Diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of early and intermediate and advanced gastric, colon and rectal cancers, treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, abdominal pseudomyosomas, neuroendocrine tumors, gastrointestinal polypoporaomas and other digestive system tumors. (Look at the Q&A of other patients)

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