
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

author:Changge Fusion Media

Affected by the cold wave weather, the Central Meteorological Observatory yesterday issued the first orange warning of the year's blizzard.

In the early hours of this morning, accompanied by a howling wind, Changge finally ushered in the first snow of winter.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Many citizens expressed their joy at the snowy days through vibrato and the circle of friends.

The happiest thing on snow days is the mobile phone "circle of friends", but the hardest is our sanitation workers.

Since the cooling, the leaves have fallen, and the sanitation workers have risen an hour earlier than usual every day to clean up the fallen leaves of the previous night, so that the leaves fall, while cleaning, and collecting, to ensure that the road surface of each section is clean and tidy.

Due to the special weather, many sanitation workers arrived at work early at 4 o'clock this morning to clean up a large number of leaves and branches that were blown off by the fierce wind last night.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

While the city was still asleep, there was a "rustling" sound on the silent and deserted road, and sanitation workers were already sweeping from one end of the road to the other with brooms.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

At this time, the low temperature outside has reached minus 1 degree Celsius.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

With high winds and rain, sanitation workers may be working three times as much as usual in recent days.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

After the blisters, some of the garbage has deteriorated and emitted an unbearable smell. You cover your nose and go around the garbage, and the sanitation workers have to clean it up with their hands.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

The most beautiful scenery in the morning light - sanitation workers.

Sanitation worker husband: "It's cold, I'll accompany you!" ”

In the interview, Xiaobian found that a middle-aged man wearing rubber shoes cleaned with sanitation workers, and the two cooperated tacitly, and the cleaning efficiency was extremely high.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

After understanding, this sanitation worker's name is Zhang Guanghui, and the person who helps her with her is zhao Baoxian, who is her husband.

"My family only came home from Zhengzhou at 9 o'clock last night, and came to help at 6 o'clock this morning, mainly because the weather was bad and I was afraid that I was tired." Zhang Guanghui said as he swept away, his face filled with a happy smile.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Usually, Zhao Baoxian is engaged in decoration work and has been running between Zhengzhou and Zhengzhou, but as long as he encounters rain and snow, he will suspend the work at hand and help his wife for a day.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Zhao Baoxian is an extremely meticulous person, sweeping the fine garbage left by the leaves, he must crouch down and clean it up with his hands. "Since you came to help, you must have the appearance of a sanitation worker, but you can't shame your daughter-in-law, hahaha."

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Don't underestimate this bag of leaves, after the rain soaks, a bag of leaves weighs at least 120 pounds, and the two people can work together to carry it to the car.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

At 11:00 a.m., after 5 and a half hours of cleaning, Zhang Guanghui and his wife cleaned up 1 large car and 2 large bags of at least 400 kilograms of leaves.

At 11:30, Zhao Baoxian went home early to prepare lunch for his wife, and Zhang Guanghui would continue to clean up the remaining leaves.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Zhang Guanghui was distressed about her husband: "In the afternoon, I will carry out the second and third rounds of cleaning, and then I will not let Baoxian come, and when I go home, he will help me do a big job before he takes a rest, it is too hard." ”

"Uncle, take a bag of hot water to warm your hands!"

At 4 a.m. this morning, a ramen restaurant on the south side of New World was lit up. Some of the more than ten volunteers in the store steamed steamed buns, cut vegetables, and plated, and some moved tables, stools, pots and bowls to the door.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

At 6 o'clock, sanitation workers wearing yellow reflective suits arrived one after another, and soon they filled more than 10 tables in the store, each with a bowl of pumpkin rice porridge, a hot dish, and two flower roll buns.

Just after entering the store, the sanitation workers' fingers were frozen stiff, and the volunteers hurriedly filled the plastic bags with hot water to let the sanitation workers warm their hands.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

A small area with hot water, warm hands, more heart-warming.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

At 7:00 a.m., the check-in form signed in for 87 people.

"The Municipal Volunteer Federation offers free breakfast to sanitation workers every Sunday morning, and the thunder does not move!" Zhao Zhibin, a member of the Municipal Volunteer Federation, introduced.

In the Volunteer Federation, there is a model of love called "charter", that is, one or more caring people pay for the purchase of ingredients, and other members of the association help.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

The caring person who chartered the show this morning was named "Song Kai".

"In the past, on birthdays, everyone sat there eating, drinking and drinking, but now it's different, we still get together, but it's for the sanitation workers to make breakfast, which makes more sense!" Zhao Zhibin said.

Question: "The leaves cover the ground are so beautiful, why clean it up?" ”

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

In the eyes of many people, the autumn leaf sanitation workers do not need to sweep at all, and when the fallen leaves cover the entire street, it will make the whole city look more beautiful.

In fact, the most real situation is that these dead yellow leaves will be crushed by pedestrians and motor vehicles that come and go, and become fragments and garbage flying with the wind. And the fallen leaves will be quickly wrapped in dust and attached to the asphalt road after sticking to the water, especially after the rain, a large number of leaves will become particularly dirty if not cleaned in time.

In addition, the large number of leaves can also affect the urban drainage system.

At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...
At 4:00 a.m., "sleet", more than 1,000 people "poured into" the street...

Huge amounts of leaves pile up on manhole covers are perfectly capable of blocking rainwater from entering the sewers, and if leaves enter the sewers through grates, they can also cause sewer blockages, which in turn will affect the drainage system of the entire city.

Reporter from Changge Rong Media Center | Zhao Tong

Proofreading 丨 Ming Chu Shu Fang Mei Editor 丨 Li Yaojie

On duty 丨 Zheng Liuyang