
Chinese herbal spider incense


Pinyin zhī zhū xiānɡ

Aliases Bean Drum Vegetable Root, Jiu Zhuan Xiang, Lei Gong Qi ("Guizhou Folk Medicine Collection"), Horseshoe Incense ("Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine"), Ghost See, Stinky Dog Medicine, Grinding Foot Flower ("Yunnan Chinese Herbal Medicine"), Lian Vanilla, Vanilla Seed ("Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine"), Blood Lotus, Stinky Medicine, Wu Ginseng (Chengdu Common Herbal Treatment Manual).

Source "Outline"

The source is the rhizome of the heart-leaved valerian and broad-leaved valerian plants of the family Ranciformes. From September to October, it is excavated to remove the stems, leaves, roots and sediment, and dry them in the sun.

Original form (1) Heartleaf Valerian

It is a perennial herb that grows up to 70 cm tall. The roots are thick and the aroma is extremely strong. The rhizomes are stubby, pale greenish yellow, and fragrant; the stems are green or purple, covered with short soft hairs. The basal leaves are opposite, also covered with short soft hairs, the petiole is 13 to 19 cm long; the leaf is heart-shaped, 7-9 cm long and 6 to 8 cm wide, the apex is short-pointed, the edge microwave teeth are slightly ear-shaped; the stem-born leaves are opposite, broadly ovate, tapering long-ovate, and the apex is tapering; the petiole is wide, and nearly sessile to the top. The inflorescence is apical, the small flowers are white or reddish; the calyx is not obvious, and after flowering, it splits into more than 10 thin linear lobes with long soft hairs; the corolla tube has 5 fissures; the stamens are 3; the lower ovary is green, with longitudinal grooves. The fruit is flattened, with 3 veins in the front mask and 1 vein in the back. Flowering occurs in April.

It grows in ditches or forest edges, preferring shade, wet and thick soil. It is distributed in Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Guangxi and other places.

(2) Broad-leaved valerian

It is a perennial herb growing 0.6 to 1 m tall. The whiskers are thick and have a strong aroma. The rhizomes are short and have slender creeping stems; the aboveground stems are green, longitudinally prismatic, covered with short soft hairs or nearly hairless, and the hairs at the nodes are dense. The leaves are opposite, pinnate and fully lobed, 7 to 15 cm long, the basal leaves have long stalks, the stem leaves are nearly sessile; the lobes lanceolate to ovate lanceolate, the apex is long and tapering, the base is wedge-shaped, the edges are sparsely serrated, and both sides have short vamples, especially on the veins. The echidnas of the echiunic polyumbelis are apical; the bracts are linear lanceolate: the flowers are small, white or reddish, 1 to 3 mm in diameter; the sepals are 5 to 15 pieces; the corolla tube is thin, lobed 5; the stamens are 3; and the ovary is inferior. The fruit is flattened and the calyx lobes are well developed and feathered. Flowering takes place in June.

It grows in forests, in sunny areas of wasteland, or on forest edges and ditches. It is distributed from northeast to east china and southwest China.

Habitat branch production in Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

Characteristics Of dry rhizomes are nodular, round or oblate, slightly curved, unpronged, 3 to 5 cm long, 0.7 to 1.3 cm in diameter, tan or tea brown. The surface has a more silky ring-shaped protrusion, which is not very regular, and there are most whiskers on the underside. The reed head is flattened, and the stem and leaf residues are visible. Solid, cross-sectional yellow-brown. It has a specific valerian-like aroma. It is preferable to be stout, solid and yellow.

The chemical composition valerian root and rhizome contain 1,2-diketone substance, alkalized or acidolyzed to obtain isovaleric acid and caproic acid, and also contain montagin isovalerate, valerian ring odorantoin ester glycosides. Indian-produced its roots and rhizomes contain acetoxy valerian trinamite. Pakistani-produced with dihydro valerian triselectel.

Valerian broadleaf root contains 8% volatile oil, composed of valerol broadleaf, valerian acetate, valerian broadleaf glycerin, valerian diacetate, l-pinene, terpine, dipentene, dipenter, valeryl broadleaf glyphosate.

Pharmacological action of the rhizome of Valerian cardiacea, similar in action to Valerian, see "Valerian" article.

Prepare and wash, cut off the roots, slice and dry.

Sexual taste (1) "Outline": "Spicy, warm, non-toxic." "

(2) Guiyang Folk Herbs: "Hard, warm, non-toxic." "

Guijing (1) "Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Into the lungs and stomach two classics." "

(2) Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine: "Entering the Spleen and Stomach Erjing." "

Functions are mainly used to treat qi, disperse cold, invigorate blood, and regulate menstruation. Treatment of swelling and pain, vomiting and diarrhea, pulmonary edema, cold and cold, menstrual irregularities, tuberculosis and cough.

(1) "Outline": "To ward off the plague and to neutralize evil." "

(2) "Guizhou Folk Prescription Medicine Collection": "Calm, smooth, consume food." Treat bloating pain, stomach pain. And cure the wind. "

(3) "Guiyang Folk Herbs": "Cure flatulence, sha, abdominal pain, stop water diarrhea." "

(4) "Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Dehumidification and cold dissipation, treatment of beriberi edema, spleen and stomach food stagnation, external application of boils." "

(5) "Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine": "Invigorate blood and adjust the scriptures." Treats headaches, joint pain, menstrual irregularities, bruises, furuncles. "

(6) "Yunnan Chinese Herbal Medicine": "Treatment of indigestion, children's cough, chancre, influenza, malaria." "

Dosage for internal use: decoction, 1 to 1.5 yuan; or soaked in wine. External use: rub the juice.

Pay attention to the weakness of yang qi and pregnant women should not use.

Compound (1) treatment of sha pain, bruises, blood circulation, muscle and bone pain, tuberculosis cough, cold and cold air: spider incense (a day amount of one dollar to one or two), soaked wine.

(2) Cure vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain: spider incense, stone calamus root. Serve with a crock pot stew. (It is advisable to avoid the following "Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine")

(3) Cure poisonous sores: spider incense rub vinegar, rub the affected area externally. (Guiyang Folk Herbs)

(4) Cure stomach pain: (1) Spider incense for a dollar. Finely cut and swallow in boiling water. (2) Spider incense three dollars. Simmer.

(5) Cure rheumatic numbness: spider incense one or two. Simmer water and rub the dregs on the affected area.

(6) Cure cold: spider incense five dollars, ginger one dollar. Simmer. ((4) Fang below out of "Guizhou Herbal Medicine")

(7) Cure labor injury cough: blood lotus, pig ginseng, bristle grass, rock cabbage. Stewed pork heart and lung serving. (Chengdu "Common Herbal Treatment Manual")

(8) Cure impotence: nourishing blood lotus one to two two. Stew chicken serve. (Chengdu "Common Herbal Treatment Manual")

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbal spider incense

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