
Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks

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"Dexiao Zhonghua Weekly", June 23, 2021 Tianjin (Zhang Xin Ren Meimei) The centennial journey is magnificent, and the centennial original intention has lasted for a long time. We have ushered in a great day the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a hammer, a sickle intertwined, it looks like an ordinary pattern, but it is pasted on the bright flag, it represents a political party in our country - the Communist Party of China.

Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks

Faith is like a rock, in the same vein. Looking back at the centenary journey that our party has gone through, it is precisely the countless communists who, with their strong convictions, firm beliefs, and heroic spirit, have supported the backbone of the century-old party and laid the cornerstone of the road of national rejuvenation. Then our Quanjili community is also moving forward with the Communist Party, we held a literary and artistic performance on June 21 by the Quanjili Community Day Care and the Quanjili Party and Mass Service Center to express our blessings to the motherland and the party, we sang "Birthday Song" to review the centennial road of the Communist Party of China, not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission. Our performers also used songs and dances "Five-Star Red Flag" and "My Motherland and Me" to express our love for the motherland.

Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks

At this event, liu qingkun and Zhang Baohuan, representatives of veteran party members, expressed their blessings to the motherland in the form of poetry recitation, "Standing under the Bright Party Banner", and student representatives expressed their nostalgia for the hero by Zhang Xuehang's children in the Quanjili community's speech "Red Star in the Heart, Tribute to China, Hero Immortality".

Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks
Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks
Tianjin Dasi Town Quanjili Day Care welcomed the founding of the party for 100 weeks

If you want to know the road, you must first be history. Looking around the world, no political party is like the Communist Party of China, tempered into steel in one life and death test after another, inheriting faith in repeated hardships and hardships, and continuing to write miracles in the resolute rise again and again. A hundred years of struggle and glory, glory and dreams are a valuable spiritual wealth and a powerful spiritual driving force that inspires us to forge ahead. Yang Jingyu replied awe-inspiringly in the face of the enemy's persuasion: "Needless to say, shoot", because "the will to be loyal and undeterred will not waver." Jiao Yulu endured severe pain and persevered in his work, because he "had all the people in his heart, but he did not have himself." Li Baoguo took root in Taihang for 35 years and helped the masses get rid of poverty and become rich, only because he firmly believed that "if I am a communist party member, I will be responsible for the party"... In the history of the party over the past hundred years, there are faith and will, goals and directions, courage and strength, the spiritual code of where we "come from," the spiritual signpost of "where we are going," and the spiritual bloodline of communists. It is the efforts of our predecessors that we have our current prosperous China, and the "Bless Your Prosperous China" performed by Li Huiru and other dancers expressed the spiritual motivation for the motherland's century-old struggle and brilliant progress. Let us unite closely, give play to the role of the most basic fortress of the community, set sail, and start a new journey of a century. A song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" ended our activities, although the activities ended, but our love for the motherland did not end, like our oath of joining the party, "fight for communism all your life, always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party."

Editor-in-charge: Tang Yuanliang