
"Long Wen Xiang Xian" healer Ren Xin Cai Chao Chu

"Long Wen Xiang Xian" healer Ren Xin Cai Chao Chu

The former residence of Cai Zhuchan, the eldest son of Cai Chaochu and a national industrialist.

Cai Chaochu (1877-1937), also known as Shu San, nicknamed Liu'an, was a native of Cai Ban Village, Lantian Town, Longwen District. The young man was intelligent and studious, twenty-year-old disciple of the doctor, xuantong first year (1909), the first place in the examination of bayuan, the beijing examination of Jiangxi County, he did not go, since he became a school teacher, founded Zhangzhou Daidong Primary School (now Yuekou Primary School) and served as the principal. Chao chu also served as the president of the Longxi County Chamber of Commerce, and later changed to a medical career.

  Chao Chujia concentrated on the study of medicine, and all the books of "Nei", "Difficulty", "Typhoid Fever", "Jin Kui" and the works of famous artists of all generations were well read, and the study of the "Jin Kui" and the teachings of Dongyuan, Danxi, and Jingyue was quite accomplished. He is good at using the "Golden Kui" Jing Fang, using traditional Chinese medicine to treat the strange and complicated diseases of internal medicine, relatives and friends, always ask him for diagnosis and treatment, serious illnesses are not getting better, and his reputation is great. Once, when the beginning of the tide coincided with the eldest son Cai Zhuchan's serious illness, he prescribed medicines by himself, and the condition did not alleviate, so he quickly invited Ye Bin, a well-known Chinese medicine doctor at that time, to come to the clinic (Ye Bin, the grandfather of the Qing Dynasty). Ye Bin accepted chaochu's invitation for consultation, entered the door to see the prescription that had been taken, then observed the patient, set off to leave, and said to chaochu: "Your prescription is correct." "At the beginning of the tide, we sent each other with heavy gifts. As soon as Ye Bin returned home in a sedan car, he sent someone to send a magic recipe, and Zhu Zen took medicine to turn the crisis into safety. At the beginning of the tide, he asked Ye Bin to follow up, and after Ye Bin's diagnosis, he ordered: "You don't have to look for me, you can prescribe it yourself." After this incident, Chao Chu explored the medical technique more deeply, and was determined to use medicine to save the world, hanging pot Zhangcheng East Wing, and practicing medicine diligently. He has always taken it as his duty to relieve the pain of patients, to facilitate medical treatment, whether it is high-ranking officials and nobles, or ordinary people, they are treated equally. His medical ethics and medical style are well-known and praised by the masses.

  One day, Chao chu went to Nanmen Shan Lane to visit his returned overseas Chinese friend Chen Zhenchuan, saw his family moving the dying girl to a broken house, Chao Chu asked Zhen Chuan to let him take a look, and then opened a prescription. The next day, the sick child is relieved of his unconscious state, and then, he continues to take the medicine until he recovers his health.

  Cai Chao initially treated diseases, gambled on the strengths, fine diagnosis and treatment, never scrupulously, examined the causes of the symptoms, prescribed the right medicine, also attached importance to the examination of the prescription, and the temporary medication was more ingenious, so the efficacy was remarkable; in the case of incurable diseases, it must be carefully studied, diligently sought ancient training, or discussed the treatment recipe with the same path, and achieved a more satisfactory curative effect. Once, the son of a bridal shop carpenter (more than ten years old) fainted on the ground in the heat, received two injections from Western medicine, and then mute his mouth and was in a coma for five or six days. When his life is in danger, he will continue to ask Chao for initial diagnosis and treatment. Chao initially diagnosed its pulse sinking number, looked at its tongue red, asked it to drown short, the disease was a summer fever hurt the brain, stasis blood coagulation, so it was added or subtracted with "Qingrong soup". Because of the many expensive drugs in the formula, the carpenter's parents had no money to renew the treatment, did not collect the consultation fee at the beginning of the tide, tried their best to treat it, and after several doses were renewed and the sick child was saved, and then sent to Beijing Tongrentang Angong Niuhuang Pill was completely healed.

  Cai Chaochu treated many patients every day, he did not care about remuneration, and when there were poor patients, they all gave medicine to the doctors and medicines. Sometimes when he saw the patient taking a good prescription in his hand and frowning when he had no money to buy the medicine, he either donated money to buy medicine for the patient, or introduced the patient to the "Renruitang" to grab the medicine first, saying that he would record his account, and then pay by him. He provided free medical treatments for the poor, paid for the medicines, praised the people of the times, and showed mercy to the widows and orphans in the world.

  When Cai Chaochu was practicing medicine, the head of the scholar sought the prescription, and there was a volume of the "Collection of Prescriptions", which recorded many rare recipes.

  Cai Chaochu carefully studied medicine, summed up experience from practice, and became one of the famous doctors in Zhangzhou at that time; he helped the world to save the poor, free diagnosis and medicine delivery, which was praised by the county people, and could really be described as a good doctor with both medical ethics and medical skills.

  This material is based on Cai Chaochu in the "Zhangzhou Literature and History Data; The 18th Issue of "Anecdotes of Famous Chinese Medicine Cai Chaochu" and the ninth series of "Zhangzhou Qiancheng Literature and History Materials" "Three Doctors in the East Compartment of Qiancheng"

  Shang Zhou perforated stone ge

  Shang Zhou perforated stone ge length 35 cm, diaphragm width 6.5 cm, inner length 9.5 cm, width 5.5 cm, thickness 0.7 cm, piercing diameter 1 cm, light gray stone; another body length 32.5 cm, diaphragm width 7 cm, inner length 9 cm, width 6 cm, thickness 0.7 cm, wearing diameter 1 cm, gray-brown stone. The above two are pointed leaf-shaped, thin, flattened waxy, ridged, sharp forward, rectangular inside, one wear. In 1966, Longhai Buwen Pukou Village (now Pukou Village, Chaoyang Town, Longwen District) was excavated and collected in the Longhai Museum.

  Excerpt from Zhangzhou Cultural Chronicle, No. 475

Source: Longwen News Network

Remarks: The copyright belongs to the original author, if you have any questions, please contact us in time

Editor: Hong Tingting

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"Long Wen Xiang Xian" healer Ren Xin Cai Chao Chu