
Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

Make meat sandwich steamed meat, eat for two days, a little tired, use the remaining meat to make a super rice chili fried meat, Xiao Pan students eat more bowl of rice.

by Mr. Liu of Xiao Pan

Front leg meat 300 g

Screw pepper 250 g

3 garlic seeds

1 green onion

Light soy sauce scoop 1

Oyster sauce spoon 1

Soybean paste Spoon 1

2 dried chili peppers

10 peppercorns

Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

1, if there is cooked meat at home, it is best, if not, you can buy the fresh meat first, cook for twenty minutes

Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

2: Green pepper or screw pepper can be cut into strips

Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

3. Cut into strips and plate, set aside

Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

4, put oil in the pot, put the oil in turn, add the peppercorns, dried peppers, garlic slices, green onions, stir-fry fragrant, then put the meat slices into the pot and stir-fry, fry the lard, then add the green pepper shreds, stir-fry, then season, add the oil consumption, soybean paste, soy sauce, salt, stir-fry until the green pepper is broken, turn off the heat

Super delicious chili stir-fried meat

5, chili fried meat can be accompanied by single cake or baked cake, single cake roll to eat, baked cake sandwich can be, the next door children are hungry and crying

This dish must be cooked with cooked meat, and the raw meat is fried to taste completely different

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