
Story: Folk tales: Old dogs become sperm

author:Penglai night talk
Story: Folk tales: Old dogs become sperm

There is a folk saying, called chicken but six years, dog is not more than eight years, this sentence is also mentioned in the Western Han Dynasty ancient book "Yi Demon", which means that chickens can not be raised for six years, dogs can not be raised for eight years, after this age, chickens and dogs began to be restless. They stay with people all day, observe people's every move, and over time, they will understand human nature, understand people's words, imitate people's behavior, and even do some strange things, in other words, they will become refined.

Today I want to tell the story of an old dog becoming a sperm, the story should start from more than thirty years ago, when there was a man named Han Laosan in the west of our village, his parents died when he was young, there were four brothers in the family, the eldest brother and the second brother were starved to death in the famine year, leaving him and the fourth elder to rely on each other for their lives.

Later, the fourth old got married, the two brothers separated the family, Han Laosan was alone, probably felt that the family was deserted, so he raised a soil dog, the earth dog grew very strong and powerful, like a wolf dog, Han Laosan idled and took the soil dog to the field to catch rabbits, caught a person and a dog to improve the diet, this dog can be said to be for Han Laosan to fill the stomach and make a great contribution.

Han Laosan was too good to say anything about this dog, but as long as he had a bite to eat, he would never be hungry for the dog, and one person and one dog had lived together for seven or eight years, when life gradually improved, and there was no need to worry about eating and drinking. And the earth dog is also old, the hair on the body has become white, and in some places the hair has fallen bald, Han Laosan will tie it to the door of the house for him to watch, and occasionally take it to the street to hang out.

At that time, the old fourth family had two babies, it was two brothers and sisters, the younger brother was called Huzi, about seven or eight years old, often ran to Han Laosan's house to play, Han Laosan was also very fond of this nephew, and there was something delicious in the family to keep for him.

But the child, and it is the age of seven-year-old and eight-year-old dogs, more naughty, once the tiger ran to Han Laosan's house to play, saw the old dog was lying on the ground sleeping, went forward and kicked.

The old dog was kicked for no reason, and he wanted to bite people when he got up, but fortunately there was a chain tied, and the old dog could not break free, but could only bark at the tiger.

The tiger was startled at first, and then saw that the old dog could not break free, and then came hard again, pointing at the dog and saying that when the New Year came, he would let the uncle (uncle) slaughter you and eat meat.

After he said this, he saw that the old dog was stunned for a moment, and then he did not bark, and slipped into the nest.

The tiger was triumphant, and scolded the stinky dog a few more times before entering the house.

Since then, every time the tiger comes to see the old dog, he says that he will stew dog meat to eat when he waits for the New Year, and the old dog does not dare to bark at the tiger, but the tiger's eyes are getting colder and colder. After another period of time, near the end of the year, the old dog seemed to be restless, did not eat much, and went back and forth in circles in front of the nest all day.

Han Laosan thought it was sick, so he boiled a few eggs for it, and he didn't eat it.

A flash to the twenty-third day of the Waxing Moon, this day is a small year, but also the day of the temple fair in the county, the fourth made some mountain goods to sell at the temple fair, to stay there for a few days, he handed over the two babies in the family to Han Laosan to take care of, Han Laosan also promised to come down, and took the two children to his home, but what he did not expect was that the child had an accident on the first day after he arrived at his home.

That night, the two children of the old four families lived in the West House, in the middle of the night, Huzi's sister vaguely heard a knock on the door outside the door, the sound was very strange, ordinary people knock on the door is knocking three times in a row, and the knocking is irregular, light and heavy, like a drunk person.

Tiger Zi's sister slept confusedly, and did not care, and after a while, the knock on the door became more and more urgent, and there was also a coughing sound, similar to Han Laosan's cough, but the voice was slightly lowered, a little awkward, as if the voice was deliberately coughed out.

Han Laosan has tracheitis, so he coughs often, Tiger Zi's sister sleeps confusedly, only when the uncle is knocking on the door, he got up to open the door, opened the door to see, but there was no one outside, it was dark outside, so she couldn't help but be a little scared, hurriedly closed the door again.

Not long after lying in the bed, half asleep and half awake, there was a knock on the door again, one after another, the noisy people could not sleep, the tiger's sister was sleepy at this time, she did not care, after a while, she vaguely heard her brother get out of bed to open the door, the knock on the door immediately disappeared, she fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Han Laosan got up early in the morning, wanted to go to the market to buy some New Year goods, by the way to buy some delicious food for the two children, but went out to see the old dog's body wet, the dog's legs still have mud, it felt very strange, this day there was no rain, where is the water on the dog!

He looked at the old dog carefully, saw that the rope ring around its neck was loose, loose and collapsed, wondering if the old dog had sneaked out at night, and felt that it was unlikely, could this dog still put the rope ring on his own after he returned?

Thinking of this, Han Laosan himself smiled, although he didn't know what was going on, but he didn't care, and used a cloth to dry the water on the old dog's body, so as not to make it cold.

But when wiping the water on the dog, Han Laosan felt that something was wrong, the old dog wagged his tail, bowed his head, and his eyes kept dodging, like a child who had done something wrong, which made him have some doubts in his heart, and he didn't know what was wrong with the old dog today.

Just thinking about it, suddenly Tiger Zi's sister came out of the house in a panic, crying and saying that Tiger Zi was gone.

Han Laosan was taken aback, asked her not to cry, and said slowly, Huzi's sister told what happened last night, Han Laosan felt that this matter was strange after listening to it, he went to bed early last night, slept until dawn, where to knock on the children's doors!

Who is knocking on the door? Han Laosan couldn't think of any clue at one and a half o'clock, so he went out to find the tiger first, looked around the village, and found nothing, at this time the villagers also heard that the tiger was gone, and they helped to find it, until the afternoon, only then did someone find the tiger's body by the river east of the village.

The tiger was covered in blood, and the bitten ones were no longer humanoid, lying alone in the cold river water, Han Laosan cried on the spot after seeing it, holding the tiger and walking home, stumbling away.

Later, a villager found the footprints of a dog by the river and told Han Laosan about this matter, and Han Laosan remembered the abnormal look of the old dog that day, as well as the wet body and the mud on his legs, which made him understand that it was this beast who killed the tiger.

The tiger used to scold the old dog, and he was taking revenge! Although Han Laosan felt unbelievable and horrified by the old dog's behavior, in anger, he still beat the old dog to death with a stick, and the old dog barked very miserably when he died, but he did not bite Han Laosan from beginning to end.

Some people in the village said that the old dog of the Han Laosan family has become a sperm, but the animal has become a sperm, although it understands people's words and will imitate some of people's actions, but after all, it is still a beast, does not understand people's hearts, does not know human nature, does not know the truth and falsehood of words, and hears the tiger say that he wants to eat dog meat at the end of the year, believe it to be true, and only then will he have a harmful heart and cause a great disaster.


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