
Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

author:Cute Claw Doctor

Every day when you come home from work, when you enter the door and see a kitten waiting for you at the door, when you hear the meow of the petite, when you pick it up and rub it, the heart of the shoveling officer melts~

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort
Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


But one day, the kitten did not appear at the door, but nestled in the corner, calling its name or feeding, and it "jumped" towards you, and the shoveler's heart tightened...

For example, something like this:

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

The kitten you hold in the palm of your hand will one day grow old, from ubiquitous to secretive, from "graceful pacing" to "jumping and jumping".

Watching cats limp around, the most painful thing is the shoveler, and one of the key elements to ensure their health and longevity is daily care.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

Come on, shoot hard

For daily care, there are the most trivial things, and many shovelers are "more than enough and not enough".

Today, Meng Claw Jun sorted out the detailed cat health care cheats for everyone,

Get intimate "cat friendly" techniques to teach and let your kittens enjoy the spa.


Eye Care

The corners of the eyes and the eye area are areas where cats have difficulty cleaning themselves thoroughly, and if not cleaned up in time, it may cause inflammation and the risk of blocking the nasolacrimal duct.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

▉ Frequency of care: once a day


(1) Use pure water to moisten the non-dandruff toilet paper/cotton pad, or a special wipe for pets

(2) Gently wipe in the direction of hair growth around the eyes

(3) Clean up the secretions.

(4) At the end of each cleanup, a small snack reward is given

Health supplements: Related nutrients include taurine, anthocyanins, and retinol. Qualified cat food is included, and short-nosed cats can be supplemented with taurine and retinol as needed. Search for taurine powder in the shopping software and mix in the food according to the instructions.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

Small tips

(1) If the cat does not have eye discharge, clean it when the secretion is visible to the naked eye.

(2) Short-nosed cats must be cared for every day due to physiological problems. Common breeds: Burmese cat, exotic shorthair cat (Garfield), Persian cat, Himalayan cat, English shorthair cat.

(3) Do not wipe hard when the cat is struggling to avoid hurting the eyes.

(4) Taurine is easy to oxidize, if the large bag of cat food is not completely sealed storage, you can also consider supplementation.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


Hair care article

Combing is the most important means of care, which can comb off floating hair, reduce hair loss, and also enhance the relationship with the meow master. More importantly, you can quickly find the skin and hair condition during the process of combing, and even find hidden pain and abnormalities.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

▉ Frequency of care: In case of no resistance, comb your hair every day. Bath interval 3-6 months and above (even lifelong non-washing)

Combing is the end of the matter, but the basic principles should be paid attention to:

(1) Comb in the direction of hair growth

(2) When encountering hair knots, please handle it gently, do not pull hard

(3) Uncooperative cats should be rewarded during or after the grooming process, and should also be called and praised during the process.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


Each cat's preference for combs and techniques varies slightly, as do the needs for long and short hairs. Meng Paw Jun looked around and found that the shell comb and the "long and sparse silicone comb with comb teeth" (including cat gloves) are generally popular, and everyone can try and choose according to their own situation

Health supplements: Nutrients that are conducive to gross growth include lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids ~ shopping software search for lecithin, follow the instructions to take it ~

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

In addition, topical drops are also available: Golden Spot (essential fatty acids omega 6 and omega 3), Phillips drops (ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol) are recommended once a month to protect hair.

If the cat has been bathed, it is recommended to use it again the next day after bathing.

Cats should not bathe frequently, if there is a skin disease to use drops please follow the doctor's advice.


Dental Care

Frequency of care: daily, after meals (the higher the better), especially for cats that eat wet food for a long time.

▉ Brushing method

(1) Hold the sides of the upper corner of the cat's mouth with one hand, and pull back and up appropriately to separate the lips;

(2) The other hand brushes in a circle from back to front, with the widest range and as long as possible.

Brushing the cat's teeth needs to be gradual, you can insist on brushing the cat's teeth 2-3 times a week, the following video introduces the correct steps to brush the cat's teeth ↓

Once you have established the habit of brushing, your cat's teeth are cleaned regularly every week. If you are more resistant, you can do some pre-brushing preparation training:

(1) Squeeze a little toothpaste onto your hand or toothpaste to feed and test the reaction. If the cat doesn't resist, you can also try to dip a little into its nose and let it lick, accepting toothpaste is the first step in a long journey.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

If the cat does not accept the taste of toothpaste, it is also helpful to replace the toothbrush with a meat paste first. Then gradually mix the transitions.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

(2) Let the cat adapt to the restraints when brushing teeth. The cat obeys better when sleepy, and at this time holds the cat's head with the hand and repeats this action until the cat is stable enough.

There are differences in holding methods for single and double people:

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


(3) If the cat adapts to this action, it can start dipping its fingers in toothpaste to try it (pay attention to safety).

(4) You can also try to wrap it with a bath towel/blanket to assist when fixing, but once the cat is out of control, please stop all operations, let it return to its hidden place to calm down, and then give snacks to soothe.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort
Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort
Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

This fixation method is suitable for all facial care (eyes, ears, mouth, etc.), the cat will feel safer when wrapped, and it is also conducive to the owner's faster and crisper treatment, reducing the possibility of stress.

Towel fixing the cat can reduce the anxiety caused by the treatment, and it is in line with the concept of cat friendliness

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

If your cat really can't accept brushing, you can also choose other alternative products that are "better than nothing", such as teeth cleaning powder, teeth grinding biscuits, wood tiantian, etc., remember to choose a regular brand~

ps: It is not recommended to give mouthwash to cats, if the cat does not like, may be repelled by the way to drink water.

For cats with severe stress when going out, they should insist on adaptation training to prolong the time to go to the hospital to wash their teeth


Foot care

Repair the nails of the cat, for the cat, for you, for the sofa are good ~ if you do not trim for a long time, and you do not get enough wear at home, the nails will grow into the foot pads!

▉ Recommended nail clipping frequency: once every two weeks

▉ Pruning method: Truncate outside the blood line, and strong light helps to distinguish the location of the blood line.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

Docile/timid cats are recommended to trim only the forelimbs, and aggressive cats can trim them all.

If the cat is really not cooperating, you can also consider the "towel stabilization method" of the dental care part, and leave the claw that needs to be trimmed outside when wrapping the cat.

▉ Other foot care

- Meat pads: If autumn and winter are too dry, you can apply a thin layer of vaseline to moisturize.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

- Sole hair: Especially long-haired cats, which need to be trimmed regularly, otherwise the soles of the feet will slip.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort


Intimate care

Generally speaking, cats and cats will clean up on their own, but if the cat is fat enough to lick his own vulva, he needs to be assisted in cleaning. Gently scrub with 0.2% chlorhexidine or clean lukewarm water.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

Male cats that have not been neutered need to prevent the eggs from growing bacteria and low temperature burns from the electric blanket.

In summary, this is probably the most detailed cat care manual ever!!!

Like humans, diseases and bad conditions always manifest themselves in cats as the years go by. Even if the cats around us are still very young and look very healthy, the cats and cats will be old, and even leave this world earlier than us... Daily care can also prevent problems before they occur.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

If, a person does these trivial things well in one day, this is a happy day for cats;

If, a family insists on doing these trivial things well, this is the cat's happy life;

If a society can form a consensus and do these trivial things well together, this is the cat's paradise.

Cat: Come on, step on my ass, make a little bit of effort

Everyone get up quickly, according to the situation of your cat and cat to do "big health care" for it ~ also do not forget to share with your friends, everyone together to raise the cat and cat of the oily water slippery, beautiful strips smooth!