
"People screaming and crying" The American Music Festival trampled on 8 people and killed 8 people, and some people were needled

author:Global Times New Media

According to CNN, on the evening of November 5, local time, a stampede accident occurred at a music festival in Houston, Texas, usa, and witnesses and officials said that at least 8 people were killed in the chaos and a large number of people were injured.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said at a press conference held on the evening of the 6th that the ages of the victims were 14, 16, 21 (2), 23 (2) and 1 27, and the age of 1 is not clear. The mayor added that there are currently no reports of missing persons. At least 25 people were taken to hospitals, of whom 13 are still hospitalized for treatment, and 5 of the injured hospitalized are under the age of 18.

"People screaming and crying" The American Music Festival trampled on 8 people and killed 8 people, and some people were needled

A stampede accident occurred at a music festival in Houston, USA Source: Visual China

Turner said, "There are a lot of outstanding issues. In the coming days, weeks, or even longer, we will look deeply into what happened, why it happened (stampede), and what we can do to avoid such an event. ”

At the time of the accident, about 50,000 people were attending the festival. The video shows Travis Scott, the rapper and organizer of the event, stopped performing and watched in confusion as a flashing ambulance pulled into a crowd.

The company responsible for organizing the event issued a statement saying they were "heartbroken for those who lost loved ones and were affected" and said they would provide as much information and help as possible to the local government's investigation.

"People screaming and crying" The American Music Festival trampled on 8 people and killed 8 people, and some people were needled

Source: Reuters

People at the scene said that in the minutes before Scott's performance began, the crowd began to crowd in the direction of the stage, and then after his performance began, they saw someone fall to the ground and scream in horror. One spectator said, "The crowd overwhelmed me and I started screaming for help... I felt scared, like I was dying. I see a lot of people getting hurt, passing out, bleeding, crying, it's crazy. Another viewer said that when Scott took the stage, "everything started to happen" and "people were going crazy, and I realized someone was dying."

Houston Fire Commissioner Sam Peña said on the morning of the 6th that the crowd "began to pour towards the front of the stage for some reason, causing the people in front of them to be squeezed and people to start falling and losing consciousness." After the stampede, more than 300 people were treated at a nearby field hospital. One of the 10-year-old injured was in critical condition. Others had cardiac arrest while being taken to hospital. Details of more injuries are unclear and the cause of death will be determined by a forensic doctor.

"People screaming and crying" The American Music Festival trampled on 8 people and killed 8 people, and some people were needled

Source: The Associated Press

At a press conference held on the evening of the 6th, Pena said that naloxone was also used in the treatment of the stampede accident at the music festival, which is a drug used to treat people who overdose on opioids.

According to the news of Russian Television Today (rt), Houston Police Chief Troy Fenner said on the 6th that what happened at the festival was more chaotic than initially thought, and at least one security officer reported that he was stuck in the neck by something when he tried to restrain a person at the festival site, which may be a needle. The security guard passed out after feeling his neck pricked, and the medic later revived him with naloxone.

Fenner said there may have been others who were stabbed and said the investigation was still ongoing. Some 25 people have been arrested, many of them on suspicion of trespassing, 1 for carrying marijuana and 1 for getting drunk in public. Police said they would investigate footage taken at the concert site. (Editor: HHJ)