
A person's poetry: Xiao Niang, Xie Niang, Qiu Niang, Crisp Niang, wu Niang in the poems are all who they are

author:Also thoughtful

1. Autumn Niang. Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing" "Qu Tu once taught good people to dress, makeup into every Qiu Niang jealousy", the so-called Qiu Niang, the common name of the Tang Dynasty singers and prostitutes, occasionally extended to a woman with a delicate face who is good at singing and dancing. Similar verses include Yuan Haoqing "Partridge Heaven" "Lou TingLu female petite, wandering Qiu Niang is thin." ”

If in a poem this "autumn lady" is related to aging, then this autumn lady becomes an old and decaying woman. For example, Fang Yue's "Magnolia Slow" has the sentence "Tomorrow's begonias are still old, and the spring wind is not old Autumn Niang", and There is also Shi Jin's poem "Qiu Niang is old and windy, and her arms are hanging on a wisp of yarn." ”

If it is a poem of the Ancients, then this Qiu Niang refers to Du Qiu Niang, who was originally a concubine of Li Zheng, who was captured in rebellion, and Qiu Niang entered the palace and was favored by Tang Xianzong, and was later implicated in political struggles and returned to her hometown. Du Mu once made "Du Qiu Niang Poems" for him, which has the sentence "Because of pouring a bottle of wine, the inscription is Du Qiu Poems".

Second, crispy lady. Refers to a beautiful woman with delicate and smooth skin. For example, Liu Yong's "Magnolia Flower" "Crispy Niang squeezed her waist and limbs." Back to the snow and dust are all wonderful", Su Dongpo's noun "Dingfeng Bo" has the sentence "often envy the world's Jade Lang, Tianying Begging and PointIng Crispy Lady", which can also be understood as a praise for gentle and beautiful women. Thanks to the reply of the "ZhikeShi", let me find that my assertion is wrong, the dot crispy lady in the Dongpo word, not "dot ~ crispy niang" but "dot crisp ~ niang", originally described as a clever mind, here should be described as its heart and wisdom, here, to the "zhike master" to say thank you. Otherwise, the face is disgraced!

Three, Rose Lady. Referring to the woman who reels the silk, see dongpo word "Huan Xi Sha" "fence Jiaoyu Luosi Niang." ”

Fourth, Wu Niang, originally referred to a singer named Wu Erniang, who once wrote a song lyric "Twilight Rain Xiao Xiao Lang Does Not Return", which was later written by Bai Juyi in "Sending Yin XieLu", and later referred to a singer who was good at composing music. Ouyang Xiu's "Fisherman's Pride" has "Wu Niang's tempering of the waist and limbs", and Su Dongpo's "Will Double Bamboo Mat on the Answer" also has "Plum Blossom Society Yan difficult to merge, Mo for Wu Niang's dark tears." " sentence.

Fifth, ZhenNiang, a famous prostitute in Wuzhong. At that time, people compared her to Su Xiaoxiao, a famous prostitute in Qiantang, and was buried near the Wu Palace after her death, which later attracted many literati to write poems. For example, Bai Juyi's "True Niang's Tomb" "does not know the true niang in the mirror, only sees the true niang tomb head grass." For example, Su Dongpo's "Ciyun Wang Zhongyu" "The messengers of the wind and currents compete to see, and they know that there is a real lady standing on the side of the road." ”

Sixth, the Red Lady, originally known as the "Tale of the West Chamber" (formerly known as Yuan Shu's "Tale of the Warbler"), Xiao Ke also liked the verses in it. This was my negligence. Thanks azteco for your reply, thank you! The close-fitting ring of the middle cui warbler matches them. Later, it was extended to the person who promoted the marriage of others. For example, Liu Kezhuang's "Man Jiang Hong" "Who can wait for the red lady under the moon and pass on the sound of breath", such as Qin Shaoyou's "Laughing Order" "The red lady is sent to the clouds late at night, and the sleepy man is crossed by the golden phoenix." ”

Seven, Bean Lady, this is not a character, originally refers to an insect, feeding on small insects. Later, it also referred to a kind of ornament used to ward off evil spirits in the Dragon Boat Festival, mostly woven with wormwood or artemisia grass, tied to the body. For example, the anonymous "Ruan Lang Gui" "The slave is a bean girl." It's timely. For example, Miao Gong'en's "Mourning the Dead" has "leaning on the pillow to support the production of bean maidens, and the weak lines of the five texts are rotten and light." " sentence.

Eighth, Wei Niang, that is, Du Wei Niang. Originally a famous singer and prostitute in the Tang Dynasty. Liu Yuxi once wrote a poem to give "Jiyun Gui Gong like makeup, spring wind a song Du Wei Niang." Later, it was extended as a synonym for a prostitute. For example, Chen Shidao's "Bodhisattva Man" "A song Du Wei Niang." The intestines were cut off in vain. "Like Zhou Duanchen" Wei Niang went to the west wind after the old, full of yellow flowers and autumn. ”

Nine, Shu Niang, Qin Niang. Generally refers to singers. See Huang Tingjian's "Qing Ping Le" "Shu Niang Man Dot Flower Crisp." The wine trough is empty dripping with pearls. For example, He Zhu's "Luo Shi Song" "Twelve Qinglou." The most number of Qin Niang first-class. ”

Ten, Xie Niang, if it is to describe Cai xue, then it refers to Wang Ning's wife Xie Daoyun. For example, Han Hong's "Send Li Sheren" "Inherit Yan Lu Lang to go, and join hands with Xie Nianggui." For example, Zhu Shuzhen's "Spring Tour to the West Garden" "Butterfly Doubt Zhuang Dreams, Remember Xie Nianglian." ”

Another identity of "Xie Niang" is Xie Qiuniang, whose identity is that of a singer and prostitute. Later, the term Xie Niang referred to singers and prostitutes. For example, Wei Zhuang's "Huan Xi Sha" "Lonely lamp illuminates the wall back window screen, small building high pavilion Xie Niang's home", such as Yan Shu's "Fisherman's Pride" "Who summons Xie Niang to pour fine wine." Dancing sleeves. ”

Eleven, Xiao Niang, originally referred to Xiao Hong, the brother of Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu, in the "History of the South" recorded that he had a handsome face and a weak temperament, when he was ordered to attack the enemy, as a result, he heard that the enemy reinforcements were coming, so he did not dare to march again, and the enemy made a song to make fun of him and should be called Xiao Niang, "Not afraid of Xiao Niang and Lü Yao, but afraid of Hefei has Wei Wu", over time, Xiao Niang and Xiao Lang together became synonymous with the man loved by the woman and the woman loved by the man. At the same time, it can also refer to a beautiful woman in the general sense. For example, Yan Shu's "Qiu Ruixiang" "Xiao Niang's face is difficult to overcome tears, and the peach leaf brow is easy to worry." For example, Xu Ning's "Remembering Yangzhou" "Xiao Niang's face is difficult to overcome tears, and peach leaf brows are easy to worry." ”

Twelve, Xu Niang. Originally referred to Xu Zhaopei, the concubine of Emperor Yuan of Southern Liang. In the "History of the South", it is recorded that she was "old and still affectionate", and later referred to a beautiful middle-aged woman whose charm still existed. It extends into an idiom "Xu Niang is half old". For example, Li Qingzhao's "Dori" "Han Ling steals incense, Xu Niang Fu fan, Mo will be compared to not novel." For example, Liu Yuxi's "Dreaming of Yangzhou Le Prostitutes and Poems" "Flowers make Chan Juan yu as makeup, and the wind flows like the old Xu Niang." ”

Thirteen, Tai Niang, the name of a prostitute in the Tang Dynasty. Liu Yuxi once made a "Tai Niang Song" that has a sentence that reads, "Tai Niang's family is in the west of the Gate, and the green water in front of the door rings the golden causeway". Because there was the word "Zhangmen", it later referred to Wu Dige as a prostitute. For example, In Jiang Jie's "Red Cherry, Green Plantain" noun "A Cut of Plum", there is "Qiu Niang Du and Tai Niang Bridge, the wind is fluttering, the rain is xiao Xiao." " sentence. For example, Su Dongpo's "Suzhou Luqiu Jiangjun" also has "summoning a boat ferry to welcome the autumn girl, and asking Tai Niang by the side of the Ma Bridge." ”

Fourteen, Yue Niang, originally referred to Xi Shi. For example, Yang Wuchai's "Southern Songzi" "Poor man imitates Yue Niangyi." For the sake of asking oh imitation, several times true. "Later a beautiful woman in Jiangnan Water Town. For example, Zhang Yi's "Water Dragon Yin" "By the side of Xizi Lake, on the Boat of Yue Niang, I remember the same harvest." For example, Liu Zhuo's "Spring City Song" "The flower looks more than the woman in autumn and the sideburns are thin, and the moth eyebrows learn to paint in the first three months." ”

Fifteen, Liu Niang, because Su Dongpo's "Titled Scarf Absolute Sentence" has the sentence "Make Yu Jiaozi smile At Liu Niang", so Xiao Du is The wife of Liu Shilong (music everyone) Yan Shi. And there is also Chen Yunping's "Huan Xi Sha" "do not marry Dongfeng Su Xiao hate, not full moon Liu Niang sad" as circumstantial evidence. Another: The ancients often used willow to describe a woman's delicate figure, so the small suspicious also refers to a slender young woman. Or a fresh little girl, such as Yang Weizhen's "Wuxia Bamboo Branch Song", "I don't believe that Liu Niang is not married, and the pearl is long and the palace is red." (Liu Yuxi bamboo branch words?) There is also the Qing Dynasty poet Yao Xie's "Shuying" with "Ask Liu Niang, Xiao Li Luan comb, a few traces of smoke at the bottom of the sideburns." ”

Sixteen, silkworm lady, the woman who raises silkworms. For example, guan xiu "Spring Festival Gala Book Mountain House Wall" "Silkworm lady washes the cocoon before the creek, shepherd boy plays the flute and clothes bath." For example, Shi Yanzhang's "Silkworm Lady" "Hua Lantern White Porridge Chen Pepper Pulp, Tian Family Daughter Silkworm Lady", such as Xu Hun's "Sending Room Thousand Miles" "Spring Wind White Horse Purple Silk Reins, just when the Silkworm Lady is not picking mulberry." ”

Seventeen, Jia Niang, that is, Han Shou's wife Jia Wu. That is, the Jia clan in Li Shangyin's "Untitled" in "Jia Shi Peeping Curtain Han Shuo Shao, Concubine Mi Left Pillow Wei Wang Cai", see Xiao Ke's other "Various Lang" article. Related poems include Yang Chenyuan's "Alone Not Seen" "Incense Transmission Jia Niang's Hand, Powder Away from He Lang Noodles." ”

Eighteen, Wei Niang. That is, Wei Zifu. She was liked by Emperor Wu of Han because of her beautiful hair, and later extended her beautiful hair. For example, Li He's "Hao Ge" "Leaks water and throats jade toads, and Wei Niang's hair is thin and can't be combed." For example, Shen Has always been "Chu Gong Zi" "Yang Concubine's teeth are jade fish fresh, and Wei Niang's sideburns are thin and golden luan is small." ”