
New Age Female Doctor: Don't let a patient go home disappointed

author:Xinhua News Agency client

Beijing, 8 Mar (Xinhua) -- Whether in rural areas, towns or large cities, there is always a group of people who need to be on standby for 24 hours. In the face of a huge patient group, high-intensity work and complex doctor-patient relationship, how can the "angels in white" in the new era protect the physical and mental health of the people? On the occasion of Women's Day, a number of female doctor representatives told reporters the story of their struggle at the grassroots level.

Not to disappoint a single patient

"My greatest wish is not to disappoint every patient who comes to me." Wang Yali, 50, is the director of the Gastroenterology Department at the Third People's Hospital of Datong City, Shanxi Province, and a newly elected deputy to the National People's Congress.

New Age Female Doctor: Don't let a patient go home disappointed

↑Wang Yali, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Third People's Hospital of Datong City, Shanxi Province, participated in the group discussion of the Shanxi delegation.

With a love for medical work, Wang Yali became an "angel in white" in 1991. Since then, she has given up her rest on many weekends and holidays, and has been fighting on the front line of saving lives and helping the injured for decades.

In the eyes of many patients, Wang Yali is like a close friend. After practicing medicine for many years, Wang Yali often takes the time to get to know her patients and listen to their voices. "When ordinary people get sick, they are often able to use drugs without being minimally invasive, minimally invasive without surgery, and can be operated without giving up." Wang Yali said.

"But for some diseases, such as early cancer, there are already international technologies that can be minimally invasive, but they can't do it in local hospitals, and they still have to be operated." After a long journey of bumps, appointment waiting, renting a hotel, will the experience of ordinary people seeking medical treatment be good? What worries Wang Yali even more is that time is cruel, and many patients miss the best time for treatment in the bumps and waiting, and they try their best but have no results. Wang Yali said that in the face of some major diseases, the most cutting-edge medical resources are still concentrated in a few first-tier cities, and some patients can only be referred to large hospitals.

Since last year, Wang Yali has begun to promote the introduction of new technologies and new ideas. "It's a heavy responsibility." Talking about motivation, she said that in order to let the people get medical treatment at the doorstep of their homes, so that every patient will no longer be in pain. Nowadays, the "endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early cancer of the digestive tract" technology has been introduced to Datong, and more than 100 patients are expected to benefit every year.

In fact, China's medical resources are basically concentrated in economically developed areas. Wang Yali said: "A flower alone is not spring, and thousands of purples and thousands of reds fill the garden in spring." As a deputy to the National People's Congress, she suggested that the existing medical resources should be optimized and rationally allocated, the construction of the doctor team should be strengthened, and the balance of medical resources between regions should be promoted.

"I believe that the smiles on the faces of patients will be more and more, and they are worth my life's work." Wang Yali said.

Let the villagers see the disease and see the disease well

For more than ten years, Yang Lianying, a newly elected deputy to the National People's Congress, is a Miao village doctor in the henan village inmate in Xinhua Township, Pingbian Miao Autonomous County, Yunnan Province; over the past ten years, Yang Lianying has worked hard to study and master medical and health knowledge in practice; she has always insisted on practicing medical consultations in the depths of the mountains, visiting every family in the villages and villages, delivering medicines to the homes of the elderly, weak, sick, and disabled pregnant women with limited mobility in the mountainous areas, and regularly examining the bodies of children and teenagers, thus becoming the "guardian deity" of the health of the masses in the mountainous areas.

New Age Female Doctor: Don't let a patient go home disappointed

↑On February 24, Yang Lianying, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a village doctor in Henan Village, Xinhua Township, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, went to the cottage for consultation. Photo by Yang Zongyou, Xinhua News Agency

In the past few days of meetings in Beijing, Yang Lianying has to answer an average of 4 phone calls a day, "all of them are villagers' medical consultation, I answer them one by one, and the health of the people cannot be ignored." As the only village doctor in the village, she is responsible for managing the basic public health services of more than 1,900 villagers and the contracted services of family doctors.

As the "health gatekeeper" for the grass-roots people, rural doctors play a fundamental role in the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.

"There's a shortage of doctors in the village." Yang Lianying said that young people are reluctant to go to the countryside, and the old village doctors are older, which cannot meet the needs of the people for medical treatment, which restricts the development of grass-roots medical and health undertakings. It is recommended to increase the training and training of rural doctors, explore the "county and rural integrated management" model, and let talents and resources sink to the grass-roots level. "I am a people's congress deputy, the profession is a rural doctor, the combination of the two identities, giving me a more important mission, that is, to take root in the grassroots, work hard, and escort the health of the people."

Performing duties for the people with professionalism and responsibility

"Health is an important foundation for everyone to grow and achieve a happy life, so improving health is the people's livelihood issue that the majority of people are most concerned about." Without health, there is no well-off. Xu Hong, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, said so during the discussion of the delegation.

New Age Female Doctor: Don't let a patient go home disappointed

↑ Xu Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress and first-class chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, was interviewed by reporters.

Xu Hong was a deputy to the 12th National People's Congress, and now she is elected as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress. She said that when she was initially elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress, she was nervous and excited, but she has always been dedicated to speaking for the people, and she has felt very deeply along the way and gained a lot.

As a deputy to the National People's Congress from the medical and health system, Xu Hong suggested that it is necessary to improve the rural three-level medical network, with county hospitals as the leader, township health centers as the hub, and village health centers as the basis, so that the vast number of rural people can enjoy better medical services.

Saving lives and helping the injured is a duty, and performing duties for the people is great love. "In the past, as a medical worker, I thought more about how to improve the level of medical technology, treat patients, and contribute to society, but now as a deputy to the National People's Congress, I pay more attention to the development of China's medical and health undertakings and the development of social economy and culture, which are closely related to people's livelihood, and actively share the worries of the party and the government and relieve the worries of the people through suggestions and suggestions." Xu Hong said.

During the delegation's discussion, Xu Hong suggested that the combination of medical care and elderly care should be regarded as an important measure to promote the healthy China strategy. It is recommended to introduce and improve the supporting systems related to the integration of medical and nursing care, strengthen financial support, and gradually improve the service of integrating medical and nursing care. It is also necessary to improve the construction of the payment system combined with medical care, the construction of the Internet + the development of pension medical services based on the information platform and intelligent terminal of the pension management service, and strengthen the construction of the team of elderly medical service talents. (Contributors: Wang Jinyu, Tao Hong, Zi Qiang, Wang Yang, Huo Yao)