
Good book and recommended

author:Shangguan News
Good book and recommended

"NBA 75: When the Stars Of Basketball Shine (Part 2)"

Zhang Jiawei

East China Normal University Press


Chinese a brief history of the NBA in the world, paying tribute to everyone's hot blood and youth

This book is a brief history of the NBA Chinese written by the well-known sports writer Zhang Jiawei, spanning 1946 to 2020, and counting the magnificent history of the NBA over the past 75 years. 3-second zone, three-pointer, 24-second rule, the rules are getting better and better; positional warfare, triangle offense, 7 seconds fast attack, constantly changing on-field tactics; Russell, Chamberlain, Abbay, Jordan, Kobe, James, Curry, from the early behemoths to today's superstars, from the Bad Boy Corps to Mr. Good. Here, diligence and self-sustaining is the only guiding signpost, and the talent is endless sweat, in exchange for more accurate control, more comprehensive vision, and more decisive shots, which has created the legend of the NBA. The memories of youth roared in, with a poignant atmosphere of the times, even the tears were sharp.

Based on a large number of event data, this book attaches equal importance to lyricism and realism, intertwines feelings and legends, tears and admiration, condenses the sincere heart of basketball as a sport, and leads readers to relive those new births, injuries and farewells.

About the Author

Zhang Jiawei, born in Wuxi, lives in Paris. He has written for magazines such as "Slam Dunk", "NBA Time and Space", "Sports Illustrated", "Basketball" and other magazines, is the main writer of Sina Sports and Sports Network, the resident commentator of Hot Sports, and the most popular basketball commentator of Tiger Sports. He has published basketball biographies such as "Michael Jordan and His Time", "Kobe: The Golden Age", and "Never Leave: The Biography of Tim Duncan".


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Volume 1

Chapter 1 Wedge Basketball

Chapter II: The Beginning of 1946-1948

Chapter Three: The Giants 1948-1954

Chapter 4 24 seconds

Chapter Five: The Dawn of the Dynasty

Chapter Six: The Two Giants

Chapter Seven: Two Defenders

Chapter VIII The Year of Record

Chapter Nine: Eight Consecutive Championships

Chapter 10 Dynastic Interruption

Chapter 11 The feud is over

Chapter 12: Bucks, Lakers, and Knicks: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 13: The Glory of Aging

Chapter 14: Madness and Shadows

Chapter 15: Eve of Dawn

Chapter 16: Magician vs Bird, Lakers vs Celtics

Chapter Seventeen: Jordan vs Bad Boys

Chapter Eighteen: Michael Jordan: Triple Crown

Chapter 19: The Hearts of the Four Centers and Champions

Next volume

Chapter XX 72 Wins

Chapter 21: The Changing times

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Final Dance

Chapter 23: Shutdown and Restart

Chapter Twenty-Four: OK Three Consecutive Championships

Chapter Twenty-Five: The End of the Dynasty

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Shark and Duncan's Fourth Ring

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Lakers vs Celtics: Reappearance

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Fairy Tale of Dallas

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Heat and Spurs

Chapter 30: The Warriors and LeBron

Chapter Thirty-One: The Toronto Raptors' New History

Chapter Thirty-Two: The Longest Season in History


Textual summary

"Is there such a basketball game in the world?"

I still remember my first impression of basketball when I was a child: on the cement floor basketball court at school, on the basketball court shaded by factory trees, watching people running, jumping, passing, and throwing people in sweatshirts, tall or short. The sound of greeting each other, the sound of basketballs hitting the ground or smashing baskets, the lights lighting up at dusk barely illuminating the baskets, the people resting on the sidelines wiping sweat...

This is the basketball I remember.

Then, I watched TV, saw an NBA game, and discovered a different kind of basketball. It's no longer a shooting game, it's like a bunch of people staging stunt spectacles. However, the participants in the ball game are still real people, but they are much taller than ordinary people. Some people gallop like electricity, some people walk through Yang, some people are majestic like mountains, and some people are as dexterous as deer. Someone can fly above the basket, and the ball seems to have life in their hands. Coupled with the gorgeous stadium, colorful jerseys, and illuminated lights, the basketball game is like a fantasy drama.

Good book and recommended

Then I learned about the NBA, I knew Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, I knew a wide variety of teams and formats, I knew the data, I knew the scouting, I knew the head coach, I knew the physiotherapist.

Slowly learned about trading chips, luxury taxes, three-point lines, and joint defense rules. Beautifully edited videotapes will record those amazing moments, the eyes of the superstars, the shouts of the fans.

I know how much to go through to the top of the NBA's Jinyu Tower: high school league, scouting pickiness, college league, pre-draft controversy, draft, training camp, new coaches, new teammates, facing media criticism, considering salaries, signing south business plans, formulating tactics, quarreling, disappointment, defeat, anger, compromise, yield, disappointment again, disappointment again, disappointment again, mastery of new technologies, training, day after day, first as a person, then as a team. Slap the ball, thick, soft, firm, smooth, you can hear the sound of "swoosh" when you shoot a goal. Then walk through the dark aisles, see the bright lights, and get on the field. You will see tens of thousands of fans cheering, lights, videographers, encouraging slogans, insulting slogans, and you will hear voices from all over the world arguing, questioning, insulting, praising, commenting, the sound of money, the click of cigar cutters.

The NBA is the epitome of all that.

Good book and recommended

Probably, everyone's basketball world starts out different: the colors, sounds, and emotions are different.

Even the NBA didn't start out like this.

In the NBA game of the 21st century, all kinds of scenes are changing on various screen terminals; there are high school students watching the game and fantasizing about entering college, entering the NBA, and winning hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts. But in the 1950s, an NBA star might be desperate for a $10,000 annual salary, carefully playing in a ballroom-converted arena to avoid ankle injuries. What has happened since then?

Luxury taxes, gag orders, joint defense restrictions, strength training rooms, 400 sets of running charts on the tactical board, knocking on the floor after Jordan's 1995 kill, carl Malone and Dennis Rodman's wrestling game in 1997, middle-class clauses, photographer's angle selection... And so on.

Good book and recommended

Basketball is round, and the NBA is more complex — it's infinitely multifaceted and a gorgeous filter. The NBA is a theater of dreams, but it's not just the flying of Bhutan, the showdown between the Magic Water Division and Bird, leBron's back-to-back battles with Durant and Curry, the card slot between Chamberlain and Russell, and the ball leaving the fingertips of the sky hook and falling towards the basket.

Cheers and boos and sighs seem to ebb and flow, and colors and scenes are constantly changing.

Probably, every fan will more or less choose one or two stars to carry their dreams and youth. As long as that star doesn't retire, their youth will continue. And the NBA is a world made up of so many dream-chasing players, so many passions and dreams.

In the summer of 2016, Kobe Bryant said on the day his jersey was retired: "Those days when you get up early, those days when you struggle, those days when you play until night, those days when you're too tired to play, but you're still desperately trying to get past the days when you're pushing the limits, well, that's the dream." What matters is not the goal, but the journey. ”

Good book and recommended

Watching a game or two is for a few goals, for a certain period of time; watching a player's career is a time to see his enthusiasm and dreams condense.

So, to look at the history stretched to the entire NBA, is to see how those players, from every corner of the world, go on their dream journey, until they reach the peak.

I've written about the careers of more than one NBA player before: Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Duncan, Iverson... Every time you write about one, you feel that you are also writing about the era in which he lived: presumably, the success or failure of each superstar is closely related to the entire NBA environment at that time.

Every time I look up the materials and look at the old videos, I hope to have a history of the NBA: to write the legends that the stars have worked so hard to create.

Good book and recommended

So in a way, this book is also written by me as a fan.

If you happen to be an NBA fan who occasionally jumps for a retired favorite star and for a day game video outside of the live broadcast, I hope you'll have fun reading this book.


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Source: East China Normal University Press

Editor: Duan Pengcheng